HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1996-10-23, Page 23I Huron County Health Unit i 0 Perth District Health Unit REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO PROVIDE CONSULTING SERVICES The Boards of Health of the Huron County and Perth District Health Units request proposals from consulting firms to assist in conducting a merger. The majority of assistance provided by the consulting team will be in planning and implementing the merger in the following areas: workplan management, governance, organizational structure/development, labour relations, human resources, finance, system/technology integration, and communications. Boards of Health are required by legislation to provide or ensure the provision of a minimum level of public health programs and services covering the following areas: Healthy Growth and Development; Healthy Lifestyles; Communicable Disease Control; and Healthy Environments. This RFP may be awarded on the basis of individual or a combination of individual components of the professional services identified in the RFP Document. The RFP Document will be available on and after Friday, October 25, 1996 at the following locations: Perth District Health Unit, 653 West Gore St., Stratford, On, N5A 1L4 519-271-7600 Huron County Health Unit R.R.#5 Clinton, On., NOM 1L0 519-524-8394 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of ittuovernment grants and loans. Call 1-800-915-3615. ATTENTION INCOME TAX PREPARERS. NOW is the time to open your own Income Tax Preparation business with U & R Tax Depot. With your knowledge and our proven systems and marketing expertise, you will be a formidable force in your Community. For a Full Franchise Package, contact: U & R Tax Depot. 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CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Next class November 16-22196. Con- tact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537.2115. AN EXCELLENT WAY to save money. Since 1975 stu- dents have been saving money with an INCOME TAX- PREPARATION COURSE from U & R TAX SCHOOLS. Study at home in your spare lime. For FREE BROCHURE, call: 1-800-665-5144, U & R Tax Schools. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home- study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- 267-1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 2684, Ottawa,ON, K1L 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Canada offers cor- respondence courses for the Diploma in Counselling Practise beginning this month. For a brochure phone Toll- free 1-800-665-7044. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. Now is the time to train for your class AZ license. 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Blyth Business Assoc. plans festive events I got an idea Fiona the Fox (aka Anne Elliott) come up with an interesting idea to save the life of her pal, Ralph the Sheep Dog (aka Duncan McGregor) during the performance of New Friends, Old Friends, at Blyth Memorial Hall, Monday afternoon. Children from public schools around the region will attend the play during the week with a matinee performance open to everyone, on Saturday. Scouting year begins THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1996 PAGE 23. Help protect the environment Reduce, reuse and recycle With Christmas just a few weer,s away, the Blyth Business Associa- tion is swinging into high gear to prepare for the season. At the September meeting, Nancy Hakkers reported on the planned promotions. The Lighting of the Lights and Evening Door Crasher Sales will be held Nov. 15. For those needing to stock up on warm food before hitting the shops, a chili supper will be offered at Memorial Hall between 5:30 p.m. The 1996-97 Scouting year has started off in Blyth on a very positive note. Registration numbers are up overall, with most of the boys returning from last year, some new ones joining, and some new leaders starting as well. 1st Blyth Scouting is grateful to their local sponsors, the Blyth Legion, Branch 420, and the Blyth Lions Club. Without their support Scouting may not be active in Blyth. To make good use of the summer weather, and to promote good relations between all facets of scouting and guiding, a 'Welcome Back' campfire was held Sept. 21 at the Benmiller Conservation Area. All sections are now making plans for investiture of new members, for 'Apple Day' on Oct. 26 and for participation in Remembrance Day, Nov. 11. Section programs are geared to the age level and abilities of the boys. Beavers are learning to work in small groups, with stories, songs, crafts and games. Cubs are more active. They have each made a kite, learned about the use of tools, and will make a periscope. They planned their first camp, the Sixer- Seconder for Oct. 18-20. Scouts are putting a lot of what they have learned into good practice. They began the year with a day at Wawanosh Lake, learning canoe strokes and manoeuvres. Then over two weekends some of them hiked the Maitland Trail, from Benmiller to Goderich, and from Auburn to the Boundary Bridge. Rovers are also going to be active this year, Vthough most of their activities will be next spring, due to school commitments. The next meeting of the 1st Blyth Group Committee will be Nov. 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the Blyth Public School. Parents are welcome to attend. Encourage physical activity for all people. Becoming more active tends to have a positive effect on body image. Non-competitive activity programs lead to improve- ments in self-esteem for teenage girls. Try to make it easy for young people to be active. Do your school grounds invite active play? Ask kids to come up with some active alternatives to playing video games at home. and 8 p.m. The lighting of the lights will occur at 6 p.m. Karen Stewart, Fran Cook and Don Scrimgeour will organize the Christmas pageant while Nancy Hakkers, Donna Longman and Jeannette McNeil will take care of the Dec. 21 raffle. BBA members are looking into new lights for the crabapple tree in front of the theatre and the possibil- ity of a nativity scene in the court- yard.