HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1997-02-12, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1997 Wheeler Auto Glass Wingham 357-1270 Improving your odds against Canada’s #1 killer. Auburn Co-op County Rd. #25, Auburn 526-7262 BiU Shortreed Electric 887-9387 McGavin’s Farm Equipment & Farm Supply Walton 887-6365 Scrimgeour’s Food Market Blyth 523-4551 L & B Auto Wreckers & Salvage 887-9499 VEHICLES BOUGHT AND SOLD USED CAR & TRUCK PARTS GENERAL REPAIRS I/2 mile S. of Brussels on Cty. Rd. 12 Blyth Apothecary Blyth 523-4210 Davies Accounting Services Brussels 887-9595 H 3fa bHb hw R <^0 M N » T W I N C R V IC K •it----- Box 100 . Visitng Nursing Betgrave, Ont. • Palliative Core J**’ • Private Duty Nursing 357.3143 Brussels Motors Brussels 887-6173 HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO February is Heart and Stroke Month, a Support the y Heart and Stroke Foundation. Heart Disease and Stroke Still Canada’s #1 Killer Heart disease and stroke continue to be single largest cause of death among Canadian men and women. Recent statistics show that, heart disease and stroke claimed the lives of nearly 79,000 Canadians. The resulting death toll from these diseases is equivalent to losing the entire population of an Ontario city such as Kingston. Few diseases are this widespread - or this deadly. Deaths in Canada in 1994 o ■■■■■■■■■■■■■I Heart disease/stroke 78,573 Ail cancers 58,311 Respiratory diseases 18,342 Accidents, suicide, violence 13,196 ■■I the HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO Reducing the Heart Attack Toll We’re Halfway There Research, health promotion and public edu­ cation funded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation have resulted in amazing progress in heart attack prevention and treat­ ment Since the early 1970s, we’ve helped cut the rate at which Canadians die from heart attack by half. Still, a lot remains to be done to reduce its toll, and improve the quality of life for heart attack survivors. Heart Disease and Stroke Mortality Women’s Lives Equally Threatened Deaths due to Heart Disease & Stroke 1994 Canada Ontario Male Female Male Female Heart Attacks 12,929 9,324 4,582 3j99 Other Ischemic Heart Diseases 11,585 10,337 4,893 4,672 A Population at Risk Healthier Lifestyle is Key Heart and stroke research has shown, time and again, that adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly lower one’s risk of develop­ ing heart disease or stroke. Moreover, it’s never too late to start to reduce your risk, even for those who have been diagnosed with a heart or stroke-related condition. A 1996 Foundation study found that Canadians are not taking adequate measures to protect themselves against these diseases. The Heart and Stroke Foundation Report Card on Canadian Baby Boomers revealed that this aging population group barely makes a pass­ ing grade when it comes to adopting healthi­ er lifestyles. Most alarming, baby boomers are no better at protecting themselves against heart disease and stroke than their counter­ parts of 20 years ago. Are Baby Boomers making the grade? 9 I Other Heart Diseases 5,218 6,119 1,495 1,741 Stroke 6,442 8,864 2,421 3,527 High Blood Pressure 520 817 217 288 11/0 Nutritional, metaboHc and Immunity diseases _____________ ... ' '■ HHHBHHHHHHHHI "J All other causes 33,032 Source: Statistics Canada latest figures; Infant deaths from congenital heart defects not included In heart disease/stroke deaths. Radford Auto Farm and Industrial Parts Ltd. Blyth 523-9681 Brussels 887-9661 George Radford Construction Ltd. Blyth 523-4581 Radford Truck Repair Blyth 523-4581 The Id Will Over 40,000 square feet of leather, wool & sports wear 1 mile south of Blyth Open 7 Days (519)523-4595 para-med K 1 HEALTH SERVICES ...The Sensible Solution! We are the Key to Continued Independence- Featuring such services as: • Homemaking • Nursing • Lifeline Emergency Response System Help is as close as your telephone with Para-med, 24 Hours a Day - 7 Days a Week! For more information call 1-800-463-3158 Percentage of adults who Exercise regularly Don’t smoke Have a healthy weight Have a heaithy blood pressure Have a healthy serum cholesterol level 14,760g4,953J .— 226 167 86 71 Other Circulatory Conditions 3,191 3,227 1,152 1,426 Sub Totals 39,885 38,688 Congenital Heart Defects 1970s 1990s Have acceptable amount F r Heart & Stroke Healthline 1-800-360-1557 In Toronto: 416-631-1557 ^aintoMS Old cMll In Downtown Blyth We boast the best prices for quality made Canadian leather &. wool Open 7 Days (519) 523-4740 C itizen Brussels 887-9114 Fax: 887-9021 Blyth 523-4792 Fax: 523-9140