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Agriculture 1996
By Bonnie Gropp
Being able to produce as many
different types of cash crops as pos-
sible is a move in the right direc-
tion. It is therefore heartening when
genetic research provides an oppor-
tunity to introduce a crop that had
previously been grown in slightly
warmer climates.
Looking at crops which were
originally grown in the southern
portion of the province, but are
now a part of the Huron County
growing season, the most notable is
This herbaceous annual, which
belongs to the legume family, is
among the oldest of cultivated
crops, with its origins traced back
to East Asia. On this side of the
ocean it was introduced about 1800
as a hay crop in the U.S., but was
not recognized as a valuable source
of edible oil until the early 1900s.
The oil from the soybean is of
high quality and is used in the pro-
duction of margarine, shortening
and salad oils.
A warm-season crop, requiring a
mean summer temperature of 21°C
and a frost-free period of 120-150
days for optimum production most
of Canada's annual production was
in the counties of Essex, Middle-
sex, Kent and Lambeth. However,
the soybean growing boundary has
been moving steadily north for sev-
eral years. "It is a trend that began
probably two decades ago," says
Allan McCallum, a crop specialist
with the Ontario Ministry of Agri-
culture and Rural Affairs. "The
main driving factor is an excellent
short season variety of soybeans."
Martin Huzevka, the general
manager of the Ontario White Bean
Producers Board says the adapta-
tion of certain beans to a shorter
growing season has certainly
Plant genetics assist
crop's northward shift
impacted the migration of this crop effect, is it possible that that has
into not just the northern parts of made it easier to grow crops more
the province, but easterly as well. commonly harvested in slightly
"Twenty per cent of the navy beans warmer areas? McCallum feels this
are in the area east of Toronto," he is unlikely. "Regarding our climate
said. there is so much variability from
McCallum says the Ontario Soy- year to year a trend change in cli-
bean Variety Trials issued in early mate is actually irrelevant."
December, includes a table which However, some experts have
shows the yields of these types of claimed that it was ground level
soybeans to help farmers decide ozone, caused by increased temper-
which ones should do the best for atures, that resulted in much of the
white bean migration from the
southern part of the province 20
Trials help years ago. Huzevka is quick to
note that while this is a possibility
it could equally be as a result of producers crop rotation. "White beans are a
crop that need to have time for soil
cleansing. While ground level select variety ozone may have impacted this
somewhat, it's not certain what per-
centage of the issue could be
them. attributed to that or to the buildup
"That, and the fact that the soil of contaminants in the soil making
structure is quite good, are the two the crop disease susceptible," he
most prominent reasons that soy- said. "It's not just the environment
beans have been moving north. itself, but the environment in the
Another 'southern' crop now soil."
being produced in Huron is canola. Making reference to the long and
McCallum notes, however, that blistering cold winter of 1992,
while this came into the area many McCallum notes that climactic
years ago, there is a bit of a "price changes are minor, but seasons can
battle" due to overlapping areas. vary greatly annually. "Genetics is
"Canola can be grown further north the major factor, (regarding plant
than soybean, so what the cost is boundary shifts) not climate."
determines what is grown in these
overlap areas."
Corn is another crop that moved
north, but while the growth has
been slow it began some time ago,
McCallum says. "About 30 years
ago there was a spring cereal area,
but they have now found a balance
of where corn is the most economi-
cal and where it's just simply too
far north to grow a good crop."
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