HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1996-01-31, Page 15The news from
Dows host United Church
annual meeting, Jan 23
Alley oop
A perfect volley by Curtis Knight of East Wawanosh
Public School during the regional volleyball
championships at F.E. Madil Secondary School as his
team took on Grey Central Public School.
Knox parish elects officers
Members of the Calvin-Brick
United Church congregation
gathered at the home of Donald and
Gloria Dow on Tuesday evening,
Jan. 23 for their annual meeting.
Introduced and welcomed to the
meeting was the Rev. Rea Grant,
minister of the Wingham United
Church, who has been appointed
supervising minister of the
Belgrave Pastoral charge while
Rev. Mary Jane Hobden is on
maternity leave.
Rev. Rea Grant called the
meeting to order with devotion and
prayer, then briefly outlined what
his role as supervising minister
would involve and was appointed
chairperson for the meeting.
Financial statements were
presented showing that all
obligations had been fulfilled.
Accepted was the proposed pastoral
charge budget for the year 1996 as
well as the Mission and Service
Fund objective of $11,000 for
Officers elected to session were:
Yvonne Coultes, Donna Palmer;
Board of Stewards, Chris Palmer,
Mabel's Moms met at their
regular time on Wednesday, Jan.
24. Those attending were Lila
Procter and Ben; Sherry Sippel,
Christie, Scott and Daniel; Claren
Yuill; Sandra Dorsch and Melinda;
Connie Shiell and Christopher;
Donna Raynard, Trevor and Heidi;
Waneta Leishman and Melissa;
Andrea Stevenson, Mathew and
Tyler; Kim Higgins and Laura;
Linda Hess and Andrew; Shannon
Weitendorf and Erin, Elaine Scott
and Paton.
Their topic was "Hospital Care".
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson
spent last weekend visiting with
Sheila and Doug Cousins and
Brandon at Guelph.
Les Shaw's brother Ross and his
wife Pat Shaw of Stoney Creek
were weekend guests at the home
of Les and Donna Shaw. They
braved the stormy weather to get
Frank and Dorothy Procter,
Wayne and Debbie Hopper, Sandra
and Larry Mayberry are home from
The seniors bowling scores for
Wednesday, Jan. 24 were: Alice
Nicholson, 71, 138; Ivy Cloakey,
95, 120; Muriel Taylor, 92, 125;
Laura Johnston, 122, 125; Doris
Remington, 180, 14.4; Mae Louttit,
144, 109; Louise Bosman, 130,
110; Doris Michie, 103, 102; Elea-
nor Neil, 68, 98; Evelyn Galbraith,
113, 106; Kay McCormick, 126,
On Wednesday, Jan. 24 there
were six tables of euchre in play.
Prizes went to: high lady, Aileen
Leddy; lone hands, Jean Thedorf;
low lady, Lois Chamney; high man,
George Carter; lone hands, Kay
McCormick (playing as a man);
low man, Jack Taylor.
Ronald McBurney, Donald Dow;
trustees, Roy Dawson, David
Beecroft; UCW rep., Joan Peterson;
Sunday School co-ordinator, Joan
Vincent; church treasurer, Jessie
McGee; lay delegate to Presbytery,
Monica Bleeker.
Elected to other committees were
Ronald McBumey to ministry and
personnel; Donna and Chris
Palmer, manse; Gloria Dow,
Margaret Jamieson, auditors;
Agnes McBurney, Observer rep.;
Jessie McGee, Gloria Dow, music
committee; Vicky Black, Rene
Bleeker, Steven McBurney,
offering stewards; Ivan Dow, pulpit
supply committee; Gloria Dow,
visitation committee.
United Church Women executive
is president, Joan Pederson;
secretary, Elsie Palmer; treasurer,
Margaret Jamieson.
Expressions of thanks were
extended to Donald and Gloria
Dow, to Rea Grant and to Rev.
Mary Jane Hobden. Rev. Rea Grant
closed the meeting with prayer.
A social half hour followed.
a vacation at St. San Andres Island
(part of Columbia).
The next seniors meeting is
Friday, Feb. 2 at 1:30 p.m. in the
Community Centre.
The Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 East
Wawanosh students enjoyed a day
of skiing at Talisman on Tuesday,
Jan. 23. They were accompanied by
some teachers and parents. They
boarded the buses at 7 a.m. and
returned back to the school at about
6:30 p.m. all having a fun day
skiing with no injuries.
The Brownies and Sparks met at
their regular time on Thursday, Jan.
25 at the East Wawanosh Public
School. The Brownies learned
about Canada while the Sparks
enjoyed singing songs and playing
They are collecting lids from
juice cans. These will be used to
make party favours for St. Patrick's
Day for the Wingham and District
Hospital. Call Alice Yuill at 357-
4038 if you do have any juice lids.
There will be euchre again on
Wednesday, Jan. 31 at 8 p.m.
Everyone is welcome.
The seniors enjoyed a Shoot
party on Friday, Jan. 26 in the
Belgrave Community Centre. There
were 13 tables.
Prizes went to: high lady, Audrey
Edgar; second high lady, Lois
Chamney; most shoots, Alice
Nicholson; low lady, Lillian
Appleby; high man, Harvey Edgar;
second high man, Ed Stewart; most
shoots, Gordon Bosman; low man,
George Michie.
