The Citizen, 1996-04-24, Page 23The _news from elgrave THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1996 PAGE 23. Grade 8 students host ham supper fundraiser Mabel's Moms met at their regular time on Wednesday, April 17. Those who attended were Andrea Stevenson, Mathew, Tyler and Spencer; Kim Higgins and Laura; Elaine Scott and Paton; Alice Yuill and Claren; Joanne Robinson, Nicole and Stephanie; Candice Chaffe, Brandon, Cameron, and Austin; Connie Shiell, Christopher and Andrea; Sherri Sippel, Christie, Scott and Daniel; Andrew Hess; Melinda Dorsch; Annette Te Raa, Mitchell and Janelle. Their topic was "Helpful Hints for Housecleaning." The Grade 8 students at East Wawanosh Public School are holding a ham and scallop potato supper on Thursday, May 2 at the Women's Institute Hall at 7 p.m. Tickets are available from any Grade 8 student, or by calling the school at 357-2960. This fundraiser is for their upcoming class trip to Quebec. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black and families in the sudden loss of their son Ken Black. May thoughts and prayers be with theta in their time of sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ellis of Whitevale visited last Friday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse. Mrs. Jean Wightman spent a week in Brampton with her daughter, Shirley Nicol and family and celebrated Shirley's birthday. She also visited with daughter Doris Chapman and granddaughter Colleen of Bolton. Before returning home she enjoyed a day in Guelph visiting with her daughter Rena Montgomery. Eleven members of the Belgrave Community Club attended the Zone 8 United Senior Citizens of Ontario Annual Spring Rally in Dashwood on April 18 with Jack Riddell as guest speaker. Max and Krista Pletch of Dryden spent a week with his mother Thelma Pletch and visited with other relatives. Joe, Ruth Ann and Sarah Russell of Guelph also visited with Max and Krista Pletch and mother Thelma Pletch. Visiting at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Procter for a few days were Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Smith and son of Downsview. On Friday, visiting at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zettler, Amanda and Alicia of RR 4, Walkerton. On Saturday Mrs. Larry Mayberry of Londesboro visited with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Procter. Also visiting the same day was Mr. Frank Procter, RR 5, Brussels. Lorna Black and children, Joan and Jamie of Brandon and Jim and Vi Emerson of British Columbia attended the funeral of Kenneth Black and spent a few days visiting with relatives and friends. Family and friends of Gordon Bosman gathered at the home of Allan and Barb Bosman, Londes- boro Saturday evening to honour him on his 75th birthday. A delicious meal was /enjoyed followed by a game of "Court Whist". Congratulations Gord and best wishes from friends and neighbours in the community. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" On the third Sunday of Easter Elly Van Bergen was in charge of the service at Knox United Church. Easter lilies and two large bouquets in memory of Kenneth Black decorated the church. The congregation was greeted by John and Sheila Nixon. The choir sang 1 Want to Walk with God Today. Kendra Folkard assisted by reading the scripture from Acts 2, 36-41. Elly chose as her children's story "Symbols", demonstrating how a cow from her collection reminded her of her childhood. We refer to symbols for many things example - bread, wine, burning bush, dove, cross, etc. she said. Her sermonwas Continued on page 26 Pasta master Mike Malhiot toiled over pots of hot steaming pasta for Brussels St. John's Anglican Church's spaghetii supper on Sunday night. Nixons greet at Knox Compiled by Linda Campbell Phone 357-2188 COMING EVENTS ELMIRA CRAFT SHOW: Saturday April 27, 9am-5pm, Sunday April 28 10am-4pm; 85+ juried vendors. Adults $2.50, children under 12: FREE. Elmira Arena/Community Centre. Next to Raceway. Info: 519-669-2533. BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Call 1-800-915-3615. BE YOUR OWN BOSS and build your own business from your home in the Health and wellness industry. For info package call 1-800-352-2850. RAISE CHINCHILLAS! Full or part-time, Guaranteed income. Direct purchase or joint venture. Quality N.C.B.C. graded stock. Call Tom or Greg Riedstra, 905-457-4660; fax 905-457-5327. HOT! HOT! HOT! VEND-A-MINT. Highest profits in the vending industry. Canadian manufacturer. Earn full time income, working only one day a week. Exclusive areas available. Fora FREE brochure, phone: 1-800-661-1832. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home- study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- 267-1829. The Writing School, 2551-38 McArthur Avenue, Ottawa,ON, K1L 6R2. FOR SALE SAWMILL $4895. Saw logs into boards, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. FREE information. 1-800-566-6899. Silvacraft Sawmills, 6625 Ordan'Dr., B-2, Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1X2 GARDENING ATTENTION GARDENERS: Free guide book on "How to Select The Right Hobby Greenhouse". Call Easy Living Products, 24 hours. 1-800-661-4026. NOW YOU CAN HAVE A GREENER LAWN THAN YOUR NEIGHBOURS. Do it yourself. Save money. Order your step-by-step guide today and have an immaculate green lawn this season and forever. Cost $8.95. Call Sky- ward 905-871-8208. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. KATY'S CLOSET, A 100% CANADIAN DIRECT sales company featuring affordable ladies' fashions needs co- ordinators in your area. Earn 30% commission. For free brochure call 519-786-4728. 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New Types, steevwood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action and answers - Wally (416) 626- 1794, fax (416)626-5512. FREE brochures. CLIP-SAVE. VACATION/TRAVEL WHITEWATER RAFTING IN EASTERN CANADA on the famous Ottawa River based from beautiful outdoor resort. High adventure and family packages. No experience nec- essary. 1-800-284-7238. FREE brochure. WANTED URGENTLY NEEDED! Rehabilitation group seeks pri- vate, isolated woodlots for release of wildlife mammals. Nearby water source. Hunting, trapping prohibited. No overpopulation! Phone "Wings" collect: (519)736-8172. Auction Sale Estate Furnishings, Antiques, Collectables, Primitives, Jewellery, Household Effects, Appliances it miscellaneous items from Wingham and area homes Thursday Evening, April 25, 1996 at 6:30 p.m. At the Winghiun Sales Arena (just North of Wingham on Hwy. 414). Several piece* of high quality antique furniture, outstanding drop-front secretaries desk, hell seat & mirror, solid walnut bedroom suite, Bennett chest with wood pulls, walnut Na wagon with silver tea service, many other pieces of household furniture. Also selling es Is 3 wheel Big Rod ATV. Wingham Sales Arena (Just North of Wingham on Hwy. #4) Open Monday - Saturday Closed Tuesday and Sunday Auctioneer Jake Kikkert 357-2987 • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $134 • All Ontario $384 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details!