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District WI brainstorms for fundraising ideas
By M. E. McMahon
PRO Huron East District
Ruth Bauer, president of Huron
East District Women's Institute,
presided for the District Director's
meeting at the home of Marguerite
As part of her new role as
Parliamentary Assistant to the
Honourable Jim Wilson Minister of
Health, Helen Johns has taken the
lead role on long-term care reform.
As promised, during the election
campaign the premier halted the
development of multi-service
agencies on July 12 of this year.
"By halting MSA planning, we
are undoing the damage imposed
on long-term care services by the
previous government Harris said,
"We will make sure Ontarians
receive the highest quality for best
possible price."
Minister of Health Jim Wilson
said, "The government is
committed to fixing the problems
with Bill 173."
"Go and Tell" was the theme for
the fall rally of the Maitland
Presbyterial held in the Ashfield
Presbyterian Church on Monday,
Sept. 11.
Special speaker, Margaret
Vanderzweerde, lives out that
theme as she is preparing for her
sixth trip to India where she works
with the different missionaries and
visits schools, hospitals and colleges
under Presbyterian Sharing. She
shared her experiences with every-
one present and showed slides of
both the very poor districts and the
better areas, such as the Theological
School that trains strong leaders for
health, education and development.
Mayme Wilkins, vice-president,
was in charge of the program. She
welcomed everyone and opened the
meeting with prayer.
Rev. Ruth McLean of Bruce
Beach played several selections of
Gaelic songs on her violin, which
were enjoyed by all.
June Wylds welcomed the ladies
to Ashfield and the new minister
Rev. Chambers, brought greetings.
Elizabeth Dodson accompanied the
hymns sung throughout the meeting.
The worship service was
conducted by Marilynn Gilchrist
The Huron-Perth District Health
Council is providing residents of
Huron and Perth Counties with an
opportunity to learn about and
comment on the proposed
restructuring of London and St.
Thomas Psychiatric Hospitals.
In October, 1994, the District
Health Councils of Southwestern
Ontario formed the Psychiatric
Hospitals Restructuring Committee
consisting of district health council
members and staff, consumers,
family members, service providers
and labour representatives from
across the area served by the two
hospitals. The committee has since
' been studying the role and services
of the provincial psychiatric
hospitals within the context of
changes in the mental health
services system-
A 30-page Consultation and
Discussion Paper has been
prepared as the basis for collecting
Beimes, Listowel.
Each branch is responsible for six
articles to be sent to the sales table
at the Huron County Rally, Oct. 16
in Gorrie.
Majestic branch is to see about
Over the past few weeks Johns
has met with key people in the
long-term care system, discussing
their ideas on how best to co-
ordinate community based long-
term care services. She will report
to the Minister in the next few
The discussions proceeded under
these principals:
* improved access,
* highest quality of services at
the best price,
* cutting duplication and red tape
to put more money into front-
line services,
* consistent eligibility require-
ments for people needing
* provide accountability for how
of South Kinloss, reading the
scripture from Matthew 10: 38-42.
She spoke on the verse "whoever
shall give to drink unto one of these
little ones a cup of cold water only
in the name of a disciple, he shall
in no wise lose his reward."
She developed the "go and tell"
theme by saying how easy it is to
give a glass of water. The little
ones could include anyone with
needs which could be helped in
many different ways. She closed
her meditation with prayer.
Following the gathering of the
offering by the Ashfield ladies,
Muriel Neislon of Gorrie gave the
offertory prayer.
Treasurer Marjorie Wall gave an
encouraging report of the finances.
Agnes Bregman of Teeswater
introduced Mrs. Vanderzweerde and
she was thanked by Isabel Arbuckle
of Wingham. Shirley McCall of
Kincardine expressed the apprecia-
tion of everyone present to all who
had taken part of the meeting and
Ethel Baker of Molesworth closed
the meeting with prayer.
The ladies of Ashfield served
refreshments to bring a successful
evening to a close.
public feedback on the proposed
The Huron-Perth District Health
Council is presenting a consultation
on the proposed changes at
Mitchell Community Centre on
Thursday, Sept. 14. The public is
invited to attend either of two
sessions, 4 - 5:30 or 6:30 - 8 p.m.
The consultation will include a
short oral presentation and an
opportunity to discuss the
proposals in a group setting, as well
as an open house where displays
will outline the proposed changes
and people can discuss the
information individually with
members of the Restructuring
Copies of the consultation paper
are available by contacting the
Mental Health Planning Office of
the Huron-Perth District Health
Council in Stratford at 273-6238.
the ACWW Church service in
April 96, and it will be discussed
further at the January meeting.
Over a potluck lunch some
brainstorming was done to get
some ideas for fundraising for the
money is spent on services, and
* consistent and equitable
funding for services.
"I want to make sure that health
dollars end up where they are
needed most - in front-line
community services," Johns said.
"We want to provide the best
access to services."
District to partake of the 100th
centennial celebrations in 1997. A
committee is to be formed with one
member from each branch to assist
chairperson Margaret McMahon.
Board member Renate Rose gave
her report from the provincial
board meeting in August.
Restructuring of the Women's
Institute was the biggest item to be
discussed. All branches are urged
to get their input to the
restructuring committee as soon as
their discussions are complete.
Chris Green is the new secretary
at the FWIO office.
Jane Croft is asking for any good
clear pictures taken at the BBQ
Prelude Day June 14.
A new Tweedsmuir Curator is
required by Guelph Area.
Subdivision II is responsible for
Area Convention in 1996. Glenna
Smith of Arkell is letting her name
stand for President-Elect. As
Renate's team is finished a new
board director will be named at
convention time.
Majestic Branch will host the
94th District Annual May 14. The
theme is "Our Communijies Need
Everyone." Two offices need to be
filled - second vice president and
resolutions convenor.
Ruth thanked everyone for the
day and the January meeting is
scheduled for Jan. 15 at the
Brussels Library.
Maitland Presbyterial
holds fall rally, Sept. 11
Health council seek input
MPP leads long-term care reform