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Looking for local heroes
There are so many people out there who do
so much to improve their community.
Now you have a chance to say thanks.
Nominate that special person for the 10th
Annual Citizen Citizenship Awards.
Each year a committee chooses an outstanding citizen from
each of the Blyth and Brussels communities to receive an
award for contribution to the community. If you know
someone you think should be honoured, please fill in the
ballot and send it in. You may attach a longer explanation
of why you think your nominee should win, if you like. If
you have nominated someone before and he or she didn't
win, please feel free to try again.
I nominate
as Citizen of the year for Blyth U Brussels
I feel she/he deserves this award because
Nomination Deadline April 30/96.
Name and phone number of nominator
Blyth United sermon topic on finding Jesus
It was the third Sunday of Easter
with the seasonal colour white for
the service of Blyth United Church,
April 21. Greeters were Fred and
Hanny Meier. Ushers were the
Elmer Sanderson family.
Rev. Stephen Huntley conducted
the service and Barb Bosman was
organist. The Bible was placed on
the pulpit by Jeffrey Elliott. Anita
Bromley was in charge of the
Rev. Huntley opened the service
with Call to Worship, Introit and
announcements. Hymn Holy, Holy,
Holy was sung followed by Prayer
of Confession and Assurance of
Following the children's hymn
Jesus Loves Me the choir sang an
anthem Where No One Stands
Alone with solo part taken by Garth
Shawn Clark read the Old
Testament lesson from Acts 2:
14A, 36-31, and New Testament
from I Peter I: 17-23.
Rev. Huntley read the gospel
from Luke 24: 13-55. His sermon
was "Finding Jesus Today". He
referred to a story of a mother to
whom many parents can relate. For
years she had prayed that her two
sons would return to faith. Then
one Sunday morning in church, her
two sons came in and sat across the
aisle from her.
Afterward she asked what
The 1995-1996 Scouting year is
in the last quarter now, and the
calendar is full.
Beavers celebrated Easter with
an 'egg hunt' and are planning a
visit to Walk-a-bott Creek near
Gorrie, where there are animals to
see, a park, a pond, a slide, and
several other attractions.
They are going to share their
experiences in a letter to Elliott
Diamond in Australia, who was
active as a Beaver while he was in
Blyth in the fall.
Cubs are studying space. At a
recent meeting they dressed one of
their leaders as a spaceman. John
Battye will be a guest soon to
demonstrate his rockets, and the
boys are excited about trying
homemade compressed air rockets.
They also have plans to do some
;leanup work around Blyth as part
)f their environmental badge work.
As part of the Toronto Raptors'
'Salute to Scouting" several Blyth
icouts, along with some family
nembers and friends attended the
vlarch 31 game at the Skydome.
Although the home team lost, it
was a wonderful opportunity for
those who attended, and a great
time was enjoyed.
With better weather hopefully on
the way many more activities are
Blyth & Londesboro
Lions Club
Friday, April 26
8:00 p.m.
Blyth Memorial Hall
Free Admission
Age of Majority Only
For more information call
prompted their return to faith. The
younger son said that while
vacationing and raining very hard,
they came upon an old man without
an umbrella, walking with a limp.
They stopped and picked him up.
He was on his way to church three
miles down the road.
Since they had nothing better to
do, they decided to wait and take
him home after church. As the two
brothers listened to the reading of
the scriptures and sat through the
breaking of the bread, something
moved them deeply.
This story of the two brothers
and their encounter with the
stranger on the road bears a
resemblance to today's gospel, Rev.
Huntley said. The two disciples
travelling along the Emmaus road
had once followed Jesus with hope
and joy. Then came the stormy
hours of Good Friday, shattering
their hopes and dreams.
Disillusioned, they left Jesus in an
unmarked tomb and returned to
their former ways.
They met the stranger on the
Emmaus road on Easter Sunday
morning. The disciples listened
then watched him break bread.
They were deeply moved. The
stranger was Jesus. He was alive
and risen.
