The Citizen, 1995-08-30, Page 19NOTICE
Township of Hullett
Municipal Office will be
closed from 12 Noon
Thurs., Sept. 7 and all
day Fri., Sept. 8. As of
Monday, Sept. 11 we will
be located in the new
municipal building.
Special service
Nestled in country solitude, Hope Chapel Cemetery was visited by a large gathering this
past Sunday for the annual decoration service, led by Pastor Jim Carne. In his welcome
Carne acknowledged the contributions made by the people who now rested at Hope
Consuming fire, sermon topic
Rev. Cameron McMillan
Church Office 887-6259 Manse 887-9313
11:00 a.m. Joint Summer Worship Service
Melville Presbyterian Church
God who gives to life its goodness,
Teach us now to laugh and praise you.
Rev. Catherine Campbell
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
9:30 a.m. - Belgrave Service
Joint Service with Brussels United
at Melville Presbyterian Church. Aug. 6 - Sept. 3.
We welcome you to come and worship with us.
Myth United Church
Sunday, Sept 3
Sunday, Sept 10
Session Meeting
Sept. 24
- No Service - Visitation Sunday
- S.S. begins at 11:00 a.m.
- service returns to 11:00 a.m.
- Sept. 12 - 8 p.m.
- Baptism Sunday
Rev. Diamond in charge of services 523-4224
Sunday 10 a.m. - Family Bible Hour
11 a.m. - Morning Service
8 p.m. - Evening Service
Wednesday 8 p.m. - Prayer & Bible Study
Friday 7:30 p.m. - Youth - Pastor Bob Lewis, 526-7441
You are welcome this Sunday
Rev. Nancy Beale
Trinity, Blyth St. John's, Brussels
9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
You are WeCcome at
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School for Children and Adults
11 - 12:15 - Morning Worship
Bible Studies - Wednesday 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Phone 523-4590 McConnell St., Blyth
HIGHWAY 4, BLYTH--523-9233
Sunday 10:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Adrian A. Van Geest
The Church of the "Back to God Hour" and "Faith 20"
Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX Sunday
Faith 20 5:30 a.m. Weekdays, Global T.V.
All Visitors Welcome Wheelchair accessible
Linda Garland leads Mennonite service
Linda Garland gave the message
at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship
on Sunday, Aug. 20. She spoke on
building castles and turning war
into peace.
Acts 14:36-41 was the selected
scripture passage, telling the story
of a disagreement between Paul
and Bamabas. Garland pointed out
that it is important to acknowledge
disagreements, to work them
through in the most appropriate
manner, and to allow God to work
in the situation. There are good and
bad ways to deal with conflict.
Listening is the key.
In the Cain and Abel conflict,
constructive dialogue did not occur,
as it did in the Abram and Lot
conflict. Some things are not even
worth disagreeing about. Paul and
Barnabas were both strong people
Greeters at Blyth United Church
on Aug. 27 were Les and Shirley
Rutledge. Ushers were Joan,
Shawn, Erica and Ross Clark.
Nursery was under the charge of
Brenda Burkholder.
Immortal, Invisible, God Only
Wise was sung.
The Old Testament lesson was
Jeremiah 1, 4-10. Psalm 67 "0 God
be gracious" was read responsively.
The choir anthem was God Will
Take Care of You, accompanied by
Phyllis Boak, music director.
The children's conversation was
about Jesus seeing a lady who was
very sad, walking, looking at the
ground. For 18 years she had been
sad because she had a lot of
worries. Jesus saw her and said,
"You are not meant to be like this."
He reached out and touched her and
told her to stand up.
Other people said this shouldn't
have been done on Sunday. Jesus
said, "You treat your animals and
give them food and water on the
Sabbath. Why should this woman
not be set free?" The New
Testament lesson from Hebrews
12, 18-29 was read by Rev.
Diamond. The Gospel lesson from
Luke 13, 10-17 was read by Harvey
Rev. Diamond's sermon was
"Our God is a consuming fire."
and it was probably best that they
went their separate ways. We need
to allow God to work in us and
then see what castles we can build.
Thelma Steinman was worship
leader for the service and Anne
Hemingway was pianist while
Mervin Lichty led the singing.
The Mennonite church also held
a service at Huronlea on Sunday
afternoon. At this service, Mervin
Lichty was worship leader, and
Elwin Garland gave the meditation.
Manivan Larprom was in charge of
the singing for the service and the
Lichty family provided special
Thelma Steinman was worship
leader again for the Aug. 27
service. Pastor Fred Lichti from
Listowel Mennonite Church was
The problem for Christians, Rev.
Diamond said, is that they avoid
the reality. "God is a consuming
fire, rather than a warm glow.
Churches should be built as places
in which we are shaken, or even
moved; not as places of respite."
"My task is to make the modern
world credible to the Bible. To dare
you and I to listen to this
troublesome voice, more than to
our own, to open up the gap
between ourselves and God rather
than to close it because it's in the
gaps, in the open spaces that we
can be free to roam, dream dreams,
hear a new word, see a new world.
Come to this kingdom which
cannot be shaken!"
Jerusalem the Golden was sung,
followed by Pastoral Prayer and
The Lord's Prayer. The closing
hymn was Tell Me the Old, Old
Story, which was followed by
Commissioning and Benediction.
In Clinton hospital are Ralph
Caldwell and Luella McGowan.
There will be no church services
next Sunday, Sept. 3. Sunday
school and church will both start at
11 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 10.
Rev. Diamond will be away from
Monday to Sunday. For personal
emergencies contact Rev. Randy
Banks, 887-6540, Walton.
Session meeting is Sept. 12 at 8
the guest speaker. He spoke from
Joshua 1:1-11 on the theme ''Moses
is Dead. Where is Joshua?" He
talked about transition when a new
leader takes over a group, and
stressed the necessity of looking to
the future and putting the past
behind us. New leaders bring new
visions. He also spoke about some
of the qualities necessary for
effective leadership.
Manivan Larprom was pianist
and Phailop Larprom led the
congregational singing, Manivan
also ministered to the congregation
through music by singing a solo.
A new quarter will begin next
Sunday for the Christian Education
Hour. Rhoda Horst, Anneke
Pardys, Anne Hemingway, Erla
Koch, Linda Garland, Elwin
Garland, Martin Baan, and Joyce
The garage sale will be held at
the home of Catherine Caldwell,
Sept. 1, 2, 3 at 9 a.m. Proceeds will
go towards the church.
The Garage Sale/Bake Sale is to
be held on Sept. 7, 8 and 9. Garage
sale to be held at Dorothy and
Laurie Scott's at 9 a.m. Anyone
wanting to donate should phone
Harvey Snell (4711) or Garth
Walden (9295) or Steven Webster
(4304) to arrange for pickup.
Farrell will each be in charge of a
class for the tall term. Adult
options will be: a study on the
book, "When Good People
Quarrel", a study on the book of
Acts, and a prayer class.
Carl Siemon will bring the
message next Sunday.