HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1996-04-17, Page 7Ottopiled by Patty Banks Phone 887-6156
The news from
a on
Pastor says, 'Door locked'
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Walton Public School news
Rev. Banks pulls off April Fool's Day prank
Staff and visitors of Walton
Public School,
Our company will be taking
aerial photographs in your area
today. Some time around 11:30
a.m., our aircraft will be flying over
your school to enable the photo-
grapher to take several exposures
of the school buildings and
We invite the co-operation of all
owners of vehicles stationed in the
parking lot with respect to one
small matter. In order to help us
ensure the optimum uniformity and
symmetry in the finished product,
we would ask that at some point
before 11:30 a:m., all vehicles be
positioned with the front of the car
facing northward. We have found
in our experience that such parking
lot configurations produce the
finest quality photographs.
Thank you very much for your
co-operation. A sales representative
will call on you later in the spring
in order to give you the opportunity
to view the proofs. We are
Elva and Ian Wilbee were
greeters at Duffs United April 14.
Geoffrey Banks lit the Christ
Candle and Rev. Randy Banks led
the worshippers into the Call to
Worship, followed by the singing
of the hymn This is the Day.
After announcements and
scripture reading he called the
young worshippers to the front and
reread the last verse of the hymn, In
the Bulb there is a Flower. He had
Sarah McDonald read the name of
the writer of the song - Natalie
Sleeth. Rev. Banks went on to tell
them that Natalie died a few years
ago and that she had written this
song for her grandchildren. She had
written a little story for her family
and Rev. Banks read it to the kids.
The sermon was called, "The door
is locked". Rev. Banks noted that
what he called the 'parked car
confident that you will be very
pleased with the results.
Rick Martinson,
President, Rural Overviews.
The above letter was found in the
Walton school mailbox on April 1
and brought into the office where
secretary Linda showed it to the
staff. Just before 9 a.m. all owners
of the cars could be seen obediently
turning their cars around. Little did
they know that this was a diabolical
scheme of Rev. Randy Banks, who
was watching out his window and
I'm sure, laughing his head off,
knowing that the gullible staff had
taken the bait.
A few days later he went to the
school and was going to confess his
little trick but they were all so
serious about it that he couldn't do
However, last Wednesday he
showed up at the school with a
picture in his hand and produced it
for the group. They laughed to see
their aerial photo which was taken
from the balcony of the Rev.
Banks's home. April Fools!
Well the Rev. may have thought
index' was up last Sunday at every -
church he passed on his way to
Bluevale. This is his unscientific
method for estimating the
attendance at church services.
Last Sunday being Easter the
index was up and he expects the
index to go down now until
The church used to refer to the
Sunday after Easter as 'Low
Sunday' as if to concede that the
church had begun its long journey
into the doldrums that -fie between
Easter and Christmas.
Rev. Banks went on to talk about
how we keep our homes and cars
locked as well as church buildings.
The church began locking its doors
on the first Easter night. In John 20
it says that the disciples were
hiding out behind locked doors for
Continued on page 27
that he had the last laugh but now
he admits to living in fear as he is
sure the teachers will plot to get
even. Stay tuned to the exciting
Walton news for the continuing
saga of how the teachers 'get even.'
Student teacher Tracey Fischer
finished her last day on Friday with
the kindergartens and now it's back
to school for her. She spent her
time teaching a unit on nutrition.
The kids made bread, paper pizzas
and food collages.
The Grade Is are... doing
experiments in air adventures. Part
of this adventure includes putting
on a magic show for the kinder-
gartens using balloons, straws etc.
Next week they have a very big
challenge. They will attempt to lift
a desk using air, straws and a big
bag. Can it be done? Stay tuned for
the results or better yet to and visit
their classroom and see for
yourself. Then you can see their
squirt bottle art out in the hallway.
The Grade 2s have been busy
working with eggs. They made egg
carton critters, wrote some egg
poetry, shrunk some eggs using
maple syrup, found out the strength
of eggs, made washcloth bunnies
and bunny baskets and in between
that did some creative writing.
Mrs. Scott's Grade 3s have
started their magnet unit. All kinds
of magnets have been coming into
the classroom. There are cow
magnets, welder magnets and
smaller magnets as well. They are
experimenting witli what items are
attracted to magnets. The kids have
now completed their stories and are
finishing up by making covers for
their books.