HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1996-04-24, Page 18Reluctant bidders
Lloyd Koch appears to be looking to wife Erla for approval
as he bids on an item at the Brussels Mennonite
Fellowship auction. A good-natured debate ensued on
whether to keep going before the Kochs gave up. Funds
from the event go to mission work.
Pietrek leads Mennonite service
Sunday 10 a.m. - Family Bible Hour
11 a.m. - Morning Service
8 p.m. - Evening Service
Wednesday 8 p.m. - Prayer & Bible Study
Friday 7:30 p.m. - Youth
Rev. Cathrine Campbell
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
9:30 a.m. - Belgrave Service
We welcome you to come and worship with us.
887-9831 Wheelchair Accessible
Rev. Cameron McMillan
Church Office 887-6259 Manse 887-9313
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
"Jesus, the Way, the Truth, the Lffe"
Church School - Nursery
Welcome to the members of the
Brussels Women's Institute attending
our service this Sunday.
Ethel Morning Worship
Church School
"Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
God of Glory, Lord of Love"
9:30 a.m.
(Cease join us for Worship
Morning Worship Service - 10 a.m
Evening Worship Service - 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Adrian A. VanGeest •
"Fear not; for I am with you; 0e not dismayed;
for I am your God; I will' stren:ghten you;
yes I will help you."
Isaiah 41:10
Hwy. 4, Blyth 523-9233
Wheelchair accessible
You are Welcome at
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School for Children and Adults
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship
Bible Studies - Wednesday 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Phone 523-4590 McConnell St., Blyth
You are welcome this Sunday
Huron Hunger Fund Sunday
Rev. Nancy Beale
Trinity, Blyth St. John's, Brussels
9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
Yard & Bake Sale - Saturday, May 11
9 to 2 at St. John's
From the Minister's Study
Nothing more wondrous than eternity
By Rev. Randy Banks
Walton-Bluevale United
When I look at your heavens
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars that
you have established, what are
human beings that you are
mindful of them.
Psalm 8: 3, 4
The heavens are calling you and
wheeling around you
displaying to you their eternal
beauty and still your eye is
looking upon the ground.
To infinity and ... beyond!
Woody the toy cowboy in Toy
What is more wondrous and
unfathomable than the eternity and
infinitude of God, time, and space?
Whenever I behold a clear, night
sky, my infinitesimal mind nearly
short-circuits from an overload of
imponderables: "What are we
doing here?" "What is my raison
d'etre?" "Where does God reside?"
"Where and what is Heaven?" "Is
there intelligent, friendly, or
belligerent life elsewhere in the
cosmos as Star Trek, Star Wars and
E.T. would have us believe?"
"Or, are we alone in a vast and
purposeless universe?" "Will the
hear quartet
A male quartet consisting of
Clare Smith, Clarke Teal, Bruce
and Graham Russell sang an
inspiring number during the
morning service at Auburn
Missionary Church on Sunday,
April 21. Their rendition of I'm a
Child of the King was enjoyed by
Pastor Carne's message, from
Acts 17: -12, was "Going By the
Book". In this passage of scripture
the Bereans received the apostles
but checked out what Paul said.
"We must approach the Book, the
Bible," said Pastor Carne. "We
must know it and believe it. Those
who seldom read the Bible are the
ones who criticize it the most."
Then there are the fickle
followers. If you don't stand for
something you will fall for
everything. Many children raised in
a Christian home go the way of the
transgressor, because they will not
take their stand for what they know
is the truth - the Word of God,
Pastor Came said.
Then there are the spiritually
healthy people who believe and
live by the Word of God. The Bible
is no reference book taken out
periodically but to live by, he said.
"Do not add or subtract from the
Word of God. If we do subtract
from the Word of God Revelations
22: 19 states that God will take our
part out of the book of life."
Dorothy Bolton has just returned
from spending four months in
Jamaica doing volunteer work with
the Rosemount Missionary Church
and Hemingay Preparatory School
in Montego Bay. She has had a rich
and rewarding experience.
