HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1996-04-17, Page 21.;" """." ... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: it :"" . "'MX "*0.2.4"0 2" /-4/. e104V14.50.4 A AUCTION SALES, A AUCTION SALES ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT A THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1996 PAGE 21. 1010-0.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••si LARGE AUCTION SALE To be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for several consignors SATURDAY, APRIL 20 AT 9 A.M. tSPORT CARD COLLECTION SELLS AT 11 A.M.: Over 100 full sets of $ !Hockey and Baseball cards from 1980's to 1996, over 40,000 cards ! all in albums and plastic sheets. Opeechee, Parkhurst, Upper deck, Topps, Fleer, Fleer Ultra, Score, Donruse, Leaf, Pinnacle, etc., !special Blue Jay sets and MacDonald sets. ! APPLIANCES: Fridge, stove, dryer, modern upright freezer, chest • • freezer, down draft wood stove, parlopr coal stove, Addi water cooler fountain, wringer washer, dishwasher, 4 microwave ovens, 4 ! colour TV's. • FURNITURE, ETC.: Piano, electric organ, 2 blanket boxes 2 dishes and glassware, some bedding, brass bed, wooden kitchen suite, plus other related hems. OTHER ITEMS: 6 guns, 2 - 2 wheel trailers, roll bars for Nissan pickup truck, several bicycles, gas engine grass whip, table saw, washstands, 2 bedroom suites, 2 new double box spring and mattress sets, plus other beds, china cabinet, leather wing back chair - like new, chesterfields and chairs, treadle sewing machine, chests drawers, several small tables, ping pong table - like new, bridge lamp, floor lamp, library table, good old pictures and frames, • • milk cans, small chain saw, Makita skill saw - like new, Holicrafter short wave radio, 2 cream separators, 2 air conditioners, 8 crank open trailer windows, fibreglass canoe plus our usual large offering of misc. items too numerous to mention. Two auctioneers selling. TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER I.D. AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB 519-482-7898 CLINTON • SAT., APRIL 27 AT 9 A.M.: Antique furniture and glassware at & Richard Lobb's Auction in Clinton for Tom and Bill Leiper and ; Clinton Estate. -RATES- 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 50c will be deducted If ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 BLYTH - 3 1/2 BEDROOM house on one acre, large attached garage, dishwasher. Pets okay. $550/month plus utilities. First and last required, 523-4738. 15-2 FARMHOUSE NORTH OF Blyth, available April. Phone 392- 6201. 10-tfn NEEDED TO RENT ON OR BE- fore May 15, small farmhouse for single person. Phone 524-7065. 16-1 THE BLYTH FESTIVAL RE- quires accommodation for the summer company In the Village of Blyth. Company members prepare their own meals and therefore prefer kitchen privileges in a boarding situation. Consideration for very flexible schedules needed. Please call Karen Stewart, General Manager at 523-4345. 16-2 A ARTICLES FOR SALE HARDWOOD NOW READY FOR the 96-97 winter season. Buy now and save $$. Phone 523-4425 or 523-4497. 16-2p TWO USED FOLDING WOOD garage doors, 10' x 8' w/hardware. JennyLynn Crib (new condition), playpen, high chair, small tricycle. 887-9326. 16-lp HUFFY BICYCLE - 20". BMX Vagabond bicycle - 16". 523-4913. 16-lp BLAKE'S APPLE ORCHARD — McIntosh, Spys, Spartan, Empire and Crispen apples, 21 lb. bags from $4.50. 4 litres fresh cider $3.50. Guaranteed freshness. 887- 6972. 02-tfn ARTICLES FOFI SALE 40 CUBIC YARD TRUCK LOADS of scrap wood, delivered free. Total Demolition 519-887-6904. 15-4 1996 MAPLE SYRUP FOR SALE. Phone Don and Marlene Procter, 887-6267. 14-3 CATHY'S SHOPPE, OLD & NEW, 1 1/4 miles north of Winthrop, turn right, second place on left. If I'm home I'm open. 527-1484. 14-3 CUSTOM FAXING - NEED TO send or receive a fax? The Citizen does custom faxing for customers. Drop in or call 523-4792 or 887- .9114 for details. tfn P PHYSICAL IN EDUCATION A AUCTION SALES BRIAN RINTOUL Auction Calendar SATURDAY, APRIL 20/96 Ron Stanley Farm Equipment Consignment Sale - Bervie. SATURDAY, APRIL 27/96 Livestock, farm machinery for John & Trieva Jamieson, RR #3 Wingham - (East Wawanosh Twp.). SATURDAY, MAY 4/96 - A. Ross McCall Estate, Brussels. SATURDAY, MAY 11/96 Garth & Ruth McClinchey, Auburn, Hullett Township. SATURDAY, MAY 25/96 - Mery & Marlyn Smith, Walton, McKillop Township. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK EX- CHANGE EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY AND BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK EVERY FRIDAY. NESBITT. Russell and Kerry Nesbitt are pleased to announce the early and safe arrival of their son, Ryan James Russell, born Friday evening, April 12 at 7:55 p.m. in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. He weighed in at 5 lbs. 11 1/2 oz. Spoiling privileges go to Carl and Lena Nesbitt, RR 2, Auburn and Randy and Eleanor Babcock, RR 1, Clinton. 16-1 SMITH. Steve, Kim and big sister Stephanie are proud to announce the safe arrival of Stacey Joanne, born Sunday, March 17, 1996 at the Seaforth Community Hospital weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz. Proud grandparents are Fred and Teuni Smith of Cranbrook and George and Helen Subject, both of Atwood. We would like to thank everyone for the cards and gifts also to Dr. Mark Woldnik, nurses Lynda and Bev for their care and safe delivery of Stacey. 