The next shoot party will be on
Feb. 9 at 1 p.m. starting with
dessert followed by shoot.
Everyone is welcome.
The annual meeting of Knox
United Church, Belgrave was held
on Sunday, Jan. 28 with 37 people
On motion of Les Shaw and
George Michie, Murray Scott was
nominated chairperson for the
meeting. John Nixon and Donna
Shaw moved that Dorothy Coultes
be secretary for the meeting.
The minutes of the previous
annual meeting were accepted.
There was no business arising from
the minutes.
A brief report of the Board of
The general meeting of the UCW
was held Jan. 25 in the church
schoolroom at 6:30 p.m. A
delicious potluck supper was
enjoyed by members and their
Following the supper Wilma
Higgins called on Shawn and
Christopher Cottrill, who
entertained by each playing a piano
Kay Roberts and Loma Cook led
the worship service on the theme
"A New You" based on Genesis 1,
verse 1. Hymns, For Thy Mercy
and Thy Grace, Standing at the
Portal and 0 God Our Help In
Ages Past were sung.
The offering was received and
dedicated. Kay Roberts gave the
meditation ''God's work for the
New Year" and Loma Cook closed
the worship service with prayer.
Wilma Higgins conducted the
business. Thank you notes were
read and the treasurer's report
given. She announced the next
general meeting is March 28.
Tanya Verburg of Auburn is guest
speaker at the annual meeting of
the UCW Feb. 12 at Ontario Street
United Church, Clinton. The World
Day of Prayer is March 1 in the
Presbyterian Church, Belgrave.
Mabel Wheeler introduced the
guest speaker, Ross Procter, who
gave an interesting presentation of
his and Mary's trip to Africa.
Barbara Anderson thanked Ross
and Rev. Roberts closed the
meeting with prayer.
Fish selling out
Under an amendment to the
Game and Fish Act, anglers, who
fish anywhere in Ontario, are
prohibited from selling their
catches of fish. It is also illegal for
anyone to purchase fish caught by
The amendment to Section 72,
which took effect Jan. 1, states:
"Except under the authority of a
licence and in accordance with the
regulations, no person shall sell,
offer for sale, purchase, barter,
culture or be concerned in the sale,
purchase, barter or culture of fish
other than species designated in the
Yellow perch angled from the
waters of Lake St. Francis in
eastern Ontario may continue to be
sold, but only within the United
Counties of Stormont, Dundas and
The sale of angler-caught fish has
long been an issue within Ontario's
angling community. With this new
regulation, angling will focus on
the recreational values of fishing
and no longer involve commercial-
ization of the fish caught.
Stewards was given by Les Shaw.
John Nixon spoke on behalf of the
trustees. The treasurer's report was
given by Lorne Campbell. The
budget as reported in the annual
report was approved.
Anyone wishing alterations in the
list of members as printed in the
annual report is asked to notify
Anne Spivey.
A motion was made and
seconded by Muriel Coultes and
Barbara Anderson that the
objective be set at $12,000 for the
Mission and Service fund.
Election of officers session to
retire in 1998: Melanie Pletch
nominated by Donna Shaw,
Elizabeth Procter nominated by
John McIntosh, John Nixon
nominated by Mabel Wheeler.
Nominations closed on motion of
George Procter and John Campbell.
Stewards to retire in 1998: Joyce
Vincent, nominated by Doreen
Marks, Mabel Wheeler nominated
by John Nixon, George Inglis
nominated by Les Shaw.
Nominations closed by John
Nixon and John Campbell.
Heater McIntosh has resigned
from the board of stewards. It was
suggested by George Procter that
the stewards look after filling the
vacancy. John Nixon was elected to
the board of trustees to retire in
year 2,000.
Jack Taylor and Arnold Spivey
have asked to have their names
removed from list of ushers. All
stewards and youth group members
were added to the usher list.
Maureen Hopf was added to the
Christian Education Committee.
It was noted at the meeting that
Ivan Dow was retiring from the
ministry and personnel committee.
He is to be replaced by someone
from Calvin Brick.
Bill Coultes agreed to continue as
lay person to presbytery.
The Christian Education
Committee is to replace Heather
McIntosh (Church School co-
The Session rep. on the Christian
Education Committee is respon-
sible for calling a Christian
Education Committee meeting.
Dorothy Coultes gave a short
report on the Memorial Fund
Committee noting that a brass
Bible stand and photocopier had
been added to the church. The
committee of Laura Johnston and
Dorothy Coultes will remain the
same. Auditors Elizabeth Procter
and Mike Cottrill will continue for
another year. Reported by Lorne
Campbell that 98 families were
receiving The Observer.
The Country Social will be held
on June 22. This is to be organized
by the UCW. A letter of
appreciation is to be sent to the
minister by the meeting secretary.
Murray Scott thanked all those
who contributed so willingly and
faithfully to the daily and weekly
activities of the church with special
mention to those who contributed
extra because of the manse
purchase and financing.
A note of thanks from Rev. Mary
Jane for the support shown her over
the year was read by Murray. The
next annual meeting will be held on
Jan. 26, 1997 following lunch after
the morning service.
The meeting was adjourned.
Murray Scott closed the meeting
with prayer asking for guidance for
the church and members in the
coming year. Sparks collect juice lids
24 gather for euchre