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The Citizen, 1994-06-01, Page 8
PAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1994. Filling up 19 join Knox congregation It was more good country cooking on Saturday evening as Calvin-Brick United Church in Belgrave hosted supper at the Wl Hall. There was a good crowd on hand for the annual event. UCW hears about Russia The Knox Belgrave UCW held its general meeting on May 26, in the schoolroom of the church. President Mary Hunter read a poem to open the meeting. The theme of the worship service presented by Laura Johnston and Donna Shaw was "The Garden of our Lives". After the singing of the hymn We Plough the Fields the scripture from Song of Solomon 2: 11-14, was read by Donna Shaw. Laura Johnston spoke of the flowers that can be plucked from the "Garden of Life" and the attributes of the flowers of service, praise, purity, compassion, and sharing. The offering was received by Thelma Pletch and Annie Cook. The hymn, In Christ There is no East nor West was sung and Laura Johnston closed the worship service with prayer. The guest speaker, Mrs. Dorothy Chapman of Exeter, was introduced by Mary Taylor. Mrs. Chapman, who already has made two trips to Russia, spoke mainly about her work with the children suffering from radiation following the breakdown at the nuclear plant at Chernobyl and of the efforts of the people in her group to make life more bearable for these children. She told of the effort being taken to bring groups of these children out of Russia for a period of six weeks in order to give them good nutrition and happy experiences, which in turn helps to bolster ihcir immune system. The community of St. Marys, Ont. is currently expecting to host a group of these children soon. She contrasted the good life we have in Canada to the exceedingly difficult life of most people in Russia. By giving these children, with low hemoglobin and symptoms of cancer, a sense of what life could be like, they may, on their return to Russia, help others. Mrs. Chapman was thanked by Kay Roberts. Kate Procter, accompanying herself on the guitar, sang Edelweiss, which everyone enjoyed. During the business period, the minutes were read by Secretary, Edith Vincent and the treasurer's report was given by Wilma Higgins. Members were asked to make two or three dozen cookies for Camp Mcnesetung. The cookies are to be brought to church on June 5, so that they may be delivered to the Camp on June 6. A motion was made to re-order The Mandate magazine and a donation of $20 was voted for "Alice's Project". Lunch and a social time was enjoyed with guests from neighbouring churches. Rev. Paul Boughton welcomed Tracy Robinson, Michael and David McBurney into the fellowship of Calvin-Brick United Church on Sunday, May 29. Ivan Dow and David Beccroft presented each with a Bible and certificate of Confirmation. A very large congregation warmly welcomed 19 members into the fellowship of Knox United Church, Belgrave, on Sunday, May 29. Those entering the baptism and profession of faith were Aaron Barnes, Jamie McCallum, James Piluke, Christopher Piluke and David Piluke. Welcomed into the fellowship of the church by profession of faith were Jennifer Black, Jeremy Campbell, Erin Cook, Shannon Cook, Sarah Cowan, Kendra Folkard, Kendra Hopper, Peter Irwin, Michael Marks, Jason McBurney, Kendra Moffatt, Michelle Pletch and Alicia Potter. Following the introduction of the candidates, which included a short resume of the personal characteristics of each candidate as determined by Rev. Paul Boughton, who conducted the service, the questions and promises were given and answered. Baptisms and confirmations were celebrated with the laying on of hands by the minister. A baptismal and confirmation certificate with a Bible was presented to the various members. The right hand of fellowship was extended to each candidate by Rev. More Belgrave news on Page 9 FILM DEVELOPING! 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Water ^testing information flight * A A * For more information call 482-3416 or 1-800-265-5184. ©; Canadian Environment Week June 5 - 12, 1994 his sermon. Hymns relative to the sermon and celebrations were sung with Mrs. George Procter accompanist. The choir rendered the anthem Consider the Lilies. Offertory stewards were Jayne Vincent, Kenneth Procter, Karrin Mark and Donald G. Procter. The minister extended thanks to those who had helped with the service. free testing for bacteria, nitrates, etc. why should you test your water? what do the test results mean? how can problems be corrected? o Ax Sponsored by: Huron County Rural Health Coordinating Committee & Huron County Health Unit Read it first in The Citizen I COUNTY OF HURON ■ Planning and Development Department $ requires a... SUPPORT STAFF POSITION for the jobsOntario Training Office, 34B Newgate St., Goderich, (9 month contract - 28 hrs. week.) QUALIFICATIONS: Successful applicant must have excellent communication and organizational skills while dealing with the public, whether it be with telephone communi cations or on a walk-in basis. Applicant must be able to grasp a good understanding of the policies and procedures of the Jobs Ontario Training Program. Must have computer proficiency in WordPerfect. Knowledge and proficiency in the use of various office equipment and general office procedures ie: data entry, filing, typing, etc. Anyone interested in this position, please submit a written application to the undersigned by Wednesday, June 8, 1994. Position is to commence immediately - no later than June 20, 1994. Salary - $12.00 per hour. Apply to: Lori Vanstone, Office Manager Huron County Dept, of Planning and Development Court House Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1 M2 * Due to time constraints, only those being interviewed will be notified.