HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1995-10-18, Page 8Raring to go
The Blyth Figure Skating Club rnembers were ready to hit
the ice last Friday as the season began once again. Anne
Vincent gives Lisa Carter a hand lacing her skates for her
W. Wawanosh meets
in closed session
Getting the message out about Main St.
October marks the 10th anniversary of"the found-
ing of The Citizen. During the month Publisher Keith
Roulston will recall some of the memorable moments
in the paper's history.
One of the reasons The Citizen was founded back
in October 1985 was because of the worry about the
future of our main streets in Blyth and Brussels.
Main street is the heart and soul of a community.
There are important parts of the commu-
nity all over town, on quiet corners where
churches stand majestically or in busy
areas were arenas and ball parks hum
with activity, but none of these reflect the
community to itself and the outside world
as much as main street. Think of it your-
self, when you drive through the
province, don't you tend to judge a com-
munity by the appearance of main street?
If the buildings arc well kept, if there has
been an attempt to beautify the area, if the
stores look prosperous and the street is busy, we tend
to think that this is a community with something going
for it. If, however, things look rundown and the streets
are empty of people and traffic, we figure this is a
ghost town in the making.
Because of this, the main street merchant is more
than just an ordinary citizen. When I was growing up,
I tended to think the merchants on my town's main
street were rich. I know better now., While some may
be prosperous, I know that many merchants earn less
than many truck drivers, people who work at the salt
mine, nurses or teachers. While the local citizenry
should perhaps not shed tears that main street business
owners aren't as rich as I once imagined, they should
be concerned that they remain prosperous enough to
keep the stores open and well kept.
There are many forces playing on the main street of
communities these days. Often a town's citizens are
their own worst enemy when they feel they just have
to have the price or selection a big store has in the
city, or increasingly, in a nearby larger town. They
still like to have the local store for an emergency but
they make their big purchases in the
cities. Someday they may not have that
local store when the emergency arises.
But to have an equal chance to com-
pete with the big stores, local business
must have an economical way to get its
message out about what they haVe to
offer. The Citizen was founded with that
in mind. Before The Citizen, if a local
business wanted to advertise it had to
pay a higher cost in a newspaper that
gave only partial coverage in the local
community. Since advertising cost is based on the cir-
culation of the newspaper, it meant to get a few hun-
dred shoppers in the village an advertiser had to pay
for thousands of non-shoppers in another community.
The return on investment was not very good.
The local business community hasn't always seen
the logic in The Citizen's goals. Some merchants
choose other ways to promote, some unfortunately
don't promote at all. While we wish everyone would
support their local community-owned newspaper, our
main concern is that our main streets are healthy, busy
places that present a good face to our own citizens and
to the outside world. We all play a part in that. We all
need to work to keep main street lively.
Serving the
Owned by the
County Council briefs
Council clears rumours
The Huron County Board of Education
Volunteer Tutors Needed
Would you like to help someone improve his/her
reading, writing or math skills?
There is someone in your community who needs you.
For more information call Darlene Williams at
482-5428 ext. 353 or
Part of our lifelong learning initiative.
R. Brown
P. Carroll
An information session for women and
their partners on:
• early detection
• treatment
• support services
Tuesday, October 24, 1995
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Turnberry Street, Brussels
Sponsored by:
Wingham and District Hospital
London Regional Cancer Centre
Canadian Cancer Society
Ontario Breast Screening Program, London
Screening Centre for Women
Huronlea, Home for the Aged, County of Huron
Everyone welcome!
For further information, please call
357-3210 and ask for N. Brown or W. Woodley
Huron County councillors made
it known, at the Oct. 5 meeting of
council, that they want more details
of the expenditures on the Huron
County courthouse renovations.
"There are a lot of rumours on
the street and I want to know the
facts," said Bill Vanstone, reeve of
"We need to know more about
what is going on," echoed Exeter
Reeve Bill Mickle. "It is important
to get the information before we
have to make a decision."
"I haven't been personally com-
fortable with it (the way informa-
tion is reported to council on the
project)" said Tom Cunningham,
reeve of Hullett. "I don't want a bad
surprise at the end. I don't think
we've been doing our homework."
Bill Clifford, reeve of Goderich
said that Sandra Lawson, co-ordi-
nator of the court house project and
Claus Breede, co-ordinator of the
renovation of the old Huronview
building, had been reporting this
information to the Administration,
Finance and Personnel committee
but perhaps the committee had
been remiss in not making these
reports available to the full council.
