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For Teens, By Teens
OFF THE WALL Just one minute
Prejudice lives on in local teens
By Erin Roulston
When you watch movies like
Mississippi Burning, The
Chamber, and Philadelphia you
think of how far we've come as a
society. But really, we haven't
gotten anywhere.
Sure, there's no longer lynchings
or burning crosses, but even I am
surprised by the massive amounts
of prejudices alive in the teens of
Huron County.
In my school, as a part of a
parenting class I'm in, each student
has to carry around a "baby" for
one week. My "baby" was a little
black cabbage patch doll that I'd
had since I was a child. I wasn't too
surprised to get a second glance
from passersby; a white girl with a
black kid isn't something you see
every day. I was often asked who
the father was.
But I was appalled and shocked
when one student called the doll a
"c---" and a "n "! And yet
another called it numerous other
racial slurs.
I don't think these boys realized
just what it was they were saying.
By Ashley Gropp
Who's Your Favourite "Friend"?
We've all seen it. We all know
about Monica's obsessive compul-
siveness, Pheobe's ditzyness and
Ross's monkey. A poll was taken of
several area students asking them
who the best character ever to
appear on Friends is.
10. Monica — She is basically
everybody's joke. Her spotless
apartment is the object of
everyone's humour.
9. Joey's stalker — Brooke Shields
played a woman in Joey's building
so obsessed with her favourite soap
opera that she began stalking Joey
during his stint on General
8. Ross — the male half of one of
TV's hottest couples. He gained
status as a sex symbol when he first
kissed Rachel.
7. Rachel — The object of Ross's
love, she is a spoiled, beautiful,
rich girl living on her own in New
York City. She probably is best
known for her trend-setting haircut.
6. Susan — Ross's ex-wife's
girlfriend is constantly coming up
with comebacks and insults. She
If they understood how serious
their words were would they have
said them? I'm sure the first boy
was aware. His voice was angry as
he yelled the words. Or was he just
trying to impress his friends? The
second boy was saying it to mock
me and make me angry. Well it
worked. I was very angry at what
he said. He was not only insulting
the black race, but he was insulting
white people too. It's comments
like his that begin riots and wars.
Homosexuality has been around
since the beginning, but only now
is it becoming an open topic. Just
because it's a fact of life doesn't
mean people accept it.
A friend of mine is the victim of
a vicious rumour. In Grade 9 a
classmate announced that my friend
was gay so she could get a few
laughs. Ever since he has been the
ridicule of the whole school. On
numerous occasions he's been
approached by one of our school's
many delinquents and told "Hey, I
heard you were a fag!" More than
once his property: binders, etc.
have been vandalized with swear
adds humour to some otherwise
tense situations.
5. Joey — The man of many
professions: model, actor. His
reputation is of being the guy
women fall for then wish they
hadn't when he treats them badly.
4. Mr. Heckles — Although his
appearances were short, they
always left you wondering why this
man hadn't been committed to an
institution yet. (The man whose
apartment was below Rachel and
3. Marcel — It was a sad time
when Ross had to say goodbye to
his adorably furry monkey pal
2. Chandler — Consistently
coming up with witty wisecracks
and insulting comments too
impossible to resist, Chandler is
understandably many people's pick
for the best Friend:
1. Phoebe — Could this blond get
any ditzier? Obviously you don't
mind her stupidity (which is so
well timed), or her interesting song
lyrics (think "Snowman song" or
"smelly cat"). You never know
what she's thinking or what the
next thing out of her mouth will be.
words and sexual slander. He's also
been threatened, I've met more than
one person whose said they would
love to beat him up.
My friend isn't gay. He told me
so and I believe him, but it really
doesn't matter. I would still love
him anyway. I wish the rest of the
world would smarten up and realize
that a human is still a human no
matter what their sexual orientation
And I would like to ask you what
kind of person gets their kicks from
insulting another person? How sick
do you have to be to enjoy
degrading and abusing a fellow
human being? We all think of
Adolf Hitler as the most evil man
to exist, but isn't it behaviour like
this that spawns people like him?
This has been a rather depressing
column. It's so devastating to think
that people can be so inhumane.
But on the bright side, maybe there
is a hope. I know in the past we've
had a tough time with this whole
improving the human race thing but
maybe, if open minded people keep
fighting, if the entertainment
industry keeps pumping out its eye
opening movies, if just one person
reads this article and decides to
change, then we will be on our way
to a better world.
By Mark Nonkes
Monday, you were asked to stay
silent for one minute. One minute.
One day of the year, one minute.
What went through your head as
you stood there?
Houses being blown up. Tanks
tracking around. Army drills.
Parachuting. Trenches. Ceaseless
gunshots. Cries of pain. Starvation.
Dictatorship. Kisses goodbye.
Ships sailing across seas. Burning
buildings. Aircrafts buzzing.
Bombs exploding. Hospitals ...
Maybe you only know about the
war because every year you have to
write a legion essay or poem.
Maybe a loved one has told you
about it, or whoever, it is
something so horrible, so traumatic,
something that would change your
life forever.
Imagine going off to a country
you'd never been to before, sailing
across the ocean, and arriving to
fight for the freedom of your
country, for the future generations,
for people's rights.
During World War I and II over
1.7 million Canadians did exactly
that. One hundred and eleven
thousand, five hundred of them
were killed, 111,500 who gave the
ultimate sacrifice, their lives.
Others were wounded and became
prisoners of war. They did this to
protect and preserve the peace we
enjoy today.
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