HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-02-12, Page 21THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1997 PAGE 21. -RATES- 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 50e will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 |Q ARTICLES FOR SALE IB BIRTHS CARD OF THANKS ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT DOWNTOWN BLYTH - NEW inside and out, 3 bedroom home, 2 baths, new large deck, parking, new gas furnace and hot water. Avail­ able March 1. $550 plus utilities. Phone 887-9007. 06-tfn GREAT STARTER OR RETIRE- ment home, 1981 Northlander single-wide mobile home 14' x 64' with 8' x 12' addition and 10' x 11' covered deck, 2 br. fridge, stove, washer, dryer and AC, new vinyl windows. Call 523-4356 days, 523- 4857 p.m. and weekends. Must see to appreciate. 06-4 TWO WOODEN HIGH CHAIRS, one with tray. Best offer. Phone 887-9250. 06-lp 30 INCH INGLIS RANGE, almond in colour, good condition. Phone 887-6568. 06-1 1985 YAMAHA SRV - 540 hand and thumb warmers, 6,000 km. good shape $1,950 OBO. Phone 519-887-9817. 06-2 161 JAMES ST., CLINTON - new two bedroom, quiet 4-plex, controlled entry, 4 appliances, laundry facilities available, ideal for seniors, $450.00 monthly plus utilities. 519-685-2264. 06-2 NEWLY DECORATED APART- ment. Your choice, upper or lower, large living room, country kitchen, 2 bedroom, Auburn. $350 plus utilities. Call 526-7355. 05-tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, fridge, stove, heat and hydro, Cranbrook/Ethel area. Phone 887- 6692. 45-tfn RED POTATOES. CALL LARRY Blake 529-3418, Jack Wilkins 395- 5693, or Glen Lamb 524-1414 anytime. 06-3b POLARIS INDY LITE 340 TWIN, new track and shocks. Phone 523- 9771. 06-1 HOME KNIT BABY SWEATER sets, good selection. Also we do almost any type of alterations on clothes, plus patching and seams. Contact Dorothy Govier, Londes- boro, Ont. 523-4562. 05-2p APARTMENT FOR RENT IN Brussels, 2 bedroom, $400/month plus hydro. Phone 1-519-229-8958. 28-tfn FIREWOOD - STORED INSIDE, hardwood, $40/cord picked up. Phone Hermann at 526-7292. 05-3p THREE BEDROOM SEMI, IN Blyth, large yard, good parking, nicely decorated. Available now. Phone 887-9007. 49-tfn 3? HtAia KXlMiAliUM DID YOU KNOW? - That 65,000 Ontarians are heart and stroke volun­ teers? A AUCTION SALES TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in Blyth, stove, fridge, utilities included. References. Phone 482- 9371. 31-tfn ONE BEDROOM FARMHOUSE, nicely decorated, close to Brussels, $450/month plus utilities. 887- 9867. 06-2 ♦ ♦ ANNOUNCEMENTS BLYTH MINOR HOCKEY '97 Raffle Winners for February - Grand View Restaurant $100 gas voucher - Lynn Chalmers, Blyth; Blyth Decor Shoppe, $50 cash, Ron and Jane Plunkett, Bayfield. 06-1 ARTICLES FOR SALE $679.00 18" DISH INCLUDES FREE programming extended to February 28/97 ($350.00 value). L & A Southwest Satellite and Antenna can fill all your satellite and antenna needs. 524-9595. 48-tfn 1988 SAFARI 377 NEW TRACK, new hood - $1500.00, 887-6174. 06-1 AUCTION SALES FINCH. Cam and Shivon are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their son, Keaton James Cameron, bom January 22, 1997 at 1:11 a.m. at St. Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia. He weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz. Proud grandparents are Lyle and Yvonne Youngblut of Blyth, Allan and Carol Finch of Clinton and great-grandparents are Ray and Cleta Finch of Clinton. 06-lp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RAISE CHINCHILLAS AS A profitable full or part-time busi­ ness. We provide graded animals, supplies, market, financing. Excellent tax benefits available, Canadian Chinchilla, P.O. Box 1684, St. Marys, Ont. N4X 1C1. 519-229-6117. 06-2 TURNER. The family of the late Robert Turner (Bob)/ wish to express their sincere thanks to all who were involved in Dad's care over the past few years. Special thanks to Margaret, Joyce, Pat, Nellie, Tony, Marg, Charlotte, Marion and Shirley for their loving care every day; to Dr. Wallace and Maggie for their many home visits. Thanks to the South Huron Hospital staff for their gentle care. A special thank you to Rev. Sandy for the memorial services which reflected our father so well; the Ladies of Trinity for the gathering after the service. Many thanks to our friends and neighbours for the flowers, plants and treats sent to our homes. God Bless You All. - Sincerely, Gayle and Phil and families. 06-1 c CARD OF THANKS BRIAN RINTOUL Auction Calendar Sat., March 8 David (D A.) & Evelyn Hackett Ashfield Twp. Sat., March 15 Grant & Audrey Johnston West Wawanosh Twp. Sat., March 22 David Marks Morris Twp. Sat., April 5 Jim MacTavish Huron Twp. Wed., April 9 Harold Elliott Ashfield Twp. Sat., April 12 Carl Bet Farms Ltd. Carl & Betty Hooey Huron Twp. Sat., April 19 Stanley Farm Equipment Consignment Kitchener Stock Yards (Olex) Every Tues. & Thurs. Brussels Livestock every Friday RR #3 Wingham 357-2349 AUCTION SALE to be held at Richard Lobb’s Auction Building In Clinton, contents of Auburn home plus additions. