HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1996-09-04, Page 13B BIRTHS C CARD OF THANKS ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT A DUPLEX IN AUBURN - LARGE living room and eat-in kitchen, two bedrooms, close to ball park and playgrounds. $380.00 plus utilities. Call 526-7355. 35-tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in Blyth, stove, fridge, utilities included. References. Phone 482- 9371. 31-tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in quiet, friendly village. Close to playground and ballpark. Call 526- 7355. 27-tfn APARTMENT FOR RENT IN Brussels, 2 bedroom, $400/month plus hydro. Phone 1-519-229-8958. 28-tfn BLYTH - HOUSE FOR RENT, 2 bedrooms, stove/fridge, 2 minutes from downtown. Available Sept. 1/96. $450/month plus utilities. Phone 523-4740. 32-tfn OVERLOOKING DOWNTOWN Brussels - 2 bedroom apartment, 2 appliances included. Phone 887- 9007. 33-tfn FARM FRESH BROWN EGGS for sale. Phone 523-4332. 33-eow HARD MAPLE TOPS AND USED cedar fence posts. Glen Carter, 482-9847. 35-1 THE anz , WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1996 PAGE 13. • • \ • ta'ka..\44.-..- • Olt SA -RATES- 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 15c each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday In Brussels 4 p.m. Monday In Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 41411•11MI BLYTH - LARGE SEMI- detached, three bedroom, newly renovated, excellent location, gas furnace, available Sept. 1. Rent and utilities. 523-4929. 34-tfn FARMHOUSE, BLYTH/BRUSSELS area, available now. References required. Phone 523-9297. 35-tfn TOMATOES, PEAS, BEANS, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli for sale at North Huron Gardens. Call 887-6870 before you come. 35-1 3 PIECE LIVING ROOM OUTFIT, tables and lamps, excellent condition, 2 years old, $650; one double bed, mattress included, $100; 40 gallon Cascade water heater, 4 years old, $75; right hand golf clubs, Spalding bag and pull cart, used 6 times, excellent condition, $200. Phone 887-9777, please leave message. 34-2 ARTICLES FOR SALE NOW PICKING PAULARED apples. Book your pear orders now. Contact Boyd Taylor, 523-9279. 34-2 A) Medic Alert , 1-800-668-1507 JOHNSTON. Bruce and Dawn Johnston are pleased to announce the arrival of our first child, Jamee Marie. She was born Aug. 23 and weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. Proud grandparents are Barry and Diane Engel and Murray and Audrey Johnston. Great-grandparents are Ross and Tillie Engel, Mildred and Jack Wheeler and Beth Johnston. 35-1 BAILEY. The family of Mason and Hazel Bailey wishes to thank all those involved in making our parents' 50th wedding anniversary a successful and joyous occasion. A good time was had by all. The Bailey Family. 35-1p JOHNSTON. Dawn and Jamee would like to thank Dr. Shepherd and the O.B. nurses from Seaforth Community Hospital for taking such good care of us. 35-1 C COMING EVENTS BRUSSELS AGRICULTURAL Society Ambassador of the Fair competition, barbecue, fashion show and dance, Sept. 14 - BMG arena. Dinner at 6 p.m. Tickets $10 each, 887-9393 to order. 35-2b THE HURON COUNTY LONG Term Care Committee plans for long term care services for Huron County residents. Next meeting: September 11, 1996 at 9:30 a.m. at the OMAFRA Office, Clinton. Everyone welcome! 35-1 ATTENTION LINE DANCERS: Classes will start on Sept. 12, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. at the Blyth Public School. For more information call 523-4272. 35-2p REGISTRATION FOR BEAVERS (Leaders Required), Cubs, Scouts, Rovers (all girls), Wednesday, September 11, 7 - 8 p.m. Blyth Public School. Registration Fee $34.75. New Leaders Welcome. For more information call Barb Knox 523-4290. 35-lb REGISTRATION FOR SPARKS, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers, Wednesday, September 11, 7 - 8 p.m. Blyth Public School. Registration Fee $27.00. New Leaders Welcome. For more information call Heather Jackson, 523-4813. 35-lb SHRINERS FISH FRY, FRIDAY, September 6, 4:30 - 7:30 p.m., Blyth Lions Park. All proceeds to Hospitals for Crippled Children. 35-1p WOOD YOU LIKE TO PAINT - sale and class registration, Sept. 5, 6 and 7, 10 to 5:30; Sept. 8, noon to 5:00. Tole and decorative painting - beginners to advanced; pen and ink; paper tole; landscapes. 20% off all marked price's. 11 Main St. S., Seaforth, 527-2233. 35-1 WINGHAM CANADETTE Majorettes registration Tuesday, Sept. 10, 1996, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. at F. E. Madill, Wingham (front lobby). Must be 5 years of age or older as of Dec. 31, 1996. Lessons to start Sept. 17. Any questions: Merilyn 887-9542 (evenings) or Kathy 887-6316. 35-1 EUCHRE PARTY - CRANBROOK Community Centre, Friday, Sept. 6 8:30 p.m. $2.00 admission. Ladies bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 35-1p BLYTH BUSINESS ASSOCIA- tion meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 7:30 p.m., Blyth Inn Restaurant. All members urged to attend. 35-2 MONSTER EUCHRE TOURNA- ment - St. Joseph's R.C. Church, Clinton, Wednesday, September 11, 8 p.m. Over $100.00 in prizes. Lunch provided. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. 35-lp LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Lucky Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel- chair Accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot must go every week. tfn LAUGHTER AND MUSIC AT the Blyth Festival with Don Harron and Catherine McKinnon, Septem- ber 28, 8 p.m. Dinner and Fashion show 6 p.m. Call (519) 523-9300. 