HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-07-06, Page 24PAGE 24. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1994. COMING EVENTS GARAGE YARD SALE -RATES- 20 words or less only $4 00. Additional words 15c each. 50c will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in Brussels, $520 per month, heat and hydro included. Phone 570- 4362. 24-tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent, Blyth. Fridge, stove, utilities and laundry facilities all included. Call 482-9371. 26-tfn 2 BEDROOM UPSTAIRS APART- ment in Blyth, fridge and stove included. Phone 523-4531. 27-2p NEW 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS 165 Victoria St., Clinton * spacious, attractive units * 4 new appliances, blinds incl. * laundry facilities * controlled entry * privacy intercom system ‘ close to shopping, banking, etc. * ideal for retirees * gas heating & air conditioning individually controlled Available May 18' CALL 1-685-2264 ARTICLES FOR SALE TIRED OF THOSE BIKES ALL over the lawn? Phone Don for a bike stand after 6, 887-6402. 27-9p ELECTRIC FIREPLACE, BRICK base $150; B & D Hi-speed 1/2" reversible drill $50; bike boots size 7 $50; student’s desk $20; 12 cup electric coffee maker $15. Phone 887-9604, 670 John St., Brussels. 27-lp 1973 MOTOR HOME 19 FT. 318 Chrysler motor 36,000 original miles. All equipped in good condition, $5,000. 887-6496. 27-2 HAY WAGON RACKS 8 FT. BY 18 or 20 ft. with treated and painted deck, 6 ft. hardwood ladder. Round bale carriers 8 ft. by 24 ft. solid deck, white oak sills. Horst under carriages, Better Bilt Products. Brussels 887-6571. 27-6 SEASONED HARD MAPLE firewood delivered in 8 face cord loads, $45/cord. Phone 345-2048. 26-2 RAINBOW TROUT - POND slockcrs, $1.50 each, freshly cleaned, 6 for $10.00 or fish your own at 300 an inch. 3 concessions north, 3 sideroads west of Blyth. David Hedley, 357-2329. 10-tfn SLABWOOD: TRUCK LOAD LOTS. Delivered. Ready for the stove. Phone 392-6502 or 392-6956. 24-8 ACHILLES. Dan and Karen Achilles and big brothers Donny and Joey are thrilled with the arrival of their baby sister Karlee Louise on June 11, 1994. Proud grandparents are Keith and Donna Aitcheson and Keith and Kathy Schaeffer of Stratford. Great- grandparents are Tenie and Roly Achilles of Walton and Marie McTaggart of Brussels. 27-1 CARD OF THANKS ARMSTRONG-GORDON. We would like to thank everyone who attended our Buck and Doe. We would also like to thank our wedding party, friends and family for giving us such a fun and memorable weekend. - Lori and Robert. 27-lp ARMSTRONG. I would like to thank everyone who attended the community bridal shower held in my honour in Auburn. Special thanks are extended to my neighbours and friends who helped organize the shower. - Lori. 27- lp BARTON-McMILLAN. Cam and Barb wish to thank their many friends for making their 30th wedding anniversary such a happy, memorable occasion. Thank you for all your cards, gifts and good wishes. Special thanks to our daughter, Kathy, for all her help. 27-1 DAER. I would like to thank doctors and nurses in Clinton hospital for the care and kindness during my stay. Thanks to my neighbours and friends and all my family for cards, flowers, treats and visits. Special thanks for food sent in for Bert, it was greatly appre­ ciated. Special thanks to Jo Landon for taking me to hospital the night of my accident. - Dorothy. 27- lp HAKKERS. Thanks to all who helped us celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. Your attendance at the open house, as well as the cards, gifts and best wishes, all helped to make our day a special one. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Thanks also to Maxine and her 'crew' for serving such a wonderful meal. - John and Alice. 27-1 HANNA. I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone for all their treats, flowers, cards and visits while I was a patient in the Wingham and University hospitals. Thanks loo for the many birthday cards and surprise party. - Mrs. Ruby Hanna. 27-lp HEFFRON. Words can never express how much in my heart the surprise birthday party in my honour means to me, knowing my family and friends are with me. I would like to thank everyone for cards, gifts, flowers and special entertainment. Special thanks to everyone who helped in any way. - Marie. P.S. Revenge is fun. 27-lp ^CLASSIFIED ADS1 A. PAYOFF! J c CARD OF THANKS JACKLIN. We would like to say thank you to David and Janice, our families and friends for making our 25th wedding anniversary such a memorable occasion. - Don and Joyce Jacklin. 27-1 MASON. The family of Gordon Mason would like to thank the neighbours on the hill for the flowers, donation to the United Church and all the food brought to the house. It will always be remembered. 27-1 McCALL. A special thanks to family, friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, flowers, and donations to Palliative Care, Parkwood Hospital and the Cancer Society. A thank you for those who brought food to our home and also a big thanks to the neighbours for bringing supper in Sunday night and to Phyllis, Audrey, Annie and Kelly for serving it. What a great neighbourhood we have on the fourth line of Morris. It will always be remembered in my heart, you’re super! Thank you Dr. Long and nurses at Wingham hospital for trying to help Ross. Also thanks to the V.O.N. - you were so kind and helpful. A special thank you to the nurses and Dr. Swift at Parkwood Hospital who were so kind to Ross and me, you will always be in my heart. Last, but not least, Rev. Frank Mantz who conducted the funeral service, also his support and daily visits to Ross and I when in_ Parkwood. What a great person. Thank you also to Betts Funeral Home, you were so kind and helpful at our time of loss. Thank you to the ladies of the United Church, Brussels for the lovely lunch after the funeral service. What a great community we have, you were all so thoughtful. Thank you one and all. - Grace McCall. 