HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-07-20, Page 17-RATES- 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 15c each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth A ARTICLES FOR SALE SLABWOOD: TRUCK LOAD LOTS. Delivered. Ready for the stove. Phone 392-6502 or 392-6956. 24-8 TIRED OF THOSE BIKES ALL over the lawn? Phone Don for a bike stand after 6, 887-6402. 27-9p A ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE A AUCTION SALES A AUCTION SALES TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in Brussels, $520 per month, heat and hydro included. Phone 570- 4362. 24-tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent, Blyth. Fridge, stove, utilities and laundry facilities all included. Call 482-9371. 26-tfn FARMHOUSE FOR RENT - 3-bedroom country home, attached double garage, recently renovated, excellent condition located between Belgrave & Blyth on Hwy. 4. Monthly rent $700. For inquiries call: 357-3330. 28-2 A ARTICLES FOR SALE 39" CUT NOMA LAWN TRACTOR with rear bagger, only one year old, $1,000 firm. Queen size pine Cannonball bed with six drawers, $150. Gas barbecue $40. 887-9851 29-1 BUNK BEDS WITH STACKING drawers, wardrobe and underbed storage. Can be arranged as twin beds, $350. COMPUTER - ATARI 520 ST monochrome monitor, printer, software includes word processing program, $400. Phone 887-6163. 29-lp USED RAINBOW VACUUM AND power head, one year warranty, Blyth. 523-4205. 29-1 PORTABLE WOOD SPLITTER with Honda motor and elevator. Phone 523-9421. 29-2p FREEZER $75; WASHER $75; DRYER $50. All in working condition. 887-9490. 29-2p 1985 XL 80 S DIRT BIKE. NEW back tire and light. Never abused and well maintained. C/w all mirrors and lights $700. 887-9228. 29-1 FRIDGE AND STOVE, $850 pr. One older stove $50. 357-1099. 29-1 HAY WAGON RACKS 8 FT. BY 18 or 20 ft. with treated and painted deck, 6 ft. hardwood ladder. Round bale carriers 8 ft. by 24 ft. solid deck, white oak sills. Horst under carriages, Better Bilt Products. Brussels 887-6571. 27-6 J.R. FEAR APIARIES NOW HAS new crop honey for sale. Will fill your containers. Open Monday to Saturday, 8 to 12 and 1 to 6. Closed Thursdays. Sundays and evenings by appointment or chance. 357- 3656. 28-3 RAINBOW TROUT - POND Stockers., $1.50 each, freshly cleaned, 6 for $10.00 or fish your own at 300 an inch. 3 concessions north, 3 sideroads west of Blyth. David Hedley, 357-2329. 10-tfn AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of antiques, household effects and misc. Items for MRS. E. H. FORCE OF WINGHAM, MRS. F. DELMAGE OF WINGHAM AND MR. & MRS. A. GILKES OF BLUEVALE WINGHAM SALES ARENA (Just north of Wingham on Hwy. #4) THURSDAY EVENING 7:00 P.M. JULY 21 Included In this fine auction are many pieces of antique furniture, glass and china, collectables and primitives, coins, cards, dolls, household appliances, and modern home furnishings. AUCTIONEER: JAKE KIKKERT, 357-2987 AUCTION SALE of household effects and some antiques for WALTER AND JOAN (DATWILER) DUSCHEJ on Lot 27, Cone. 10, Grey Twp., 6 and 1/2 miles east of Brussels or 6 and 1/2 miles west of Newry on Huron County Road #16 on TUESDAY, JULY 26 AT 5 P.M. EFFECTS & ANTIQUES: Hotpoint ff refrigerator (almond); Hotpoint HD auto washer; Danby microwave (new); small elec, appliances; stereo component; Nutri Flow dehydrator; 5 pc. pine kitchen suite; 4 pc. walnut bedroom suite; single continental beds; trunk; love seat; silver tea service; glass butter churn; separator can; pictures; books; wooden wheels; animal cages; canning machine; wicker baskets; dress forms; quantity of new fabric, ribbon, lace colonial holders and floral greens; train sets; doors; windows; Hatachi TR-8 router (new); lawn and garden tools; bedding; dishes; cookware and other misc. items. TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.D. day of sale. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for any accidents, loss or Injuries on property day of sale. All verbal announcements take precedence over written advertisements. SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY - LEN METCALFE AUCTION LTD. MILDMAY, ONT. 519-367-2791 LARGE AUCTION SALE Contractor's equipment and tools for local contractor, 25 bicycles, 3 aluminum boats, small boat trailer for Goderich Police plus furniture, appliances, glassware for local consignors at RICHARD LOBB'S AUCTION BUILDING IN CLINTON SATURDAY, JULY 23 AT 9 A.M. Trailmoblle 45 ft. single axle job site trailer with office, 24 ft. pressure treated flat rack on 7 ton wagon with stabilizer jacks used as construction scaffolding wagon, 1983 Dodge one ton dually super cab with hydraulic dump box only 80,000 km., Honda EB 5000K generator like new, Krohler 3.5 KW generator, 18 inch plate packer with new engine, Wild Dumpy level, leg rods and chains, electric and propane construction heaters, MF pressure washer, Honda gas water pump, Hiltl demo hammer TP 800 with bits, 2 Hllti fastening guns, HD battery charger, radial arm saw, 6 inch jointer, 2 table saws, 2 chain saws, 14 inch cutoff saw, 3 skill saws, 2 Makita 9.6 cordless drills, 2 drywall screw guns, 2 drills, 2 mitre saws, 12 ton - 15 ton jacks, aluminum extension ladders, step ladders, 2-100 