HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-06-01, Page 17-RATES- 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 15c each. 50c will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM MOBILE home, close to Brussels, furnished if required, $450 plus utilities. Phone-887-9036. 22-1 WALTON/BRUSSELS AREA - three bedroom farmhouse - $385 per month, utilities extra, refer­ ences required. Phone 887-6875. 22-3 APARTMENTS FOR RENT, $325 and $395 per month, heat included. Phone 887-6724. 19^4 FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE IN Blyth available June 6. References required. Phone 523-9500. 15-tfn RENOVATIONS COMPLETE! Two - 2 bedroom apartments in downtown Brussels. Call 887-9007 available June 1st and August 1st. 20-tfn NEW 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS 165 Victoria St., Clinton * spacious, attractive units * 4 new appliances, blinds incl. * laundry facilities * controlled entry * privacy intercom system * close to shopping, banking, etc. * ideal for retirees * gas heating & air conditioning individually controlled Available May 1st CALL 1-685-2264 ARTICLES FOR SALE TRAILER, ALL PURPOSE 7' x 7' flatbed with accessories for boat, 29 McCrea, Belgrave. Phone 357-4561. 22-lp ARIENS 5 H P. REAR TYNE rototiller, $450. Univox acoustic guitar, $60. Phone 523-4284. 22-lp KEEP THOSE BIKES OFF THE lawn. Phone Don for a bike stand. Available in two sizes. Don Nolan, Walton 887-6402. 15-9p RAINBOW TROUT - POND stockers, $1.50 each, freshly cleaned, 6 for $10.00 or fish your own at 300 an inch. 3 concessions north, 3 sideroads west of Blyth. David Hedley, 357-2329. 10-tfn PERENNIALS, GERANIUMS, box plants Leo and Corry Sanders, 6 miles west of Brussels on County Rd. 16. 887-6306. 20-6p FIREWOOD - 2 YEAR OLD hardwood, maple, and beech, cut, split and delivered, $45. Call for spring or fall delivery, 523-4574. 19-4 A ARTICLES FOR SALE 1983 HONDA GL1100 GOLD Wing $2,900 certified. 887-6605. 21-2 I'CLASSIFIED ADS^ K. PAYOFF! i CLEARING AUCTION SALE Combine, 3 tractors, car, farm machinery, hay and straw to be held for BOB AND DORIS MUSGROVE one mile south of Highway 87 at Wroxeter on County Rd. 12 SATURDAY, JUNE 11 -10:30 A.M. TRACTORS: White 2-85 front wheel assist diesel with cab heater, air, 18.4 x 38 rear tires, 16.9 x 24 front drive tires, run 2400 hrs., 18.4 x 38 T bar duals, John Deere 1830 diesel with JD loader, 2200 hrs.; Duetz D 6807 diesel with cab, 5085 hrs. CAR: 1979 Pontiac 4 door super clean, 120,000 kms., subject to reserve; Suzuki 125 Quad Runner. COMBINE: MF 510 diesel with cab, 10 ft. quick attach pick­ up head; MF 655 hydro 12 ft. swather. MACHINERY: Wil-Rich 19 1/2 ft. cultivator with harrows; MF 880 4 furrow plow with 5th furrow add-on; MF 12 ft. disc; Overum 3 furrow plow; NH 474 haybine; NH 316 baler; 3 flat racks on wagons; Calsa 100 gal. fiberglass tank; 3pt. hitch sprayer; GW 3pt Kitch cement mixer; NH 707 3 pth harvester with corn head; Gehl 400 harvester with corn and pick-up heads; Gehl 400 harvester with corn and pick-up heads; 2 Eastern forage boxes and wagons, like new; NH 27 Whirl-a-feed blower, blower pipes; MF Dynabalance hay mower: Sovena 4 ft. 3 pth tiller; hyd. drive post hole digger; 3pth wood splitter; Turnco gravity box on wagon; Lucknow 7 1/2 snowblower; IH 10 1/2 ft. 3 pth Vibrashank cultivator; Nl 246 tandem axle manure spreader; MF side rake; MF 33 seed drill; Bear Cat 12 ft. land packer; 2 - Turnco 5 ft. pups; Nl hay conditioner, 6 ft. blade; 80 bushel grain buggy; 31 ft. 6 inch auger; 32 ft. hay and grain elevator; 4 inch grain augers; 4 ton galvanized teed tank; Farmatic 2 compartment feed grinder; horse drawn cutter; pressure washer; trailer 1980 shop built 16 ft. x 7 ft. tandem axle, livestock trailer, like new; combination welder and generator with 10 hp. gas engine; walking plow; feed carts; farm gates; machinery oiler; water trough, diamond harrows, large machine shop made child’s swing set, cost over $500 to make; fence posts, planks, tile, forks, shovels, small items, etc. etc. Approx. 