HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1996-04-03, Page 7call was taken with nine present. Shelley Herries was welcomed. 'Ethel and Vera have been making quilt blocks. Christcna Gross and Kay Lapp offered to assist with this project. A letter has been received by Wilfred Collison's sister, thanking the club for the quilt given to him. Vera read "What Can I Eat", one of today's problems, and finished with a memory of yesteryear, "Not too Small to Save". Ruth McClinchcy invited the club to her home for the April meeting. She will be responsible for the lunch and Bernice Norman will have the program. Pat Hunking was the capable auctioneer for a miscellaneous sale. There was quite an assortment of articles and baking. Grace was sung. Members gathered around the table for lunch which was served by Vera and the hostess. A social half hour enjoyed. Londoners visit , Visitors with Martha Daer and Gordon were Shirley Rolston and Hazel Hamilton of London, and Ruth Dewar of Atwood Compiled by Mildred Lawlor Phone 526-7589 Compiled by June Fothergill Phone 523-4360 The news from uburn Rev. Ross leads service Rev. Paul Ross conducted the communion service at Knox United Church. Bernice Gross was organist. Rev. Ross and Doug McClinchey gave a dramatic reading for Palm Sunday. Hymn Hosanna, Loud lIosanna was sung. Rev. Ross gave the prayers. The children's song This is the Day was sung and their story told. The children distributed palm crosses to the congregation. The senior choir sang the anthem Praise The Lord. Rev. Ross gave the meditation, "Remembering Jesus". The communion hymn Let's Break Bread Together was sung and communion was served. The offering was received by Greg Park and Marinus Bakker, and for the Sunday School by Chris Milli an and Marten Sturzenegger. It was dedicated in song. Ride On! Ride On in Majesty! was sung, then Rev. Ross pronounced the benediction. The news from ondesboro Gang donates $100 The March meeting of Londesboro Happy Gang Seniors was held at the Hall on Wednesday, March 27. It began at 12:30 p.m. with a pot luck dinner. The meeting opened with 0 Canada. Len welcomed everyone. The minutes of the February meeting were read. A thank you note from Allan Bosman was read. Volunteers are needed to go to Huronlea on June 11. The $100 returned from CHuMS will be given to Huron Adult Day Care Centre. Senior Games are in Exeter on June 17 and June 18. Lunch committee for April meeting is: cakes, Josephine Mac- Gregor and Phyllis Tyndall; ice cream, Reg Lawson, Bob Madill; KP, Hazel Watkins, Lorne Hunk- ing, Ted and June Fothergill. A donation of $500 is going to the Lions Club. Zone 8 Spring Rally is in Dashwood on Thursday, April 18. Registration is 9:30 to 10 a.m. The fee is $3 per person. There were seven tables of euchre. Winners were: high lady, Phyllis Tyndall; ladies' lone hands, Reta Kelland; ladies' low, Helen Lee; men's high, Orville Kelland; men's lone hands, Hazel Reid; men's low, Ray Fisher. Hunkings greet at UC Greeters at Londesboro United Church on Sunday, March 31 were Lorne and Addie Hunking. Ushers were Bob and Karen Trick. The junior and senior choirs sang. The sermon topic was "Remembering Jesus." Holy Communion was held. Choir practice is 10:15 a.m. April 7. The bake sale and UCW yard sale are on May 18. Ray and Betty Fisher joined Londesboro United Church Sunday. Women host baby shower A baby shower was held at the home of Barb Bosnian on Thursday evening. Barb and Kelly Bosnian and Liz Lawson were the hostesses. Guests of honour were Marjorie and baby Tyler Berry. Marjorie thanked everyone. A delicious lunch was served. 4-H Chinchilla Club meets By John Storey The 4-H Chinchilla Club met on March 9 for the fourth meeting. After all the members arrived we went to the shed where Ray and Barb Storey had some chinchillas. They told us about some phrases that the judge might use at the show and auction. The show and auction are being held at Walton 2ornmunity Hall on May 11. The ;how is at 10. The auction is at 11. Then Ray took the boys to part of he shed where there were some iaby chinchillas and Barb took the 4irls to the trailer and they looked it some chinchillas. Then they switched. The next meeting will be on April 13 at 9 a.m. The Tuesday, March 14 meeting was a double meeting. We went to the sugar bush and tapped a couple of trees. We then went on a hike through the sugar bush. After this our youth leader, Debbie Hoggart made a scavenger hunt, then we all helped wash the troughs for the maple syrup. Then after the troughs were rinsed out, we went in the house to get the paperwork underway. We watched a movie and read over the roll call. Then we played a game. The girls won. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1996 PAGE 7. Walkerburn views country life Kay Lapp welcomed the Walker- burn Club to her home on Monday, March 25 at 2 p.m. Ethel Ball opened the meeting with a reading, "Head For The Country", then showed interesting photos to confirm this. Vera Penfound gave two readings, "I Won't Put My Glasses On" and "Anniversary". The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Minutes of the last meeting were then read and approved. The treasurer's report was given by Vera Penfound. The draw, won by Betty Archam- bault, was donated by Kay. Roll YOUR 1 KNECHTEL 0C,4a1STORE WITH IITAPr BIG Easter SAVINGS 41066., • Scrimgeour's Food Market Food Markets Blyth 523-4551 White 008 Potatoes of P.E.I. Canada #1 20 lb. bag 79 ea. pProduct CV m _. Q. . 9 Q 9 > < MAXWELL HOUSE GROUND COFFEE Large 1 kg Tin Price without Value 1.00 PLU 2800 9 Coupon 7.99 olio In Valid only at Scrimgeour's, Blyth 63107917 Nielsen until closing Sun., Apr. 7, 1996. V8 VEGETABLE COCKTAIL OR Large 950 ml Bottle n 79 CAESAR'S CHOICE 24 LIBBY'S VEGETABLES Assorted Varieties Frozen g/1 kg Bag 1 49 COKE OR SPRITE Assorted Varieties x 355 ml Tins 599 Unit Price 7.2/100 ml 750 nil Bottle *Deposit Unit Price 9.2/100 ml. BONELESS OUTSIDE ROUND STEAK ROAST Cut From Canada AlAAY AAA Grades Beef Hip (Eye Removed) 5.05 kg 29 lb. KNECHTEL BLACK FOREST HAM Whole, Half or Mini 5.93 kg 692 2 lb. FROZEN UTILITY GRADE YOUNG TURKEYS 2.84 kg 29 1 lb. FROZEN GRADE A YOUNG TURKEYS All Available Sizes 3.06 kg 39 I lb. FA 00 m C. ci tr? . . ici >. SWIFT SLICED SIDE BACON Price without Coupon 2.49 1 9 9 Valid only at Scrimgeour's, Blylh 08403168 until closing Sun., Apr. 7, 1996. Nielsen KNECHTEL PEAMEAL BACON STYLE "By The Piece" Sweet Pickled Pork Backs 8.80 kg. 99 3 lb. FRESH JUMBO SIZE ROASTING CHICKENS 3.95 kg 79 I lb. FROZEN MIRABEL SHRIMP RING 312 g Pkg. 7 99 PICNIC PORK SHOULDER ROAST Fresh young Canadian Pork 2.84 kg lb. 29 99 EASTER 47 ..74 LILY —.,- 5" Bloom & Up -4-701 .41"- 6" Pot - ‘ *A* - ,,- 4 ea. — FRESH CARROTS Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 5 lb. Bag 89 I ea. Savings based on our regular retails. We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements. Values effective: Monday, April 1 - Sunday, April 7, 1996.