HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1996-05-01, Page 15Quizzing
Members of Brussels Mennonite Fellowship youth groups
took part in a Bible Quiz at the church this past Sunday
afternoon. Teammates John Eric Pardys and Darlene
Kuepfer wait their turn while Cindy Koch is up for the
Pastor Carne
delivers sermon
10 a.m. -
11 a.m. -
8 p.m. -
8 p.m. -
7:30 p.m. -
Family Bible Hour
Morning Service
Evening Service
Prayer & Bible Study
ou're invited to join us for worship
Sunday May 5
Morning Worship Service - 10 a.m
Evening Worship Service - 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Adrian A. VanGeest
aA cheerful heart is good" medicine, but a
crushed spirit drys up the bones'
Proverbs 17:22
Hwy. 4, Blyth 523-9233
Wheelchair accessible
Rev. Cameron McMillan
Church Office 887-6259 Manse 887-9313
Morning Worship
Rev. Bruce Cook
Seaforth United Church
Church School/Nursery
11:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m. Ethel Morning Worship
Church School
This is the day the Lord hath made
"We invite you to worship with us"
Rev. Cathrine Campbell
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
9:30 a.m. - Belgrave Service
We welcome you to come and worship with us.
887-9831 Wheelchair Accessible
You are Welcome at
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School for Children and Adults
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship
Bible Studies - Wednesday 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Phone 523-4590 McConnell St., Blyth
You are wet-come this Sunday
Holy Eucharist - BAS
Rev. Nancy Beale
Trinity, Blyth St. John's, Brussels
9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
Yard & Bake Sale - Saturday, May 11
9 to 2 at St. John's
Good Shepherd, theme of Blyth United service
The fourth Sunday of Easter,
April 28, worshippers were greeted
at Blyth United Church by Fred
and Hanny Meier. Ushers were
Terry, Kim and Trent Richmond
and Earl Fyfe. Organist was
Marsha Szusz. In charge of the
nursery was Lorie Falconer. The
Bible was placed on the pulpit by
Eric Caldwell.
Call to Worship was given by
Rev. Stephen Huntley. This was
followed by Introit, "The
Celebration Song", Prayer of
Praise, welcome and announce-
"Australia Night" has been
rescheduled for Wednesday, May
1, at 7 p.m.
Volunteers are needed to help at
Camp Menesetung on Saturday
morning, May 4. Contact Rev.
Huntley. Camper application forms
are now available.
The opening hymn For the
Beauty of the Earth was followed
by Prayer of Confes;ion repeated
in unison. Conversation with the
children was regarding camping
and the importance of listening to
the leader and being aware of
On Sunday, April 28 at Auburn
Missionary Church, Roger
Newcombe sang Surely Goodness
and Mercy, which was enjoyed by
all present.
Pastor Carne's message,
"Righting the World", had scripture
from Acts 17: 5-9. Some people
shouted that Paul and Silas were
causing trouble because they were
preaching the word of God, he said.
Many were upset because of what
the apostles said. "If we don't
disturb people by quoting scripture,
then we are hiding our testimony,"
Pastor Came said.
Righting the world must be done
by witnessing. Paul preached the
word of God and it was upsetting
and offensive to many who heard
it. Pastor Came said, much of the
modern church fails to preach
dangerous things while camping,
just as in the Bible Jesus talks
about following the shepherd. I Just
Wanna Be a Sheep was sung.
The Choral Anthem, The Wonder
of It All, was accompanied by Mrs.
Szusz. Psalm 23 "The Lord is My
Shepherd" was followed by Gloria
Patri. Old Testament Lesson, Acts
2: 42-47, and New Testament
lesson, I Peter 2: 19-25, were read
by Lorna Fraser. Gospel reading,
John 10: 1-10, was done by Rev.
The sermon theme was "The
Good Shepherd ". The image of the
Good Shepherd underscores Jesus.
relationship and dedication to each
one of us, Rev. Huntley said.
When night fell in Jesus time,
shepherds herded their sheep into a
common village pen or field, to
protect them.
