HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-09-21, Page 3THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1994. PAGE 3. Blyth council briefs Council supports letter On parade Council decided al ils Sept. 14 meeting to write a letter of support for Trinity Anglican Church's request that the county forgive the taxes on the manse from 1992 and 1993. The church wardens had sent a letter to the county explaining that the village had already voted to for­ give the taxes from those two years.♦** Members of council will attend the appreciation night for former MP Murray Cardiff in Brussels, Sept. 27. *** There has been no participation from Blyth to the end of August in Wheels Away. One thousand village pins at a cost of $1.65 are being ordered. *** Blyth is writing to Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Works Program stating that the vil­ lage would like further funding if available.**♦ In place of paint exchanges Household Hazardous Waste Days are being held Saturday, Oct. 22 and Sunday, Oct. 23. The collection is part of Bluewater Reycling's reg­ ular service at no extra cost to the municipalities. Council declared Oct. 17-23 as Waste Reduction Week.. A general meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Scp>. 28 in Goderich to discuss municipal addressing and 911. Councillor Shirley Fyfe will represent council. Tax write-offs were authorized for: Blyth Shed and Fire Hall, $226.01; Robert Howard Estate, $6.40; Lawn Tennis Club, $286.02 and Blyth Lions, $501.61.**♦ Blyth Public School students joined in the fun marching in School Fair last Wednesday. Service will he reviewed Plans made for Legion Week Sept. 18 to 24 has been proclaimed Legion Week with this year's theme as "The Legion in the Community". The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 420, Blyth supported this theme at its September meeting with donations to the Blyth Soccer Field project in the amount of $2,500; the Minor Ball League, $150; Canine Vision of Canada, $100; Air Cadets, $50; Arthritis Society, $50 and Light the Way Children's Fund International $50. Since the founding of the Legion Branch and Auxiliary, support has been given to the welfare of its veterans and their dependents. Today with a combined member­ ship of 321 the two organizations also support community programs 17 attend UCW meeting Blyth UCW met in the church parlour Sept. 15 with 17 members present. Edelgard Hoba and Gladys Caldwell were in charge of the devotions using the theme "School Days for Young and Old". Hymn 482, He Leadeth Me was sung. Edelgard and Gladys had appropriate readings with quotes from the Bible showing the similarities between yesterday's Blyth lights up this Friday This Friday is the official lighting ceremony of the new Blyth street­ lights. The teddy bear parade gets underway at 6:30, with participants gathering at the Christian Reformed Church. This will be followed by the official lighting and a social time in the Memorial Hall court­ yard. VILLAGE OF BLYTH DECLARATION I, David E. Lee, Reeve of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth do hereby declare the week of September 18 to September 24 as Legion Week. David E. Lee Reeve such as local Minor Sports pro­ grams, Boy Scout and Girl Guides, local hospitals, schools, day care programs for seniors, the Blyth and District Community Centre, preservation of the Blyth Memorial Community Hall, the Blyth Rutabaga Festival and the Huron Pioneer Threshers and Hobby Association. A. social time is planned for Friday, Sept. 23 at 5:30 p.m. that will include a meat draw followed by mixed darts at 8 p.m. Tickets for the Legion Fund- raising Draw are due by Sept. 26. The next general meeting is slated for Oct. 4 at 8:30 p.m. Attendance would be appreciated to help organize upcoming activities within the branch. Christians and the people of today. A suitable poem closed this portion of the meeting. Joan Clark read the minutes from the June meeting. Bonnie Shannon presided over the business. Impor­ tant dates are: Oct. 3, West Huron Rally, Goderich; Oct. 6, help is needed to clean Camp Menesetung; Oct. 14 and 15, the Rummage Sale - help is needed Wednesday and Thursday. Anyone able to help call Susan Howson or Diane Radford. Bonnie began the study with everyone reading the UCW pur­ pose. The key words in the purpose are witness, fellowship and service. After defining the meaning of these words an "in-depth" look began as to how activities relate to these in the work we do. This discussion will continue at the next meeting which will be Oct. 20. Lunch was served by Susan Howson, Shirley Rutledge and Pat Sparling. MEETING DATE CHANGE VILLAGE OF BLYTH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Village of Blyth Council deem it necessary to reschedule the September 22, 1994 and October 12, 1994 regular Council meetings to Wednesday, October 5, 1994. 