HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1996-06-19, Page 3Additions & Alteration
to Facilitate
Junior Kindergarten Prog
The Council of the Village
of Blyth has deemed it
necessary to reschedule
their regular Council
Meetings for the summer
months as follows:
Monday, June 24th
Monday, July 8th
Monday, July 22nd
Tuesday, August 6th
Monday, August 19th
Tuesday, September 3rd
Regularly scheduled
Council Meetings are held
In the Village Council
Chambers commencing at
7:30 p.m. All regularly
scheduled meetings are
Open and the public is
encouraged to attend.
John Stewart, A.M.C.T.
F. .‘t ..0.47. t / 992
offers you a
FREE pocket
package of
Ultra Soft
Kleenex tissue
with each
purchase of
allergy products.
Limited time offer
Expires September 1, 1996
140 Queen St. N.,
Blyth, Ont. 523-4210
June 19 - June 25/96
Wednesday - Oriental Chicken
Salad $5.95
Thursday • Ouiche & Salad $5.85
Friday - Chicken Fatale $5.50
Saturday - Chicken Mushroom
Melt $5.75
Sunday - Greek Pasta Salad $5.85
Monday • Fish & Chips $5.75
Tuesday - Nacho Chicken Salad $5.95
Hours: Sun. 9 - 7
Tues. • Sat. 7.11 Mon. 7 - 7
Eat In or Take Out
198 Queen St., Blyth
(519) 523-9628
The second instalment of
taxes for the Village of Blyth
Is due on Wednesday, June
26, 1996. Payment may be
made at the Blyth Branch of
the CIBC or at the Municipal
Office. Interest at 1 1/4% per
month or any part thereof
shall be charged after the
due date. Please note that
people who have acquired
properties and have not
received a tax bill should
contact the Municipal Office.
Failure to receive a tax bill
does not relieve a taxpayer
from responsibility for
payment of taxes, nor from
penalty for late payment.
John Stewart, A.M.C.T.
Tax Collector
Village of Blyth
Radford Group
hosts fishing day
It will be a day of family fun,
excitement and trophy-winning
catches when the Radford Group
hosts its annual children's fishing
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Walsh attended
the wedding of their nephew at the
Anglican Church in Dorchester on
Alvin and Don Snell visited with
relatives in Huronview last Wed-
nesday and Braemar Retirement
Centre in Wingham.
Nora Kelly of Blyth, Rev.
Donald Snell of Breton, Alberta
and Delton and Jeanetta Hallman of
Cambridge visited with Ernie and
Anna Snell and family on
Wednesday and enjoyed a potluck
meal with relatives.
Marg Radford celebrated her
80th birthday on June 12.
The Radford fish pond, located
just south pf Blyth on Hwy 4, will
be fully stocked for the June 23
event, just waiting for eager anglers
to land the big one.
There will be prizes for the
largest and smallest fish caught by
both boys and girls in each of the
three categories; two to five years
old, six to nine and 10 to 12.
For those who get hungry doing
all that fishing, the Blyth Legion
will be cooking up some hotdogs.
The derby runs from 10 a.m.
until noon. All children must be
accompanied by an adult and there
is a two fish per child limit.
Anglers must bring their own fish-
ing equipment and bait.
SAVE 25' off
Spring and Summer dresses
Thursday, June 20 & Friday, June 21
Look your very best for opening night
at the Blyth Festival
Many other instore specials
Dressing Room Only
Queen St. North, Blyth 523-4955
16 attend UCW
A playful donation
Jamie Lewis, incoming vice-president of Blyth Public
School student council, happily accepts a cheque for
$500 from Blyth Optimist Alan Young. The money will go
towards new playground equipment.
Blyth UCW met June 11 in the
church parlour with 16 members
Emily Phillips, president, opened
the meeting with a poem
Shirley Rutledge and Catherine
Caldwell were in charge of the
devotions. Selected scripture
verses, readings and prayer,
pertaining to Father's Day and
choices we all have to make in our
daily lives, were given. Elva Brown
played the piano for the hymn
Adeline Campbell chose Father's
Day as her theme for the worship
service. She delivered a thought-
provoking message with her
analysis of The Lord's Prayer. Mrs.
Phillips conducted the business part
of the meeting. Purchase of new
glasses for the church was
approved. A donation of $300 is to
be donated to the Kingdom Bound
Youth fund.
Members were reminded to save
Campbell soup labels and grocery
tapes. There -is also an ongoing
Buy one at regular
price and get a
second for
1/2 price
Eat in or Take Out
Thursday, Friday
& Saturday Only
5 p.m. - 12 midnight
the Myth) Itm
need for casseroles for the
casserole bank at the manse.
The UCW is still looking for a
first and second vice president.
Camp Menesetung will still
accept articles such as balloons,
squeeze ketchup and mustard
The next UCW meeting will be
Sept. 17 and the Rummage Sale
dates are Oct. 18 and 19.
Mrs. Phillips thanked everyone
for their co-operation during the
first six months of her leadership.
The meeting closed with the
benediction and a delicious lunch.
The lunch committee consisted of
Elva Brown, Gladys Caldwell,
Edelgaard Hoba and Hannie Meier.
Thursday, June 27,-1996
to be held at ;),Wx),
Blyth United Church Basement t_;-/-7,,\'''
5 - 7 p.m.
All you can eat
cold buffet with cake,
strawberries and whipped
cream for dessert
Advance Tickets $8.00
Tickets at the door $9.00
Children under 10 $5.00
Children under 4 FREE
All proceeds for the
beautification of Blyth's
Downtown area
Tickets are available at:
Carol's Candies and Collectables,
Christmas & Country Flowers and Gifts
or The North Huron Citizen
sponsored by the Blyth Business