500 bales of straw; approx. 300 bales of hay, first cut, if not sold before auction. This is an excellent maintained offering of equipment stored under cover. SALE ORDER: small items at 10:30 a.m., machinery at approx. 1 p.m. Farms are sold. Lunch booth. OWNERS: BOB AND DORIS MUSGROVE 519-335-3154 AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB 519-482-7898 CLINTON AUCTION SALE of Farm Equipment, Misc. Items & Household Effects FOR BOB & GLORIA RUTLEDGE OF RIPLEY, ONTARIO Lot 25, Con. 2, Huron Twp., Bruce County To be held at the Farm, located 2 1/2 miles east of Hwy. 21, or 3 corners south of Ripley and 2 1/2 miles west SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1994 AT 10:30 A.M. SELLING EQUIPMENT & MISC. ITEMS: Case #7 Mower, (Hydraulic or manual); Vicon PTO Grass Seeder & Fertilizer Spreader; 2- Roll Corn Scuffler; Dion Ensilage Blower; Vic Straw Chopper; Mixmatic Roller Mill, 6-Compartment; 3-Section Harrows; Bale Stooker; Oat Roller; Big Bale Fork; (2) Bale Feeders; 12’ x 5” Auger; (2) Litter Carrier Winches; (3) Plastic Hutches; Cattle Crate/Locking Headgate; Cow Mats; Cow Trainers; Electric Fencer; Manger Ranger Electric Feed Cart; Milk House Supplies; Wheel Barrow; Winco PTO Generator; 220 Electric Heater; 24’ x 5” Auger; Steel Stabling-Stanchions etc.; 2 - Speed 4’ Barn Fan/Controls; Barn Fridge, Wash Sink, 2 Tubs; Wood Splitter; Air Compressor; Snowmobile; Cap for Full Size Ford Truck; Trailer/gas tank & pump; 22 Cooey Beattie Stable Cleaner/225’ chain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Sofa Bed; Chesterfield & Chair; End Tables & Coffee Table; Extension Table; Desk; Stereo; Foot Stool; Lamps; Magazine Rack; Filing Cabinet; Beds & Bedding; Chest of Drawers, (Like New); Dressers; Night Table; Microwave Oven; (2) Freezers; Fridge; Round Card Table & Chairs; (2) Humidifiers; Air Conditioner; Super 8 Projector & Screen; Suitcases; Pictures; Books etc. Other articles too numerous to mention. Note- This is a very clean offering of household effects. CONSIGNMENTS: N.I. Picker Sheller; Gleaner 'E' Combine w/10' Pickup Head; (2) 4' MT Feed Tanks & Augers; Cow Stalls & Water Bowls; Model #34 M.F. 10 ' Self Propelled Swather. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. G.S.T. & P.S.T. in effect where applicable. No items to be removed from property until settled for. Any changes or announcements will be made verbally day of sale and take precedence over written advertising. OWNERS OR AUCTIONEER ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCIDENTS OR LOSS OF PURCHASE DAY OF SALE For more information, contact; AUCTIONEER - BRIAN RINTOUL PROPRIETORS- R.R. #3, BOB & GLORIA RUTLEDGE WINGHAM, ONT. 2B R.R.#1, RIPLEY, ONT. NOG 2W0 NOG 2 R0 (519) 357-2349 (519) 395-2776 A A AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Tent trailer, riding mower, 65 new Persian rugs, appliances/ furniture, tools to be held at RICHARD LOBB’S AUCTION BUILDING IN CLINTON SATURDAY, JUNE 4 AT 10 A.M. New.rugs, Persian rugs, Chinese rugs, Indo Chinese rugs, various sizes, large to small, carpets, runners, good variety of colours, shapes and sizes, some will be offered subject to a reasonable reserve. NOTE: Rugs will be offered at 1 p.m. RIDING MOWER, TOOLS ETC.: Snapper 8 hp. riding mower, Hilti DX 600 N fastener gun, 2 skill saws, sander, 2 electric drills, bench seat and sliding rear window fits 1992 Dodge truck, pipe wrench. TENT TRAILER: 1987 Fibco fibreglass tent trailer, sleeps 2 plus add-a-room, like new, pull with small car, cost $3,300 new, propane stove heater and lantern, 2 down filled sleeping bags. APPLIANCES, FURNITURE, ETC.: fridge, White Westinghouse 30" electric stove (nice one), 24" electric stove, chest freezer, chesterfield and chair like new, 2 chesterfields, beds and dressers, golf clubs, push lawn mower, swag lamp, wicker fern stand, pop carbinator machine, suitcases, and large offering of dishes, glassware, some bedding, garden tools, picture frames and items far too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB 482-7898 CLINTON I c CARD OF THANKS 1 c CARD OF THANKS BERNARD. I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours for cards, flowers and visits and all phone calls while I was in hospital and since coming home. I would like to thank Dr. Rodney and Dr. Woldnik, also the nursing staff of Seaforth Hospital. It was all greatly appreciated. - Margaret Bernard. 