Christians, too, have stormy
periods in their lives when faith
being planned in the outdoors. Two
Blyth Scouts have been invited to
participate in the District Commis-
sioner's Invitational Canoe Week-
end April 25-28 along the
Magnetawan River Route.
Blyth Scouts will also be
available to help with environmen-
tal cleanup and improvements to
the old railway corridor through
Penny Safe
at the
Blyth Public School
Tickets on sale
Thurs., May 2 - 5 - 7 p.m.
Fri., May 3rd - 5 - 7 p.m.
Sat., May 4th - 9 - 11 a.m.
Draws made on
Saturday, May 4th 11 a.m.
Tickets 25 for 500
75 for $1.00
Everyone Welcome
April 24 - April 30
By popular demand "Fries"
Wednesday - Crab Salad $5.65
Thursday - Panzerotti, Salad
& Garlic Bread $5.75
Friday Chicken Fahita $5.50
Saturday - Chicken Caesar $5.95
Sunday - Greek Pasta Salad
& Pie $5.95
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Tuesday - Nacho Chicken Salad $5.95
Hours: Mon. - Sat. 7 - 7 Sun. 9 - 7
Eat In or Takr Out
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gets tested, Rev. Huntley said.
"During such periods perhaps we
sinned against God. Perhaps we got
disillusioned with the Christian
faith. Perhaps we even left the
church. Today's gospel contains an
important message for all of us -
especially for those still searching
for Jesus or for those who have lost
Jesus." "We should recall another
traveller Paul on the road to
Damascus. Paul was confused. He
hadn't persecuted Jesus; he had
persecuted only his followers. Then
it dawned on Paul that Jesus and
his followers were one. They were
like a head and a body. Trying to
separate Jesus from his church, the
community of his followers, was
like trying to separate our own head
from our body. Years later Paul
expressed this mystery in his letter
to the Colossians: 'Jesus is the head
of his body, the church; he is the
source of the body's life'." "If we
Winners of the euchre at Blyth
Memorial Hall, April 8 were: high
lady, Nora Kelly; high man, Lloyd
Appleby; ladies' low, Vera
Hesselwood; men's low, Lawrence
Plaetzer; ladies' lone hands,
Geraldine Dale; men's lone hands,
Jack Blake.
April 15 winners were: high lady,
Lillian Appleby; high man, Lloyd
Appleby; ladies' low, Vera Badley;
men's low, Bernice McClinchey;
ladies' lone hand, Effie McCall;
men's lone hand, Jack Blake.
are to find the risen Jesus today, it
will be the way the disciples found
him on the road to Emmaus. It will
be the way Paul found him on the
road to Damascus. It will be the
way the two brothers found him on
the road; in the midst of his church,
in the breaking of the bread."
Hymn How Firm a Foundation was
sung followed with Pastoral Prayer
and The Lord's Prayer. The closing
hymn Glory Be to God the Father,
Commissioning and Benediction
followed. The choral response was
"Go Now In Peace."
Flowers in the church were in
memory of Shirley Vincent and
Betty Hoegy. Sympathy and
prayers to the bereaved families
and also the Lillian Riehl family
were extended.
In hospital at Clinton is Tilly
Mains. Congratulations to Karen
and Bill Glousher on the arrival of
a baby boy.
Women's Day Out is Saturday,
April 27 at 9 p.m. Australia Night
has been rescheduled for Wednes-
day, May 1 at 7 p.m.
(In front of Memorial Hall)
(Blyth, Auburn, Londesboro)
9 A.M. - 12 NOON
Sponsored by 1st Blyth Scouting
The ratepayers of the
Village of Blyth are hereby
notified that Carter's Waste
Disposal shall be
conducting a large item
pickup on SATURDAY,
APRIL 27TH commencing at
7:30 a.m. All items must be
placed at the curb. All
refrigerant containers must
have a certificate stating
CFC Free.
John Stewart, A.M.C.T.
Scouting begins last quarter