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 AT 9 A.M. RIDING MOWER: Canadian Park 2002 1 2E articulating mower. APPLIANCES: 2 chest freezers, microwave, 3 colour TV’s, air conditioner, dehumidifier, humidifiers, Kirby vacuum cleaner 1994 cost $1750. COINS: Approx. 50 lots of various coins. FURNITURE, ETC.: 2 electric organs, old lift top desk, antique cabinet, treadle sewing machine, chests of drawers, bed and mattress trunk, rocking chair, red rose tea box, tools, garden tools, misc, chain saw, extension cords, fishing tackle:, Moorecraft tea pot, Moorecraft ash tray, 6 milk bottles with names, Beaver jar, oil lamp, crocks, dishes, etc., etc., plus many other items. Terms cash or cheque with proper I.D. AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB 519-482-7898 We are accepting additions for this auction. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ,i AN AUCTION SALE of Household effects, tools and miscellaneous items will be held for Mary Redmond and Lois Alton at C. & M. Transport Shed, Inglis Street, Lucknow on Saturday, February 15, 1997 at 11 a.m. (New) fridge, electric stove, sofa bed, iron bed, dresser, coffee table & end tables, lamps, rocking chair, chrome table & chairs, odd chairs, picture frames, linens, dishes, pots & pans, silverware, vacuum cleaner, trail cultivator, Bush Hog mower, trailers, radial arm saw, 3 PH blade, cement mixer, wagon, 1 wheel trailer, chain saw, numerous tools, lumber & steel, quantity of good tools and miscellaneous Items. Plan to attend. Terms cash. For information call auctioneer Brian Rlntoul 357-2349 Not responsible for loss of Items or accidents. KONARSKI. We would like to express a sincere thank you to our family, friends and neighbours for all of the kindnesses shown to us after the tragic loss of our daughter and sister Angela. Thank you for all of the beautiful flowers, plants, cards, food brought to the house, memorial donations and other expressions of sympathy. Thank you to the ambulance attendants, the Clinton Public Hospital and Victoria Hospital in London. Thank you to Rev. Paul Ross for your comforting words and guidance and to the UCW for the lovely lunch served at the church. Thank you also to the Beattie-Falconer Funeral Homes. Your sympathy and understanding in our time of sorrow will always be remembered. Thank you to the staff and students of Central Huron Secondary School for the lovely memorial service. Rachel, Christina and Sandy, you touched many hearts with your loving words in memory of Ange and we thank you dearly. - Rick, Brenda, Jason and Jenn. 06-1 VINCENT. Special thank you to Dr. Hay, Dr. Flowers, nurses and staff of Clinton Public Hospital for their excellent care. Many thanks to my family and friends for remembering me with get well wishes, cards, flowers, phone calls and visits while I was in hospital and since returning home. They're just what the doctors ordered to speed my recovery and brighten the days. - Annie. 06-lp Q COMING EVENTS ANYONE HAVING A BLYTH Rutabaga Festival trophy please drop them off at The Citizen office by February 15. 04-3b MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF Directors of the Clinton Public Hospital are open to the public, and are held on the fourth Monday of each month (except July and August). Meetings are held in the hospital's boardroom, and begin at 7 p.m. Individuals or groups who wish to address the Board or make a presentation must submit a written request at least seven days in advance of the meeting. 06-1 KONARSKI. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our neighbours and friends for your support and expressions of sympathy for the loss of our granddaughter, Angie. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appre­ ciated and will not be forgotten. - Frank and Kay. 06-1 EUCHRE TOURNAMENT, Lohdesboro Hall, Feb. 14, 8 p.m. Admission $5.00, over $100.00 in prizes, lunch provided. Proceeds to hall renovations. 06-lp REBEKAH LODGE WILL HOLD a Valentine Dessert euchre in Brussels Lodge Rooms on Monday, February 17 at 1 p.m. Lots of delicious desserts followed by cards. 06-1 YOUNGBLUTT. The family of the late Agnes Youngblult would like to thank everyone at the Braemar Nursing Home who cared for our Aunt Agnes over the many years and also at Wingham hospital. Thanks to the McBumey Funeral Home and all who sent flowers, visited and memorial donations and cards. Also thanks to Reverend Cathrine Campbell and for the delicious lunch provided by W.M.S. of Belgrave Presbyterian Church. Thanks also to the pallbearers. We appreciate every­ thing you did for us. - The family of Agnes Youngblutt. 06-lp WESTERN STOCKGROWERS Centennial Cattle Drive video to be shown Sunday, Feb. 16 at 2:00 p.m. at the Blyth Masonic Hall banquet room (above clerk's office). Everyone welcome. 06-1 HURON-BRUCE (FEDERAL) Liberal Association Annual General Meeting; Wednesday, February 12, 1997; 7:30 p.m. Lucknow Legion H^ll; Guest Speaker: Paul Steckle, M.P. Huron- Bruce; All Welcome. For informa­ tion: Cyril Gingerich (519) 236- 7524. 05-2