HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1996-10-23, Page 12Consistent support
The Blyth Legion and Blyth Lions Club, regular sponsors of the 1st Blyth Scouting group,
were on-hand Oct. 15, to present two $500 cheques to the Cubs. John Battye, front left,
represented the Legion while Alex Blair, front right, had the privilege for the Lions. The Cubs
are, in back, from left: Leader Don Goodall, Michael Moore, Jim Ritchie, Josh deGans, Terry
Radford, Michael Bonear, Josh Bruton, Kyle Procter, Matt Foodall, and Leader Chris Knox.
In the middle, from left: Otto Boone, Markus Redmond, Allan Storey, Marc Muethlethaler,
Brendon Purcell and John Battye. In front, from left: Brett Mason, Shawn Drost, Eric
Caldwell, Jacob Rouw, Darcey Cook, Jeffery Elliott and Derick Kruse.
The news from
a on
Compiled by Patty Banks Phone 887-6156
Pupils run cross-country
Hagedoorn, 887-6270 and M.Saxon, 887-9287
The news from
Knox celebrates
131th aniversary
You Need To Know
A Wingham & District Health Forum will be held:
(Elevator accessibility)
274 Josephine St.,
TIME: 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
The panel members will discuss:
• Wingham's Doctor Shortage and the Need
for a Clinic Building
Noreen Gnay, Chairperson
Wingham & District Hospital Board
• Changes in Community Health Services
Linda Knight, Executive Director
Community Nursing Services Inc.
• Proposed Integrated Delivery System
Barbara Wahl, Vice President
Ontario Nurses Association
• Hospitals & Related Health Services Study
Fraser Bell, Executive Director,
Huron-Perth District Health Council
• Future Directions in Health Care
Helen Johns, Huron-Perth M.P.P.
Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Health
You will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Sponsored by: Wingham & District Hospital
Public Relations Committee
Leona McDonald greeted
worshippers at Duff's United
Church on Oct. 20. Rev. James
Murray led the congregation in the
Call to Worship and ,the opening
hymn Praise God, Praise God.
After scripture was read Rev.
Murray announced that his
Covenanting Service will be on
Oct. 27 at 8 p.m. A reminder was
given of the Fall Turkey Supper
coming up on Nov. 6.
He called the young worshippers
forward and showed them two
coins. One was a tooney and the
other was a replica of a Roman
coin used during Jesus day. He
pointed out how each coin had a
picture of a ruler on it.
The tooney has Queen Elizabeth
II on it and the Latin phrase
meaning, 'By the grace of God'...I
am queen.
The Roman coin more or less
said that their emperor was God. So
the Pharisees knew that they had
Jesus in a tough position when they
asked him if they should pay
Caesar or not, Rev. Murray said.
But Jesus gave them a peaceful
alternative answer. He found a new
The Music Makin' Moms
entertained a large crowd at Knox
Presbyterian Church last Friday.
The guests also enjoyed refresh-
ments following the toe-tapping,
sing-a-long event presented by this
talented ensemble of four.
On Sunday, Oct. 20, Knox
Presbyterian celebrated its 131st
anniversary. Rev. Cathrine Camp-
bell presided over the service and
Melinda Exel, flutist, and Madelaine
Steiss, church organist, provided
beautiful music, including a duet. A
way to be right. He calls Christians
to find a new way to work out their
problems and to live their lives.
Don McDonald, accompanied at
the piano by Marion Godkin,
touched many hearts with his
singing of How Great Thou Art.
Rev. Murray's sermon was
called, 'Who Do You Belong To?'
In Jesus' day, Israel became an
occupied territory when the
Romans invaded it. So with the
invasion came the introduction of
Roman ideas and Roman ways of
doing things. The Jews, having a
strong sense of who they were, and
a strict definition of what it meant
to be a Jew, faced many new
challenges as to how they could
remain a faithful Jew and live with
the Romans and their ways.
The people were faced with the
painful option, he said, of giving in
and losing their religion, or fighting
a hopeless battle against that
world's greatest super power. In the
face of such a terrible dilemma,
Jesus offered a creative solution.
He said, "GiVe to Caesar what is
Caesar's, and give to God what is
memorable morning was enjoyed
by the large number in attendance.
The Ham and Potato Supper is on
Nov. 14 at 6 p.m. in the Cranbrook
Community Hall sponsored by the
Women's Auxiliary, Knox Presby-
terian Church. Tickets are $8,
adult; $4, six to 12 years and under
six years, free. Tickets are available
from Eleanor Stevenson, Sharon
Evans or any church member.
A euchre party will be held
Friday, Oct. 25 at 8:30 p.m. at the
Cranbrook Community Centre.
Women are asked to bring lunch.
Congratulations to the Walton
cross-country runners who
participated in the run at Hullett
school last week. The Walton kids
ran in the 10 and under age group
and competed in a group of 45-50
runners. Krista Shortreed made it in
the top 20 for the girls and Adam
McClure got in at the low 30s.
Mrs. Vivian said they all did
exceptionally well and was very
proud of them. She wanted to thank
Kelsey Bennewies for being the
spotter. The kids celebrated by
having a pizza party the next day.
The Grade Is have been using
their senses to discover different
smells and feeling different
textures. They had fun feeling some
'slime' and smelling cooked
pumpkin seeds.
The Grade 3/4s are working in a
unit called 'Monsters and More.' In
find social respectability. We have
lost those roles forever. He said he
believes in the face of this loss,
Christians are being offered the
chance to return to their original
"God call us to be a beacon of
light in a dark world. To be in the
world, but not of the world. To
witness to the love of God in our
lives. Jesus recognized the reality
of living in a complex society
where our loyalties are often
divided. He wants us to recognize
that we belong to God, while at the
same time we must live responsibly
with all, our neighbours. In all
things, we belong to God. And
hopefully, God belongs to us."
keeping with Halloween they will
be writing stories about monsters
and have begun writing about
pumpkins. In math the kids are
becoming very proficient at reading
numerals up to 999999.
There will be a craft sale at the
Walton Hall on Saturday, Oct. 26.
Instead of choosing sides, instead
of deciding between either/or, Jesus
chose both, Rev. Murray said. "He
said that you can pay taxes and still
be faithful to God. Jesus is saying
we belong to this world and God's
world at the same time. We do not
have to choose. We have dual
citizenship. Even if we are ruled by
people who may think they are
gods, we can live as a person of
faith. We can still choose to be
Christian, even if we no longer live
in a Christian nation. This is the
new way to be faithful."
The days of the church being the
centre of the community are over,
Rev. Murray said. "We are no
longer the place where people go to
Pastor asks, 'Who do You Belong To?'
is coming to
Bible Fellowship
in Ethel
For a fun night of
stories and magic
OCTOBER 25, 1996
at 7:30 p.m.
Come and bring a
friend - Join the fun.
Ages 5 - 13