16-1 McCAULEY. A sincere and heartfelt thank you to all the wonderful people who have given us love and support during a very trying time. Your many acts of kindness are greatly appreciated. Also a very special thank you to Dr. Hanlon and staff. — Jerry and Beth. 16-1 COMING —1 EVENTS LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Lucky Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel Chair Accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot must go every week. tfn MULVEY. Sincere thanks for your thoughtful expression of sympathy in the recent loss of our father, grandfather and great-grandfather. We extend our deep appreciation to all relatives, friends and neighbours for their cards, beautiful floral tributes, food, donations and thoughtfulness. Thanks to his caregivers while at Bellehaven Apartments and Wingham and District Hospital. Also, to Rev. Rae Grant for his comforting message at the funeral. Our appreciation is extended to the staff of McBurney Funeral Home for their personal touch. A special thanks to the ladies of the Belmore Community for the delicious lunch after the funeral. Those participating in the Masonic Service must also be recognized, Harry would have been, proud! — The Mulvey Families. 16-1 1950'S MYSTERY DINNER Theatre "Mary Lou, Mary Lou" at Blyth Festival May 3 and 4. Dinner 6 p.m., Show 8 p.m.. Dinner/ Theatre Package $25. Show only $15. Call (519) 523-9300. 14-5 WOMEN'S DAY OUT — 2ND Annual - at Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, April 27, 1996 (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.). Advance tickets on sale - $15 at: Blyth — Stitches by M.J., Luann's Country Flowers, Christmas & Country, Chauncey's; Clinton — Crossroads; Wingham — Lauretta's Hug & 1/2 or call 523- 4366, 523-4932. 15-3b CRAFT FAIR - BAINTON ART Gallery, Blyth, April 27, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission $1.00 (free with Women's Day Out ticket). Every- one welcome. 15-3b B BIRTHS CARD OF THANKS LARGE ONE BEDROOM APART- ment in Brussels, $299.00 per month, heat included. Call 519- 571-1740 or 519-579-3218 collect after 6 p.m. 14-4 BLYTH - 3 BEDROOM BUNGA- low, newly decorated, good location. Phone 523-9435. 16-tfn 3 BEDROOM FARMHOUSE FOR rent, $375/month plus utilities, 7 miles north of Blyth. No pets please. Write to W.A. Ranch, RR 1, Belgrave, NOG 1E0. 16-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Farm Machinery & Household Effects will be held for JOHN S. & TREVA JAMIESON RR 3, WINGHAM West half Lot 32, Conc. 11 East Wawanosh Twp. Two gorners south of Wingham and 3 1/2 corners west of Highway 4. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1996 AT 10:30 A.M. SHARP FOR INFORMATION CALL JOHN S. JAMIESON (519) 357-4839 AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL (519) 357-2349 AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Farm Machinery & Miscellaneous will be held for SIMON & MONICA BLEEKER R.R. 3, Wingham - Lot 29, Conc. 11 - East Wawanosh Twp., 2 corners south of Wingham & 6 miles west, 2 corners south of Whitechurch & 1/2 miles east or 5 corners north of Auburn off County Road 22. Watch for signs on 86 Highway & County Road 22 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1996 AT 1 P.M. LIVESTOCK: 6 Holstein heifers (500 - 700 lbs.), 7 Holstein bull calves (150 - 300 lbs.), 6 Holstein heifer calves (approx. 250 lbs.) FARM MACHINERY: 996 David Brown tractor, 2900 hrs., good condition, Bob Cat Model 310 skidsteer loader, fork, bucket, bale prong, 2600 hrs., good condition. 1977 Ford single axle truck with blower box and pipes, low hours, good condition (selling as is), 770 New Holland forage harvester with 2 row corn head and hay pickup, like new knifer, 3000 gallon liquid manure tank, two 12 ft. Nuhn liquid manure pumps, Farmland forage box & wagon, New Holland Model 25 forage blower, 1400 Jiffy high dump wagon with new floor, 469 New Holland haybine, New Holland Model 68 baler, 32 ft. bale elevator with motor, two wheel hay rake, 331 New Holland manure spreader, 3 PH fertilizer spreader with extensions, 20 ft. Kongskilde cultivator with double rolling harrow, 14 ft. John Deere cultivator, IH #10 16-run seed drill with grass seeder, Allied 6 In. 41 ft. long grain auger, George White sprayer with 36 ft. boom, 40 ft. self-levelling sprayer boom (new), 500 gallon plastic storage tank, Winco power generator, 8 ton feed tank (nearly new), 18 ft. flat rack wagon, Farm-o-Matic roller mill with 6 compartments. MISCELLANEOUS: Two 20 ft. Butler silo unloaders, Polydon calf hutch, Polydon foot bath for cows, hoof-trimming stall, mineral mixer, calf puller, weed-eater (new), 4 electric motors, six 4 In. augers with motors, two 6 in. augers, 20 neck straps, 3 Implant guns, wagon load of miscellaneous. Plan to attend. Owner changing farming operation. TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque with proper I.D. day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. Verbal announcements take precedence over advertising items listed as described by owner. FOR INFORMATION CALL SIMON BLEEKER (519) 357-1062 AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL (519) 357-2349