HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-11-09, Page 23Taking a little knowledge home Representatives from the United Church of Canada, the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and two delegates from Ethiopia visited the apple orchards of Mason Bailey, second from left, on Nov. 1 to learn about his irrigation system. The team included, from left, Gerald Sanders, Encosa Obssi, Don Langford and Mizrak Tefesse. Ethiopians study irrigation THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1994. PAGE 23. Mennonites celebrate peace By Janice Becker A little bit of training, support, encouragement and the skills to succeed can go a long way in help­ ing a person and a community sur­ vive and the technology used by one Blyth area man will help with the next step. A small delegation from Ethiopia and two Canadians helping in their quest for self-reliance visited the apple orchards of Mason Bailey on Nov. 1, to look at his irrigation sys­ tem. A good irrigation system is essential to allow the Wake Tiyo community of 1,200 to grow their own crops in the near-desert-like conditions of Ethiopia, says group member Don Langford, a United Church member and Ontario Feder­ ation of Agriculture consultant on the project. The drip-irrigation system used by Mr. Bailey was developed in Israel and is ideal for hot dry cli­ mates as the water is dripped onto the ground at the base of the plant instead of sprayed into the air. The delegation was very interest­ ed in Mr. Bailey's system because he is able to irrigate approximately 16,000 trees and a strawberry patch with only a three horsepower elec­ tric engine. The village has only received electric power in the last two years. Without the irrigation system, the villagers rely on water running through open canals to feed their vegetable and fruit crops. If the season was particularly dry, the community had to draw water from the bog, by buckets, up into the Drop off for DEER HIDES Atlas Tanning Blyth Will exchange Hats for Hides - As in Past Years Custom Tanning Available Call 519-523-4595 Atlas Tanning -1 mile south of Blyth on Hwy. #4 behind The Old Mill - Leather & Woollen Specialists canals. Aside from the efficiency of water use through drip-irrigation, the system requires much less labour because once the lines are installed, the only work needed is to turn on the valves for the area to be watered. "Since the project has begun, a deep well has been drilled for drinking water and the health of the villagers is greatly improved," says Community Development Worker Encosa Obssi. "A great number of children used to die from illnesses caused by the dirty water (cattle drank and wan­ dered in the water). Now very few die," he says. The irrigation system will pro­ vide a better yield from their crops. The Huron County Board of Education in partnership with 1*1 Human Resources Development Canada Is seeking an individual to participate in the delivery of the preparation and counselling for the Employment (P.A.C.E.) Program for Adults at South Huron District High School, Exeter. Preference will be given to candidates demonstrating: 1. Formal Training/Experience in Employment Counselling; 2. Experience as Teacher/lnstructor in Adult Education; and 3. Knowledge of and Experience with Computers Terms of Employment: 25 hours per week Wethankthosewho submit a resume, and advise only those who are chosen for an interview will receive a reply. Reply in writing by noon, November 16,1994 to: Mr. H. J. Murphy, Principal South Huron District High School 92 Gidley Street East Box 820 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 The necessary equipment needed for the irrigation system will be carried to Ethiopia, on the plane by the members of the delegation. Mr. Obssi and his wife Mizrak Tafesse made a return trip to Cana­ da to visit Mr. Bailey's orchard as well as other agricultural sites in Southern Ontario. Their guides were Mr. Langford and Gerald Sanders, a member of the project committee. The long-standing relationship between the United Church of Canada and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, through the World Council of Churches, enabled the group of Canadians to begin a feasibility study in 1990 which looked at the possibilities of helping Wake Tiyo attain self-reliance. The project began in 1992. A Developpement des ressources humaines Canada Two people from the congrega­ tion spoke at the Sunday moming service at Brussels Mennonile Fellowship, on Nov. 6 which had been designated as Peace Sunday. Lloyd Koch gave a brief historical background for the MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) Organization. MCC began as a vehicle whereby various Mennonite Groups could send food and farm implements to fellow Mennonites in Europe who were experiencing problems due to crop failure and war in Europe and Russia. This was prior to WWII. Groups of Elders from various Mennonite groups banded together to raise churches! awareness of needs and to make arrangements to ship various supplies. Such things as tractors and ploughs were shipped to the Ukraine. Later purebred heifers were sent to help Mennonites start herds. Volunteers were needed to accompany animals and equipment to ensure they arrived at the correct destination. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START YOUR OWN home-based business! Watkins is today’s best business opportunity! For FREE information contact - Independent Marketing Director, 218 Meglund Cr., Saskatoon, SK S7H 4Z6 (1- 800-263-2999). DEALERSHIPS AVAILABLE: Repair vehicle paint chips and rust spots. 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Young men volunteered and thus the volunteer branch of MCC was begun. During WWII, Mennonites in US and Canada who were conscientious objectors, needed help dealing with draft boards who wanted all able young men to report for army service. MCC helped arrange an "Alternate Service Plan" whereby service to the country was accomplished, but in programs that promoted peace. In Canada such programs included road construction in Northern Ontario, and forest maintenance in BX2. Similar programs were carried on in the U.S. These were government programs that used young men for non-military purposes to build up the country. The basis for motivation was the strong belief that Christians, should not kill people under any circumstance, including war. They used such Biblical principles as Continued on page 25 FOR SALE GREAT CHRISTMAS STOCKING STUFFERS, order now. Individual cookbooks on soups, Italian, seafood dinners, coffee, snacks. $4.90 each, postage $1.40. Phone (519) 749-3850, 24 hours. 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