In the gospel Jesus alludes to
both kinds of pens. In the first half
he refers to early morning when the
shepherds come to the village pen
to lead their flocks to pasture for
the day. When the gate is opened,
they follow him.
In the second half of the gospel
Jesus alludes to the field pen. He
Romans 3: 23 that all have sinned
and come short of the glory of
God. Paul preached it as it was
written and one day there will be
no mercy, he said. In I Corinthians
2: 4,5 it notes message and
preaching were not with wise and
persuasive words, but with a
demonstration of the Spirit's power
so that faith might not rest on men's
wisdom but on God's power. Pastor
Carne said, many today do not
believe in miracles and they take no
stand on anything, but the power of
God will transform lives.
Then there is performance, he
said, or personal involvement. "The
church can turn the world upside
right when we get involved and
proclaim that Jesus saves, keeps
and satisfies."
Rob Campbell has returned from
agricultural school at Kemptville.
refers to the narrow opening in the
pew through which the sheep
passed. Jesus says "I am the gate
for the sheep...whoever comes in
by me will be saved; he will come
in and go out and find pasture.
Rev. Huntley says Jesus is saying
that like the shepherd, he is always
with us. Jesus knows each one in a
deeply personal way. He knows
who has a weak faith, who is apt to
be discouraged, and who is prone
to stray.
Jesus says to each "Do not be
afraid — I am with you."
The reading was especially
appropriate as this day was Camp-
ing Sunday. Like the shepherd and
like Jesus, a Camp Counsellor has a
close and a deep relationship to a
cabin group. They develop a
personal bond.
Camp resembles the Acts church
in that it is communal, eating
together playing, working, sharing
experiences, Rev. Huntley said.
Church camp setting offers a
glimpse of the Kingdom, living out
the Easter World. In the camp
setting faith could take route-
teachings of Jesus and staff enabled
Gordon and Erma Bauman from
Tavistock, were guests at Brussels
Mennonite Fellowship on Sunday,
April 28. Gordon gave the message
on the theme of "God Calls Faithful
Leaders". The scripture passages
were from Exodus 2 and Hebrews
On Sunday afternoon, April 28
the MYEC Bible Quiz finals were
held in Brussels. This year the
focus was a study of the parables.
Twelve teams met last week to
begin the quizzing.
Brussels Youth Group entered
two of these 12 teams. One team
consisted of Sue Siegers, Michelle
Lichty, Darlene Hemingway, Tracy
Goodland, Ben Dettweiler, and
Kristi Procter. The second team
was made up of Brandon Anger,
Joel Greenwood, John-Eric Pardys,
Terry Pardys, Cindy Koch and
Darlene Keupfer.
The second team made it to the
semi-finals but, were put out by a
team from Steinman's Church near
New Hamburg.
In the final stage, two teams from
Steinman's Church battled against
each other.
CWL meets
At the 76th Annual Convention
of the Catholic Women's League of
Canada - London Council held in
Windsor on April 24, Muriel
Murphy of Goderich was elected
president for the next two years.
The London Council represents
parishes from Windsor in the south,
to Wingham in the north and near
Brantford with over 15,000
members. The National Catholic
Women's League is the largest
Women's organization in Canada
comprising some 65,000 members
in Ontario and 110,000 nationwide.
The League was founded in 1920
in Edmonton, Alta. to assist
immigrant woman arriving in
In her speech to over 300
delegates the incoming Murphy
asked the delegates to remember
that the early councils were
concerned over the fate of refugees
and the poor. She urged her
members not to be intimidated by
the challenge and reminded them
that "One by One we can make a
others to see.
Look at the church in Acts and
say "Oh, to be that Church".
It is Easter that gives us our
being," said Rev. Huntley.
Hymn The Lord's My Shepherd
was sung, followed by the pastoral
prayer and The Lord's Prayer. The
closing hymn was Mine Eyes Have
Seen the Glory.
Prayers are with Tilly Mains in
Clinton Hospital. Sympathy is
extended to Jean Cook, Myrtle
Vodden and Helen Gowing in the
passing of their sister Della Shaw.
The white plant at the front of the
church was placed by the Riehl
family in memory of their mother.
Mennonite youth take quiz