HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1995-02-22, Page 7Son Shine singers perform
On Sunday, Feb. 19 the Belgrave listen very quietly to a piano solo
Anglican service was conducted by Mouse in the Coal Bin by Harmony
Glen VanCamp. His message was Spivey, which was followed by
on "Faith Hope and Love." The Peace, Joy is Like the Rain, Jesus
greatest of these is "Love". There is the Rock and It's a Long Road to
were 29 worshippers in attendance. Freedom.
An organ prelude of inspiring The Son Shine Singers acknow-
sacred music by Mrs. Ann Spivey ledge Ann Spivey and Lila Procter
welcomed members and guests of for all their effort and work in
Knox United Church to the Sunday organizing and presenting the
morning service, Feb. 19. Margie concert. They expressed gratitude
Gordon and Candace Irwin to those who helped in the
welcomed the worshippers as they preparation of the concert and to
entered the church. Mike Cottrill for helping design the
Rev. Mary Jane Hobden picture on the front of their shirts.
conducted the service using as the
theme for her remarks, "Give- and
then some- Give until it hurts."
The 21 members of the Son
Shine Singers choir sang a much
appreciated number, accompanied
by Mrs. Ann Spivey on the piano
and directed by Mrs. Lila Procter.
At 1:15 the Son Shine singers The Evening Unit of the United
presented a delightful program. Church Women met at the home of
They sang Hey, Hey, Anybody Muriel Coultes on Tuesday
Listening?, The Telephone Song, evening, Feb. 7.
Live, Love and If I Sing in the Muriel Coultes read a poem
Morning. Next was a piano solo "Climb Til Your Dreams Come
Nick Nack Paddy Wack by Shawn True". Irene Lamont read the
Cottrill, a vocal solo. Colours by scripture from Acts 2, verses 36-47
Michelle Nixon, piano solo The and Louise Bosman read the
Fairies Harp by Chris Cottrill and meditation "Promis'es". Two hymns
a piano solo Chime by Scott were sung, How Sweet the Name of
Folkard. Jesus Sounds and 0 Jesus 1 Have
The choir then sang four more Promised.
selections Thank You Thank You, A video "What is the cost of your
Faith, Love the Lord your God and blouse" was shown depicting the
Shake a Friend's Hand. poor working conditions for.
Everyone was then delighted to women in the States and the effects
listen to Nathan Spivey on the of the free trade on women
piano playing Lillie Swallow workers.
followed' by a vocal duet with Rev. The meeting was closed with the
Mary Jane Hobden and Lila benediction and a social time
Procter. Then the audience had to followed.
Council discusses manure storage
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Parishes plan community skate-a-thon for Mar. 3
Mabel's Moms met at Mabel
Wheeler's home on Wednesday,
Feb. I5. Those attending were
Joanne Robinson Matthew and
Tyler Stevenson, Nicole and
Stephanie, Lila Procter and Ben,
Melinda Dorsch, Annette Te Raa,
Mitchell and Janelle, Donna
Raynard, Trevor and Heidi,
Candace Chaffe and Brandon, Ruth
Haines, Brittany and William, Julie
Van Camp, Jeanine and Jordan,
Sherrie Shiell and Matthew,
Melanie Scott, Meagan and Ben,
Connie Shiell and Christopher.
The mothers discussed temper
A card was signed and sent to
Waneta Leishman, who had her
appendix removed last week.
Andrea Stevenson who was having
surgery that day was also
Rev. Mary Jane Hobden arrived
after Bible Study.
There were seven tables of
euchre in play at the Women's
Institute Hall on Wednesday
evening, Feb. 15.
Winners were: high lady, Mary
Taylor; second high lady, Aileen
Leddy; lone hands, lady, Edith
Coultes; low lady, Freda Johnston;
Continued from page 1
have a five-foot wall around it for
safety, whether it be the actuai
sides of the tank set five feet above
ground or a five-foot fence sur-
rounding the finished structure.
With questions on possible con-
tamination of local water sources,
engineering standards and provin-
cial regulations, answered satisfac-
torily, Mrs. McCutcheon expressed
the general concern of the delega-
tion was not to inhibit business, but
to "pro-act rather than react".