7:30 p.m. Blyth Council Chambers. Helen R. Grubb, AMCT Clerk. Continued from page 1 agreed Councillor Mason Bailey. "This is only a bylaw." "It is only for a year and we will be reviewing it when the contract is up," said Councillor Sparling. Mr. Szarek then suggested that the garbage at the arena wasn't sort­ ed, but Reeve Lee disputed this saying there were barrels for items to be sorted into. Mr. Szarek implied there was a conspiracy against him saying that if he took his garbage to his neigh­ bour's it was picked up. After Mr. Szarek said that recy­ cling was a return to slavery, Coun­ cillor Bailey said that though he does participate, he didn’t like hav­ ing to follow all the rules of recy­ cling either. "This council is quite aware I'm not in favour of the garbage situation. I hope someone is going to come up with some kind of alternative. I am hopeful there's going to be a better way." "They have to be approved meth­ Children hear story of turtle at United service Greeters at Blyth United Church on Sept. 18 were Lenora Davidson and Joanne McDonald. Ushers were Rick and Ann Elliott, Heather and Jeff. Frances Bearss was in charge of the junior congregation and Diane Campbell the nursery. Call to worship was led by Rev. Stephen Huntley, which was followed by the hymn All People that on Earth do Dwell. The children's story was about Domer the turtle. The children were The Fall session of our MEN’S LIFE GROUP is starting soon. It will meet for seven weeks on the first and third Monday of each month, starting Oct. 3. We will study and discuss: Encounters with Christ We’ll be exploring this theme from the Bible with a special conern to find practicial ideas we can use in our personal lives. No Bible knowledge is necessary and no homework will be required. One need come only with an interest and desire to explore the Bible’s message with other men. We will meet at the home of Murray and Doreen Siertsema from 8 to 10 p.m. Refreshments will be served. We’d be delighted to have you be a part of the group. ods, though," said Reeve Lee. Councillor Bailey said he would like to see more public input into the program in the future, but was reminded by Councillor Shirley Fyfe that the public had an opportu­ nity when the meetings were held earlier and no one attended. "It costs money to hold those meet­ ings," she said. Village Foreman John Rinn said that since recycling began the vil­ lage has cut down two truckloads of garbage a week going to the landfill. Councillor Sparling said "This is an ongoing dilemma being faced by any municipality. We received heat prior to recycling for not doing it, as we have since. As long as there is the position where we must have bylaws someone isn't going to be 100 per cent happy." Referring to the excellent service the program has been to the village, Reeve Lee said to Mr. Szarek, "The recycling program is costing a lot shown a large stuffed green turtle which brought a lot of enthusiasm. Mrs. Huntley read the new testament James 3: 13-4: 3. The topic for the sermon was "My name is Matthew a disciple of Jesus." Bill Burkholder spoke on Minute for Missions. Hymn 218 Crown Him with many crowns was followed by the benediction. Get well wishes are extended to Ron Baird and Roy Easom. An exciting time of • Bible stories • Creative crafts • Songs and snacks for 4 and 5 year olds • Little Lambs for 2 - 3 year olds Blyth Christian Reformed Church Wednesday mornings beginning September 21 10:00 -11:30 For more Information call Joanne Van Amersfoort 523-4202 Nursery provided for babies and toddlers of money and I'm sorry you're not participating. We are giving them (Blyth ratepayers) a Cadillac ser­ vice.” "I sure didn't get the service," said Mr. Szarek, to which Reeve Lee responded, "You chose not to use it." SHARP DEALS ON QUALITY - CLEAN READY-TO-GO USED CARS Great Savings on These Used Cars & Trucks. Some One Owner Low Mileage. 1991 Mercury Topaz, 4 door, air, AM/FM stereo and cassette. 1989 Chev Caprice, 4 dr., air 1987 Mercury Grand Marquis, 4 door, air, cruise, tilt, power windows, AM/FM stereo and cassette. 1987 GMC Half Ton, V8, automatic. 1987 Dodge 250 Van, 6 cyl., automatic. 1986 Plymouth Reliant SE, Station Wagon. 1986 Cutlass Sierra Brougham HAMM’S BLYTH PHONE - 523-4342 Bible study for everyone! • Coffee • Fellowship • Meeting new friends Blyth United Church Wednesday mornings beginning September 21 10:00-11:30 Wednesday evenings beginning September 21 8:00 - 9:30 at Femmy Van Amersfoort's home For more information call Susan Howson 523-9436 NO PREVIOUS BIBLE KNOWLEDGE OR EXPERIENCE EXPECTED!