The congregation is sorry to
report that John Baumbach is in the
hospital in London and are praying
that the Lord will undertake in this
Jeffrey Bowman, who is
attending Radio College of Canada
in Toronto, was home for the
fires of the sun burn themselves out
in a few billion years as
astronomers predict or will a
gargantuan meteorite or a comet
collide with and obliterate this
'little blue planet third from the
sun?" Is life nothing more than a
continuous random clashing and
clanging of atoms?" "If God made
the heavens and ear.h, who made
You can appreciate why I do not
star-gaze every evening?
Sometimes we have to preoccupy
our minds with mundane matters
such as: Will the Detroit Red
Wings choke their way out of the
Stanley Cup playoffs?
When I was a child, I wanted my
own telescope and private
observatory so that, on a clear
night, I might be able to see
forever. Although space 'the final
frontier' has always fascinated me,
I have no desire to, say, become the
first clergy-person or even the
1,000th for that matter, to conduct
weddings aboard a space station or
on the surface of Mars. Earth suits
me just fine, thank you very much.
Nevertheless. I can tell you that,
like all bedazzled earthlings, I was
glued to our black-and-white
television in the early morning
hours of July 20, 1969 when Neil
Armstrong and Buzz Aldren left
their epoch-making footprints on
the arid and lifeless surface of our
unnamed moon which had
remained undisturbed for who
knows how many billions of years.
The Canadian astronomer,
Terence Dickenson, states in his
book Exploring the Night Sky that
"when our grandparents were
children, no one knew of anything
Pat Pietrek was the worship
leader at the regular Sunday morn-
ing service at Brussels Mennonite
Fellowship on Sunday, April 21.
Lloyd Koch, as song leader, and
Kathy Procter, as pianist, led the
congregational singing. Tobi
Farrell and Sue Huigenbos played a
piano duet for the offertory.
Sandy MacEacheran brought the
message. He spoke on "Another
One Thing". Luke 10: 38-42 was
the main scripture passage, but
selections from Luke were also
read. The issue of destiny is the
most critical thing. God has
planned a life for us, MacEacheran
said. Studies have shown that
money, fame, and education do not
make us happy. Yet those three
things are sought by many. What
that existed beyond the stars. The
discovery of the essential
components of the universe has
been largely a 20th century
enterprise. The accelerated pace of
discovery in recent years has given
astronomers reason to believe that
there is an end to space and time ...
that the universe is finite."
Well, that is the first time I have
ever heard about limitations being
applied to space.
In any event, the inscrutable
mysteries of the universe are
certain to remain just that -
mysteries - at least for me.
So, I concur with the sentiments
expressed in the exclamations of
the psalmist, Dante, and yes, even
that latter-day philosopher, Woody
the Cowboy: "Wow! What a
wondrous universe God has
created! Who can comprehend it?"
And, even though I may consider
myself to be an insignificant speck
in the universe, I am reminded in
scripture that even the tiniest
sparrow does not escape God's
I believe that you and I serve a
unique and special purpose both on
this earth and beyond. Physical life
is only one part of that journey
toward discovery of our purpose.
The psalmist elsewhere reminds
us that although everything in the
material world is subject to death,
destruction, and decay, God is
eternal and unchanging: "Before
the mountains were brought forth
or even you had formed the earth
and the world ... from everlasting
to everlasting you are God." (from
Psalm 90)
"To infinity and...beyond." Hey
Woody, expect to find God there.
does make people happy are
relationship and fellowship with
another person. God wants us to
have a relationship with him, Mac-
Eacheran said. Martha was so busy
serving that she missed the
important thing, the relationship.
Mary chose to be with Jesus and
give Him her undivided attention.
Joy stays constant despite the
circumstances in our life but
happiness doesn't. "God wants us to
have a relationship with Him. God
wants us to have joy, an abundance
of joy."
On Friday evening a talent
auction was held at the church. The
Youth had a food booth as a
fundraiser, as well. Proceeds will
Continued on page 22