"We would rather err on the side
of safety than wait until there is
contamination," she says.
The neighbours who had gath-
ered said they are pleased the tank
will be concrete and that regula-
tions will be followed.
Another issue concerning manure
storage was resolved at the meet-
high man, George Michic; second
high man, Dennis Leddy; lone
hands, man, Bill Nethery; low man,
Stewart Chamney.
The World Day of Prayer will be
held Friday, Mar. 3 at 2 p.m. at
Knox United Church, Belgrave.
Members of the Anglican Church,
Presbyterian Church, Calvin Brick
United Church and Knox United
Church will be taking part in the
There will be a family skating
party at the Belgrave Arena on
Saturday, Feb. 25 from 7 - 9 p.m.
weather permitting. Everyone is
The Belgrave United and Calvin
Brick Churches are holding a skate-
a-thon in the Belgrave Community
Centre on March 3 from 4 p.m. - 9
p.m. Proceeds to go towards the
purchase of a new manse. Anyone
interested is welcome to partici-
pate. Pledge sheets are available at
the churches, East Wawanosh
Public School and the arena booth.
Your support is sincerely
appreciated. There will be prizes
for the most pledges, the youngest
and the oldest skater.
The East Wawanosh Home and
School Association had an
The bylaw amended at the Dec. 5
meeting, with regards to the Wayne
Fear property at Lot 3, Conc. 5,
was denied.
Council discussed the possibility
of a retaining wall instead of a
runoff tank, though Mr. Fear
informed council he does not plan
to fix the problem.
In denying the amended bylaw,
council stated three reasons for the
action: the concerns of the Bel-
grave residents regarding a liquid
manure storage tank installed in
close proximity to the village, there
had been no runoff problems
recorded and the amendment would
not control the runoff tank being
used for liquid manure storage.
All petitioners will be advised of
the decision.
excellent turnout on Friday, Feb. 17
to discuss future plans.
A report was given on the
Ontario Parent Council and the
proposed changes recently
announced by the Royal Commis-
sion on Education. A parent
advisory group will be mandatory
by September 1995.
Ideas to involve junior and senior
students were discussed. Plans have
been made for a junior dance after
school, Mar. 8.
A survey concerning a second ski
trip to Talisman will be sent home
to senior grades.
Mr. Fischer presented informa-
tion for a sportathon day which was
supported by the group.
For more information about the
Home and School Association
contact Jane Bromley at 357-3023
or Linda Knight at 357-1490.
The 1st Belgrave Girl Guides met
on Thursday, Feb. 16 at the
Belgrave Community Centre. They
were entertained by a special guest,
Kerry Hill, speaking on her
International Trip to "Our Chalet"
Girl Guide World Centre in
Next week the group has been
invited to join Teeswater Girl
Guides for an international pot luck
supper to celebrate "Thinking
Day", Feb. 22.
Dr. Phil Nyberg, DVM of
Fortuna, California purchased 14
pure-bred Holstein heifers from
"Vinbro Farms" (Neil and Joan
Vincent), RR 3, Wingham and
drove from California to pick them
up on Friday, Feb. 17.
Dr. Nyberg dispersed his herd in
1987 as part of the "American
Dairy Buy-out Program" and Neil
purchased some of his stock. Dr.
Nyberg wanted to follow the same
blood lines in his new herd that he
previously had. Ten of the heifers
he purchased from Neil were either
daughters or granddaughters of his
former herd.
Harold and Edith Vincent were
guests at a birthday dinner at the
home of Robert and Anne Wallace,
Egmondville on Friday, Feb. 17.
The birthday celebrants were
Lillian Powell, Maplewood Manor,
Seaforth and Edith Vincent,
Belgrave. Arthur and Ruth
Wallace, Seaforth were guests also.
Joe and Ruth Ann Russell of
Guelp here Saturday visitors and
dinner guests at the home of
Thelma Pletch.
Ronald and Patricia Beckett of
Queensville were Sunday visitors
with Tony and Candace Chaffe and
Mrs. Nancy Jardin of Belgrave
was part of a group that went to a
church retreat at Loyola House in
Guelph for the weekend February
17, 18 and 19.