27-1 WILSON. As I retire as vice­ principal at Walton Public School, I wish to thank the students, parents, community, and staff for all the support and co-operation shown to me over the past six years. Thank you to all the teachers and students, June Johns, Clara Blake and Michelle Blake for arranging my farewell party. The children's program of songs and choral readings, and the class books will provide me with many happy memories of WPS. The collector's plate is beautiful and will share a special place in my home. Thanks also for the roses, the cards, the well wishes and to those who attended my retirement and farewell parties. In friendship - Louise Wilson. 27-lp COMING EVENTS SILENT AUCTION AND BAKE Sale at Huronlea, Brussels on July 14, 1994 at 2:00 p.m. Proceeds to help offset costs incurred by residents for their summer trip to Parry Sound in August. Your support would be appreciated. 27-2 MONSTER EUCHRE TOURNA- ntent - St. Joseph's R.C. Church, Clinton, Wednesday, July 13, 8 p.m. Over $100 in prizes. Lunch provid­ ed. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. 27-lp BARBECUE: FEAST ON HURON County's best - beef, pork, turkey at the A Taste of Country barbecue. Tickets $10 (includes admission to the Food Fair) available at The Citizen (Blyth and Brussels offices), Blyth Festival Box Office, Huron Federation of Agriculture. 26-4p 820 CHAM COUNTRY VIDEO Dance Party sponsored by the Brussels Bulls Friday, July 22 at the Brussels Arena. Line dancing starts at 8 p.m. Show time 9-1. Everyone welcome. Tickets $10 advance, $12 at door, available at Todd's Bakery or call Deb Hoy 357-3435. 26-2 SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS bingo, every Monday night 7:30 p.m., Seaforth and District Community Centres. Over $2,000 in prizes plus Share The Wealth, $750 Jackpot must go! Doors open 6:30 p.m. eow MEET LYN MCLEOD, LEADER of the Opposition at Blyth Lions Park Thursday, July 21, 1994, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Beef on a bun. Tickets $8.00, pre-schoolers free. Available from Municipal chairpersons or phone 482-9437, 523-9521, 523- 4986, 887-9225 or 357-3855. Sponsored by Huron Provincial Liberal Association. 27-2 ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Annual Pork Chop Barbecue, July 8/94, 5 - 7:30. Adults $8, Preteen $4.50, Preschool Free. 26-2 ROONEY - COME AND HELP us celebrate Rosella Rooney's 80th birthday in Belgrave Institute Hall on July 9th. Open House 7-9, dance to follow. Best wishes only. 26-2p SNELL REUNION, LONDESBORO School, Sunday, July 10. Regi­ stration - 3 p.m. Pot luck supper 5:30. Bring own dishes. 26-2 KEITH BURTON SHOW "Tribute". Dance to your favourite stars, Seaforth Arena, July 23, 1994. Dancing 9-1 a.m. (Doors open at 8). Age of majority. Lunch provided. $10.00 advance, $12.00 at door. Call 482-7272 or 482-7261 after 6 p.m. for tickets and reserva­ tions. Sponsored by Seaforth Harmony Hi-Lites. 26^4 DABBER BINGO - $1,000 JACK- pot must go! Wingham Knights of Columbus, every Tuesday. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Birds 7:15 p.m. tfn LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Lucky Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Air Conditioned. Wheel Chair Accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000, $1,000 jackpot must go every week. tfn COMMUNITY SHOWER FOR Ruth Ann Watts on July 11, 1994 at 8 p.m. at Brussels United Church. 26-2 BLUE JAY TICKETS - JULY 10, ground level seats. Call Max 335-3752. 25-3 G YARD SALE - SATURDAY, July 9, weather permitting at the comer of Church and Maple Street, Brussels, across from the pool. Some wooden lawn'fumiture, some clothing and many more useful articles-9-? 27-1 2 FAMILY YARD SALE - 1/4 mile west of Blyth on County Road 25, Saturday, July 9, 9 a.m. to 12. 27-lp YARD SALE AT THE MOORES' Saturday, July 9-9 a.m. - 2 p.m. comer of John and Albert Street, Gorrie. 27-1 HAY/STRAW LARGE QUANTITY OF ROUND bales of hay for sale, will deliver. Call Barry at 887-6694. 26-4 HELP WANTED BABYSITTER REQUIRED immediately - Bluevale/Brussels area. Full-time, non-smoker. Call 887-9649 after 6 p.m. or 357-1310 ext. 258, 9-5 p.m. 26-2p ORGANIST/CHOIR DIRECTOR required for Wingham United Church effective September 1994. Two manual Woodstock pipe organ. Reply to Jeanette Wardrop, RR 3, Wingham, 357-3480. 26-2 BRUSSELS AGRICULTURAL Society requires person to fill secretary-treasurer position. Knowledge of bookkeeping and use of computer is an asset. Send application to Melody White, RR 4, Brussels by July 15, 1994. 26-2 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - TWO YOUNG Limousin bulls. Phone 887-9328. 27-1 DISABLED LIVESTOCK WANTED: recently injured, and downer cows formerly $200.00 - $500.00, Now $350.00 - $700.00 when calling Leis Livestock, Milverton, 1-800-265-4910, radios, mobile phones, winch equipped. 12-41p WANTED - CRIPPLED, DISABLED or downer cows, must be alive and drug free. Winch equipped truck. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. Phone Earl Lannin, RR 2, Atwood, 519- 356-2479 or 1-800-661-0078. tfn-p WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor- doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENCED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 887-9747 All in the CLASSIFIEDS