lb. propane tanks, 2 square tube carrying racks for pick up, 2 truck box tool boxes, door back set drilling jig, hinge butt template, Makita 120 Inch cutoff saw, mechanic's carpenter and plumber's hand tools, 5 Paslode air nailing guns for framing, roofing staple, assorted materials, plumbers and electrical supplies, 25 bicycles, 2-11 ft. aluminum boats, 14 ft. boat, 7.5 HP Merc motor, small boat trailer selling at 11:30 a.m. New stacking washer and dryer, fridge, freezer, washer and dryer, 3 colour TV's, antique pump organ, modern china cabinet, chairs, apt. extension table extends from 18" to 6 ft., chest of drawers, dishes, glassware, large offering of misc. too numerous to mention. NOTE: 2 auctioneers selling at the same time starting at 9 a.m. TERMS: Cash or Cheque with proper I.D. AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB 482-7898 For information on equipment 482-7993 anytime. EVENING AUCTION SALE Of antiques, home furnishings and a hard top house trailer will be held for BLYTH L.O.L. 963, plus consignments from Wingham, Teeswater and area, in TEESWATER AGRI-CURL BUILDINGS ON MONDAY, JULY 25, STARTING AT 6:00 P.M. Partial list Includes: Selling for Blyth L.O.L. 963: Antique tables and desks; L.O.L. arch; antique lodge chairs; antique lectern and pedestals; approx. 3 doz. wooden chairs; several framed pictures Including Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth; Lodge candle holders; benches; old coffin; large and small drums and drum sticks; antique pump organ; stool; old chests and trunks; old wardrobe; some graniteware; oil lamp and bracket; aluminum storm door; some siding; miscellaneous. Consignments Include: 15 ft. hard top house trailer; good selection of living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen furnishings; dishes, glass, kitchenware, small and large appliances; some antique items; TV satellite dish; Clare-Jewel wood cook stove; futon (bed); and much more. Terms: Cash or cheque night of sale. Listing subject to change without notice. Any announcements night of sale take precedence over written advertising. Owners and auctioneers not responsible for Injuries, accidents or loss of purchases connected with the sale. Lunch booth. AUCTIONEERS: WALLACE BALLAGH, TEESWATER 392-6170 GRANT MCDONALD, RIPLEY 395-5353. A CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Property and household effects and antiques for the Estate of Jean Johnston, RR 2, Lucknow on SATURDAY, JULY 23,1994 AT 11 A.M. LOCATION: 3 miles south of Lucknow at Lot 12 Cone. 11 on County Rd. #1 Ashfield Twp. PROPERTY CONSIST OF : 3.37 acres. Property will sell at 2 p.m. Beautiful lawns and gardens/matures maple trees and spruce.Two storey house, 5 bedrooms, large porch, original woodwork, dug well. Attached garage, some repairs needed. TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10% down, balance In 30 days Imrfiedlate possession. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Deep freeze, Westinghouse fridge, coloured TV, radio, B & W TV, library table, organ stools, piano stool, rocking chair, Iron bed, coffee and end tables, lajnps, picture frames, wood table, record player, weed eater, step ladder, Moffat washer, electric stove, chesterfield, couch, chrome table/4 chairs, gossip bench, blanket box, beds, chest of drawers, dressers, night tables, desk, small china cabinet, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner, high chair, dishes, pots & pans, vases, garden tiller and garden tools. Quantity of other articles too numerous to mention. ANTIQUES: oil lamps, 2 coal oil lamps, washstand, old dressers, buffet and 5 chairs, old cupboard, old violin and case, rocker, clock, set of 4 chairs. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. GST. & P.S.T. In effect where applicable. No items to be removed from property until settled for. Any changes, announcements or corrections will take precedence over written advertising day of sale. Owners or Auctioneers are not responsible for any accidents or loss of purchase. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: PROPRIETOR BOB JOHNSTON 395-2668 OR 395-3200 AUCTIONEER BRIAN RINTOUL 357-2349 BIRTHS c CARD OF THANKS McLEAN. Keith, Pam and big brother Cole are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Shea Donald on July 4, 1994 at 10:45 p.m. weighing in at 8 lbs. 2 oz. Proud grandparents are Iona McLean, Brussels, Pat and John Engel, Cranbrook and great-grandparents Ross and Tilly Engel, Cranbrook. 29-1 IB ■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS FOR SALE - MAIN St. location, full service flower shop, willing to train. Serious inquiries only. Call after six p.m. 887-6351. 28-3 ALEXANDER-BOWLES. We would like to thank our wedding party, family and friends for making our buck and doe such a success. Your hard work was very much appreciated. - Barb and Steve. 29-lp McLEAN. We would like to thank Dr. Matthews, Dr. Annis, and the O.B. nurses at Listowel Hospital for their superior care. Special thanks to Bonnie who controlled Cole while we were in the hospital. Thanks to the grandparents and everyone who visited and brought gifts while we were in the hospital and since reluming home. - Pam and Shea. 29-1