Councillors were concerned to
learn that the contingency fund for
the courthouse project had been
used up in unexpected expenses.
Lawson said there had been sur-
prises uncovered in the demolition
of the interior of the building which
required additional expense.
Clifford explained the tight bud-
Continued from page 2
Mae Ebel; Right Supporter of Vice
Grand, Sister Sarah Stephenson;
Left Supporter of Vice Grand,
Sister Lois McCutcheon.
Sister Ruth Campbell rendered
two lovely solos. A tabloid, "Walk
with the Butterfly" was presented.
Sister Linda Jacklin was
presented with her 25 year jewel.
Brother Bill Young, District
Deputy Grand Master of Huron
District No. 8, informed the lodge
about the open installation that will
be held on Nov. 9 at B. M. & G.
arena. Everyone welcome.
gets for each of the projects were
operating on a contingency of bare-
ly more than one per cent of the
total budget. The court house pro-
ject will be very close to budget, he
promised. "Sandra deserves a lot of
credit for the work she has been
doing to keep it on budget."
Negotiations are continuing with
Perth County to see if the two
counties can combine administra-
tion of the health units, Clifford
told council.
Meanwhile, because the London-
Middlesex Health Unit felt it could-
n't continue to provide services of a
Medical Officer of Health at the
current time, the Huron County
Board of Health has appointed Dr.
James McGregor of Wingham as
acting MOH.
The London-Middlesex Board of
Health said it would be willing to
discuss amalgamation with Huron
but preferred to wait until Huron's
negotiations with Perth are com-
pleted, Clifford said. The next
meeting between Huron and Perth
is Oct. 27.
* * *
The appraisals of the timber
value in the Morris Tract county
forest have been completed and
will be dealt with in a closed ses-
sion of the Agriculture and Pubic
Works committee, Norm Fairies,
reeve of Howick, told council.
The appraisals were called for
after The Friends of the Morris
Tract opposed a plan by the county
to selectively log the hardwood for-
est. The Friends said the area was
environmentally sensitive and log-
ging would damage the under-
growth, and thinning of the tree
cover might damage rare plant
species by letting in to much light.
The county ordered both an
appraisal of the timber value and art
audit of the environmental value of
the property.
-Since the appraisals were
ordered, a July wind storm felled or
damaged about 400 trees in the
tract and the county ordered the
trails in the area closed because of
the danger to hikers from trees
leaning across the trails.
Visitors at the Huron County
Museum may have a chance in
November to see the only Victoria
Cross ever won by a Huron County
Claus Breede, director and cura-
tor of the museum, told council, the
Clinton Branch of the Royal Cana-
dian Legion (which owns the
medal) has agreed to let the medal,
won by H. Miner, be displayed at
the museum. Also on display will
be Miner's Croix de Guerre, award-
ed by the French government.
A special closed session of West
Wawanosh council was held on
Sept. 19 to discuss the pending law
suit by Beverley Grierson, regard-
ing access to her property.
Prior to the closed meeting,
council authorized the township to
borrow $900,000 until the comple-
tion of the Dungannon Drainage
Council agreed that Bill Robin-
son would rehabilitate the eastern
section of the St. Augustine Pit
according to the directions from the
Ministry of Natural Resources.
He will invoice his costs to the
township in 1996 for a claim for a
refund from the Rehabilitation
Security on deposit for the pit.
The regular council meeting, held
on Oct. 3, dealt with two issues
concerning trees. -
Bill Robinson was given a letter
of approval for the cutting of trees
on Sideroad 15/16, Conc. 9, adja-
cent to his land to allow the instal-
lation of electric power to the pump
on the property.
Provided the service is still
offered, council will order 100 trees
from the Maitland Valley Conser-
vation Authority for the spring. The
trees will be sold to residents wish-
ing to plant them along roadside
property adjacent to their own.
Updating the work on Dungan-
non drains, council was told the tile
should be in place in two weeks
and the cleanup should be finished
by the end of the month.
A bylaw to change the zoning of
Part Lot 24, Conc. 6 from AG I
(General Agriculture) to ER1-1
(Extraction Resources-Special
Zone), was passed.
Business Computer Services in
London will be hired by the town-
ship to prepare the municipal tax
notices for 1996.
Road accounts and general
accounts, in the amounts of
$8,583.85 and $331,135.59, were
approved for payment.