33-6 A Volunteer Training Course is being offered by WINGHAM AND AREA PALLIATIVE CARE to recruit new volunteers, and to provide the opportunity to learn about promoting support, comfort and quality of life for those facing serious illness, death, or dealing with the loss of a loved one. 8 weekly sessions - 7 to 9:30 p.m. starting September 17, 1996 Phone 357-2720 to pre-register FOR RENT OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE FOR rent on the main street of Blyth. Available August 1. For informa- tion call days 519-523-4595, evenings 519-482-5545. 28-tfn G GARAGE YARD SALE GARAGE SALE, 290 MORRIS Street, Friday, Sept. 6 - 12 to ?; Saturday, Sept. 7 - 8 a.m. to ? 35-1p GARAGE SALE - SAT., SEPT. 7, 8 a.m. - ? at 370 King Street East, Blyth. 35-lp HELP WANTED FULL-TIME POSITION ON A large farrow-to-finish operation. Will train responsible individual. Fax resume to 519-887-6330 or call Acre T Farms 519-887-6181 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. 34-2 .40.••••••••••••111P-•••••••••••••••••••••••1 LARGE AUCTION SALE • • • • Antiques, furniture, collectables and appliances to be held at Richard • Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for Marjorie Breckenridge • of Goderich • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 AT 9 A.M. . 4 APPLIANCES: Inglis washer and dryer - nearly new, top load • dishwasher - new, wringer washer, 2 fridges, harvest gold washer, 30 • inch stove, 24 inch stove, Ironrite commercial clothes iron. • • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Xylophone on wheels, set of drums. 4 • ANTIQUES: Spinning wheel, old wall phone plus 4 other old phones, * 4 old radio receiver unit and speaker, old tin fire truck 26 inches long, # • cast iron dog, oil lamps, crocks, pillar clock, railroad lanterns, carpet 4 bowling balls, old radios, fancy old parlour stove, model ship, old top • hats, coal scuttles, child's rocker, large offering of old pictures and • frames, eight place setting of Rogers silverware, several old floor • lamps, dining table with pressed pattern skirt, old phonograph, • • sewing cabinet, electric sewing machine in stand, combination • * secretary desk and bookcase, corner china cabinet, 2 clothes • • closets, matching dining table - six chairs and buffet, rocking chairs, • • Boston rocker, captain's chair, chicken coop chairs, hoop back chair, • • 2 Victorian chairs, treadle sewing machine, modern chesterfield, • * antique chests and drawers and cupboards, parlour table, 1950's • * figure skating costumes, old Christmas decorations, tea figurines, • • old Goderich Week pin dated 1941, Royalty pins, army pins, old dolls, • • fountain pens, old post cards. Large offering of dishes and • • glassware, pink and green depression glass, 8 place setting of * • Sampler dishes, souvenir items, silver pieces, tins, bedding items far • too numerous to mention. Extra large offering, come early. * t RIDING MOWERS: Bolens 12 hp 38 inch cut, Yardman, 10 hp 34 inch • • cut Lawn Boy pushmower with grass catcher. * • TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER I.D. $ AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB • *CLINTON 519-482-7898 t SAT., SEPT. 14 AT 9 A.M.: ANTIQUE furniture for Agnes Youngblut of $ Belgrave at Lobb Auction Clinton. $ I SAT., SEPT. 21: Rare oil lamps and fine china at Lobb Auction, • t Clinton for Mary Graham Fevery. .6.• •••• • • •••• • • ••• •••• •••••• •• •410-41.11.1111.• EVENING AUCTION SALE of small machinery, household effects, antiques and miscellaneous will be held for RAYMOND AND ELINOR NEILL, RR 2, WINGHAM 1 km wet of Wingham on Highway 86 and 1 km north of Helena Street (watch for signs) WED., SEPT. 11, 1996 AT 5 P.M. SHARP TRACTOR: Oliver 550 gas tractor with loader. ANTIQUES: Two lanterns, old door latches, old car parts, wooden vise for harness repair, misc. old tools. IMPLEMENTS, BUGGY, TOOLS & MISCELLANEOUS: John Deere 2 furrow 12 in. plow 3 P.H., drag harrow 3 P.H., horse drawn buggy, IH mower 6 ft. 3 P.H., 6 ft. blade 3 P.H., Sears 16 H.P. 48 in. mower, walking plow, lawn roller (48 in.), logging chains, lawn weed sprayer (trail type), pair steel wheels with lugs for 9N Ford, set bean puller rods, gas weed eater, leaf cart, Craftsman 10 ft. radial arm saw, Craftsman 7 1/4 In. power hand saw, Maklta disc grinder, Black & Decker drywall gun, 32 ft. wooden extension ladder, steel roof ladder, step ladders, set roof Jacks, weed eater (1 year old), rubber tarp, wheel barrow, shovels and rakes, old wooden 4 ft. clamps, barn boards (cedar rails), scrap Iron, old drills and motors, propane camp stove, bug light, 22 calibre Cooey rifle (FAC licence required), pellet gun, platform scale, two wagon loads of miscellaneous. HOUSEHOLD AND COLLECTIBLES: Old Colony sliverware & other silverware, Hummel spoons, set of dishes & odd dishes, refrigerator, upright freezer, sofa bed, bedroom suite, wash stand, floor lamps, stereo, fireplace screens, quilting frames, many miscellaneous Items. Plan to attend - good, clean offerings, property sold. TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque with proper I.D. day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. Verbal announcements take precedence over advertising items listed as described by owner. For information call Raymond & Elinor Neill (519) 357-1463. AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL (519) 357-2349