HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1996-05-01, Page 18AGE 18. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1996 .4*,ti'MYAWANNWOZT 5Y/fgfle/AMPAvegaMP4T(O.C•569.00' ............. • • ,/,;•••:•/•,w;•MISSISNIMENESIIMBRNIMMLo& /•(,gsi/ PETS TENDERS IN MEMORIAM "SUDDENLY IT'S SOLD" Real Estate Ltd. Mason Bailey 482-9371 BROKER (24 Hour Service) MAKE AN OFFER: Auburn 1 1/2 floor, 4 bedroom home, forced air, oil heat. REDUCED - BLYTH: All beautifully done 1 1/2 storey vinyl, 3 bedroom home, new family room, new garage all on good size lot. Close to school and up town. Asking $76,000. FARM: 213 acres In the Maitland Block, Huila (115 workable, 65 acres good lawood bush, nice home, scenic area. OWNER WANTS IT SOLDI 4 unit rental property on 2 1/2 lots In Blyth. Ideal for Handy person who could live In one unit and rent will carry the rest. FARM LAND: Hullett Township, 6th concession, 95 acres, 70 workable, no buildings. IF 1.5 MILLION Canadians shouted "Diabetes is an epidemic;' would you hear it then? Diabetes STOP the epidemic. NC al CANADIAN ASSOCIATION DIABETES CANADIENNE ASSOCIATION DU DIABETE 1-800-B ANTING CALL FOR TENDERS CUTTING OF NOXIOUS WEEDS ks„ ON PRIVATE LANDS The Corporation of the County of Huron hereby requests tenders for the cutting of noxious weeds on private lands within the boundaries of Huron County. Contractors are required to submit their tenders as an hourly rate and provide specifications of the equipment which would be used to fulfill the terms of the contract. Tender Packages may be obtained in person from the Clerk- Administrator's Office, located in the Huron County Court House, Main Floor. Open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday; or by calling 519-524-8394. Tenders must be submitted by: 4:00 p.m., Friday, May 24, 1996. If you have any questions, please contact the County of Huron Administration Office at: 519-524-8394. t® t•," REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS , 9-1-1 PRIMARY PUBLIC SAFETY k4,1 ANSWERING POSITION The Corporation of the County of Huron is requesting proposals for the 9-1-1 Primary Public Safety Answering Position (9-1-1 Gatekeeper). The term of the contract is two years, commencing on January 1, 1998. This position will require an organization with sufficient staff, facilities and electronic equipment to accommodate the demands and responsibilities of answering 9-1-1 emergency calls for the County of Huron. Information Packages may be obtained in person from the Clerk- Administrator's Office, located in the Huron County Court House, Main Floor. Open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday; or by calling 519-524-8394. Proposals must be submitted by: 4:00 p.m., Friday, May 31,1996. If you have any questions, please contact the 9-1-1 Coordinator, County of Huron at: 519-524-8394. TENDERS VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS 1996 Grass Cutting Sealed, clearly marked tenders will be received by the undersigned at the Brussels Municipal Office for cutting and mowing grass at the Lion's Park Hill and the pump house for the 1996 Season on a price per cut basis until 5:00 p.m. on May 6, 1996. Tender forms available at the Municipal Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Donna M. White Clerk-Treasurer Village of Brussels 399 Turnberry Street Brussels, Ontario HELPING THE WORLD WRITE NOW CODE Self-sufficiency through literacy in the developirkg World For information, call 1-800-661-2633 WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor- doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENCED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 887-9747 HUBERT. In loving memory of a dear father, father-in-law and grandfather, Robert George who passed away one year ago April 30, 1995. So many things have happened Dad, Grandpa, Since you were called away, So many things to share with you, Had you been left to stay. You never said goodbye to us, Perhaps it's just as well, We never could have said goodbye, To one we loved so well. If we could make one wish tonight, And know it would come true, We would telephone to heaven, And ask to speak to you. — Sadly missed by daughter Patricia, son-in-law, Glen and granddaughters Dianne and Robin. 18-1 MCDOUGALL. Special memories of a caring father and grandfather, Norman McDougall who passed away six years ago, April 28, 1990. A special tribute kind and true With loving memories of a Dad like you. — Remembered always and in our hearts daily Marie, Alan and boys. 18-1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Clifford Samuel Hoegy All persons having claims against the estate of Clifford Samuel Hoegy, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 13th day of February, 1996 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of May, 1996, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 29th day of April, 1996. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux, Barristers and Solicitors, 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK IWO. Solicitors for the Executors. 18-3 LIVESTOCK HIGHEST PRICES PAID for crippled, disabled cattle. Must be alive and drug free (OFAC approved). Winch equipped truck. Phone Earl Lannin, RR 2, Atwood, 519-356-2479 or 1-800-661-0078. 01-50p BONNIE'S DOG GROOMING Business. Reasonable rates. Day, evening and weekend appointments available. Call 527-2097 for an appointment. 17-3p TO GIVE AWAY - KITTENS. Call 887-9051. 18-1 R REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: CORNER BUILDING lot in Brussels, 2 blocks from downtown, lots of trees, call after 5:30 p.m. 887-6782. 16-3 - SERVICES GARDENS TILLED - TRACTOR with rototiller. Call Johnnie 887- 9286. 18-1 ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM welding, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, pigs/cattle penning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Call Peter de Jong, 523-4816. tin CUSTOM FROST SEEDING BY ATV, also hay mixtures. John Hoonaard, 523-9445. 13-8 MOVING? Complete moving services, local or long distance for residential or commercial. FREE ESTIMATES or do it yourself with our rental trucks and equipment. Call Listowel Rental and Moving Services, fully insured and licenced, (519) 291-1202 or 1-800- 639-6896. tin HURON COUNTY A \ HOUSING AUTHORITY REFERENCE #: S.F.T. (HC) 96-06 Bids are invited for Janitorial Services & Snow Removal at 400 Alexander Street, Brussels (34 unit building). Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, May 15, 1996, by the Huron County Housing Authority, 44 East Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1N3, (519) 524- 2637, from whom specifications and details may be obtained. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECES- SARILY ACCEPTED. WANTED WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers. 1/4 miles south of Brussels. Call 887-9499. tin WANTED TO BUY: STANDING timber, hardwood and softwood. Alex Chisholm, 519-529-7606. 16-18-20-22 Kdgn make paper trees, do rain art Continued from page 13 teachers and parent volunteers were being trained by Louise Sygrove for the Reading Intervention Program. The kindergartens made some paper trees and talked about ways to help Mother Earth. They learned about rain and did some rain art. They experimented with things that were left soaking in water. For instance they found that if a candy is left in water it will dissolve and beans will get all wrinkled. Susan Elston and her brother Keith donated a Norway Spruce and representatives from each class came to help plant the tree. Chris Holmes and Becky Mulholland from kindergarten, Adam McClure and Jacob Day for Grade 2, Stephanie Lubbers and Scott Somerville from Grade 1; Mandy Mitchell and Nathan DeWit from Grade 4 and Ricky Pethic and Dan Eedy from Grade 3, oug the hole. It was also Secretary Week and all the classes went down one at a time to tell secretary Linda Wilson, in their own way, how wonderful they thought she was. ro 441