22-lp BLAKE. I wish to express a heartfelt thank you to neighbours, relatives and friends for cards, flowers, visits and gifts when I was in hospital. Words of gratitude to my family for the support given Gordon and myself are beyond expression. Special thanks to doctors and staff at the Goderich hospital for their concern and care. -Helen Blake. 22-lp CRAIG. My sincere thanks to Drs. Raczycki, Hay and Turton, the nurses, for their care and concern for the last week, and a special thanks to my family for their love and support. - Margaret Craig. 22-lp GEORGE. The family of the late Florence George would like to thank all those who sent cards, floral tributes and donations. Also thanks to those who brought food to the house. Special thanks to the ambulance crew for everything they did that night. It was greatly appreciated by the whole family. Thanks also to Beattie-Falconer Funeral Home and Rev. Paul-Acton for officiating at the service. 22-lp HALLAHAN. A sincere thank you to everyone who helped and attended our 25th anniversary social, the organizers for their hard work and delicious lunch, the musicians, Carry-On-Cloggcrs, everyone who sent cards, gifts and best wishes. A good lime was had by all. - Frank and Marian Hallahan. 22-lp HATCHER. Many thanks to my friends in Ethel who planned sucn a lovely shower for me. Thanks to everyone for the beautiful gifts 1 received, they are all very much appreciated. - Joan Hatcher (Pearson). 22-lp A AUCTION SALES McINNES. I would like to thank everyone who was involved in organizing and who attended my surprise birthday parly May 28/94. I would also like to thank everyone for the cards, gifts, tickets, cakes and the Big Nevada Ticket, which was great! Thanks to the Carleton Showband for their contribution. Everything sure was kept a secret’.! Many thanks. - Bob Mclnnes. 22-lp McPHAIL. The family of the late Winnie McPhail, wishes to extend sincere thanks to friends, neigh­ bours and families for their kindness, prayers, food, flowers and many cards. Thank you to Rev. McMillan, Betts Funeral Home and the ladies of the United Church for lunch. Special thanks to the staff of Huronlca for their dedicated, loving care they gave her while she was a resident. Also for the comfort they gave to us during her illness. Your kindness will never be forgotten by her daughters, grandchildren, great­ grandchildren who knew her as "Grannie". - Pat, Mary, Betty. 22-1 PATTISON. I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to friends, relatives and neighbours for all the lovely cards, gifts and beautiful flowers I received while recovering from my accident in hospital and since returning home and to all my very welcome visitors. Thanks to those who summoned the emer­ gency vehicle and the ambulance and for the attendants' prompt response and help. Thanks to Dr. Potochnik for his excellent surgery and to Dr. Hay for his expert care and to the nurses and caregivers of Clinton hospital. It all helped make my convalescence much easier. Sincerely - Ruby Pattison. 22-1 VINCENT. We really want to thank our relatives, neighbours and friends for their many acts of kindness and support during Ray's stay in hospital and since returning home. Your cards, gifts, flowers and visits certainly meant a lot to both of us. Special thanks to Drs. Hay, Potochnik and Tebutt and to Rev. Jock Tolmay for his continued concern. We really appreciate it! - Shirley and Ray. 22-lp