HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-03-19, Page 9Rev. Hobden speaks of new life
Greetings worshippers at Knox
United Church, Belgrave on
Sunday, March 16 were Kim and
Gary McArtcr and family.
Rev. Mary Jane Hobden wel
comed everyone on a crisp and
calm morning, after a blustery,
snowy day on Saturday.
For song-time the congregation
sang Spirit, Spirit, of Gentleness
and How Great Thou Art, followed
by the Call to Worship, Prayer of
Approach and the Prayer of of
Confession in unison. The hymn of
Praise was There is a Green Hill.
The Hebrew scriptures were
taken from Jeremiah 31: 31-34.
Before the children's story, the
congregation joined in singing
Children of the Heavenly Father.
The children gathered in the front
pew and Rev. Hobden continued on
with "The Rainbow Grows". She
added the word questions and the
colour orange and asked the
children if they ever ask a question
and maybe not get an answer.
People ask Jesus questions, she
said, and Jesus asked God
Family gathers for baptism
Stacey Hallahan, infant daughter
of Kent and Julie Hallahan, was
baptized on Sunday, March 9 at
Sacred Heart Church in Wingham.
Godparents are Christine Hallahan
and Bill Gulutzen.
Grandparents attending the
baptismal were Ron and Ella Shaw
of Wingham, Bill and Marguerite
Hallahan of Blyth. Other friends
and relatives also attended the
12:30 p.m. ceremony. Luncheon
followed at the Hallahan home.
Teressa and Stanley Jones have
returned home after travelling by
bus to Washington and Myrtle
Beach touring Kentucky Horse
Farms, as well as other interesting
Margaret Wide and Kimberly
and Trevor of Hamilton visited for
a couple of days last week at the
home of Garner and Alice
Colleen Irwin, Adam, Abby, and
Alex of Port Carling spent a few
days over the March Break at Betty
Ashley Irwin of Ashfield Twp.
spent a week's holidays in the
March Break at her grandmother's
Hullett council
It was budget time for Hullett
Twp. council as they considered
several at the March 4 meeting.
The budgets for Blyth and Dis
trict Community Centre and Blyth-
Hullett Landfill Site, with Hullett's
share set at $17,373.60 and
$21,040.50, respectively, were
Councillors would not accept the
Clinton Fire Area Board budget
until phrases dealing with assess
ment arc removed.
A bylaw amending the zoning
symbol for Part Lot 12, Cone. 11,
from General Agriculture (AG1) to
Agriculture Small Holding-special
Provisions (AG4-8), was passed.
Councillor David Armstrong
declared a conflict of interest
before the motion was considered.
Council accepted a quote from
Bluewater Office Equipment to
supply a photocopier at a monthly
rental fee of $150, plus taxes and
service contract, for the year.
Accounts totalling $87,559.73
were approved for payment.
questions. "God likes us to ask
questions and understand what is
going on. Are we doing what God
wants us to?"
Questions, she said, will help
them to remember, choices,
promises, forgiveness.
After the children's prayer the
children adjourned to Sunday
Psalm selection was Psalm 51:1-
12 and the Gospel lesson was taken
from John 12; 20-33.
The hymn before the sermon was
When I Survey. The sermon
followed the theme of the children's
story. People must ask themselves,
what in their lives must they
change in order that a new spirit
will be bom in them. Rev. Hobden
said spring is a sign of new life and
new beginnings.
Jeremiah told the people that
each one would die for their sins.
The good news was the news of a
covenant that God would forgive
the people's sins if they prayed and
asked for forgiveness. The cup is
the new covenant made in Christ.
Betty Irwin.
A ham/turkey bingo will be held
on Tuesday, March 25 at the
Women's Institute Hall in Belgrave.
Doors open at 7 p.m. with the
bingo starting at 7:30 p.m. This is
being sponsored by the Grade 8
EWPS students.
Candace Chaffe is the new
welcome wagon hostess for brides-
to-be, new babies, and new people
moving into the community.
Contact Candace at 357-1979. This
is for Wingham, Belgrave, Blue
vale and the Whitechurch area.
Newcomers to the village of
Belgrave who would like to have
an introduction written in the Blyth
or Wingham paper call Linda
Campbell at 357-2188. Il would be
an ideal way of helping people get
to know you.
On Wednesday, March 26 there
is a Christian Education Committee
meeting in the basement of Knox
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Exercising the mind
After filling up on roast beef and all the trimmings, dozens
of people enjoyed games of euchre at Duff's United
Church, Walton. The March 12 event was put on by the
Joyce Vincent and Tracy
Robinson look up the offering,
followed by the offertory song All
1'hat I am.
Candace Chaffc and Kendra
Hopper were in charge of the
Following The Lord's Prayer, the
closing hymn was O Jesus 1 Have
Promised and the commissioning
three fold amen "Go Now In
Peace" brought the morning
worship to a close. After the
singing of grace, chosen by
Elizabeth Procter, the congregation
adjourned downstairs for lunch and
a social lime.
Anyone having pictures of
church activities, or if they take any
in the near future, let Rev. Hobden
know. These could be used in the
church directory. Newsletter items
are to be to Rev. Hobden by
Sunday, March 30.
The Calvin Brick UCW is
meeting at the home of Betty Ross
at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18.
Bill Coultcs will be speaking and
showing slides from his trip to
United Church at 7:30 p.m.
Interested Sunday School teachers
are invited to attend.
Congratulations to Jack and
Mary Taylor who celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary on
Saturday, March 15. An open
house was held at the Belgrave
Community Centre in the afternoon
from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Taylor families attending the
celebration came from Ripley, New
Hamburg, Toronto, Mitchell, St.
John's, Newfoundland, London and
After the open house a delicious
family dinner was held in the Knox
United Church basement with the
United Church Women catering to
Ron Taylor of St. John's,
Newfoundland spent two weeks
holidays at his parent's Jack and
Mary Taylor and visited with
relatives and friends.
B elgraveThe news from
Compiled by Linda Campbell Phone 357-2188
32 play games of shoot
at community centre
The seniors bowling scores for
Wednesday, March 12 were:
George Michie, 153, 103, 134; Ken
Saxton, 168, 163, 203; Bob
Corbert, 175, 148, 131; Laura
Johnston, 97, 175; Mabel Wheeler,
167, 148; Ivy Cloakey, 139, 143;
Louise Bosman, 134, 157; Doris
Michie, 135, 138; Judy Gaunt, 147,
119; Evelyn Galbraith, 145, 114.
Euchre was held at the Women's
Institute Hall on Wednesday,
March 12.
Winners were: high lady, Audrey
Edgar; second high lady, Edith
Coultes; lone hands, Louise
Bosman; low lady, Agnes Bieman;
high man, Kay McCormick; second
high man, Bob Grasby; lone hands,
Harvey Edgar; low man, Doug
There will be euchre again on
Wednesday, March 19 at 8 p.m.
There were eight tables of shoot
in play at the Belgrave Community
Centre on Friday, March 14.
Winners were: high lady, Lois
Do snakes have eyelashes?
As a matter of fact, snakes don't
have eyelashes; they don't even
have eyelids! So, what keeps their
eyes from getting dirty as they
slither around in the sand? Snakes
have see-through scales called
spectacles, which are like windows
covering their eyes. That's why
they look as if they're trying to
hypnotize us - they can't blink! So,
when snakes shed their skin, they
shed their spectacles at the same
Chamney; second high lady, Laura
Johnston; most shoots, Doris
Michie; low lady, Agnes Bieman;
high man, Dennis Leddy; second
high man, Gordon Bosman; most
shoots, Harvey Edgar; low man,
George Michie.
The next shoot party will be on
Friday, April 11 at 1:30 p.m.
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