HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-05-18, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1994. IN MEMORIAM PERSONAL SERVICES BOSMAN. In loving memory of Amy Elizabeth Bosman, May 13, 1987. Those we love remain with us For love itself lives on; And cherished memories never fade Because a loved one is gone. Those we love can never be More than a thought apart, For as long as there is memory She'll live on in our hearts. - Cherished, loved and remem­ bered by Dad and Mom, Lisa and Kelly. 20-lp DEBOER. In loving memory of a dear father, grandfather, Tony deBoer, who passed away May 18, 1993. We miss you Dad, each and every day, Each of us remember you in our own special way, Through tears we watched you suffer, We saw you fade away, But when we saw you sleeping so peaceful, free from pain, We could not wish you back to suffer so again. Our family circle has been broken, A link gone from our chain, But though we're parted for a while, We know we'll be together again. - Never forgotten and sadly missed by Gary, Glenda and Jasmine. 20-1 DEBOER. I think of God as my shepherd who helps me do what is right. God helps me feel strong When I'm weak and depressed, when I'm crying For someone who I miss dearly, My Dad. -Fred. 20-1 DUNBAR. Ln loving memory of a dear wife and mom, Pat, who passed away May 23, 1993. A cluster of precious memories, Sprayed with a million tears, Wishing God had spared you, If only a few more years. You left a beautiful memory, And sorrow too great to be told, But to us who loved and lost you, Your memory will never grow old. No one could ignore The angels drawing near, Who took from earth to Heaven, The one we loved so dear. But she hasn't really left us, Nor has she travelled far, Just entered God's beautiful garden and left the door ajar. Her empty place no one can fill, We miss her now and always will, Just a thought so very true, From those who thought the world of you. - Lovingly remembered by Alan and family. 20-1 DUNBAR. In loving memory of our Grandma Pat, who passed away one year ago May 23, 1993. Never more than a thought away Quietly remembered every day No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts Grandma is always there. - So very much missed and always lovingly remembered by your grandchildren. 20-1 Ibu can lose a lot more than your licence drinking and driving. D WILSON. In loving memory of a dear step-father, grandfather and great-grandfather, Russell Wilson who passed away one year ago, May 17, 1993. Dear Grandpa - We know when twilight pulls her curtain And life on earth is o'er. You'd trod in God’s beautiful garden Until we meet once more. - Always remembered by step-son and daughter-in-law Irvin and Betty Bowes. Grandchildren, Maxine and John Brush, Connie and Vernon Bromley, great-grandchildren Maridale, Aaron and Russell, Christine, Karen and Johnny. You will always be missed. 20-1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF LELY NICHOLSON ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of LILY NICHOLSON, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, Retired Housekeeper, who died on the 8th day of March, 1994, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 4th day of June, 1994, AFTER that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 12th day of May, A.D. 1994. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES 217 Josephine Street P.O. Box 1028 WINGHAM, Ontario NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Executors 20-3 LIVESTOCK WANTED - CRIPPLED, DISABLED or downer cows, must be alive and drug free. Winch equipped truck. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. Phone Earl Lannin, RR 2, Atwood, 519- 356-2479 or 1-800-661-0078. tfn-p DISABLED LIVESTOCK WANTED: recently injured, and downer cows formerly $200.00 - $500.00, Now $350.00 - $700.00 when calling Leis Livestock, Milverton, 1-800-265-4910, radios, mobile phones, winch equipped. 12-41p LOST - BLONDE STEER 700 TO 800 lbs. on Lot 1, Cone. 14, Grey Twp. 887-9747. 20-1 WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor- doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENCED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 887-9747 p Kittens to give away to a good home. Call Brooklyn 887-6233 (Brussels). 20-1 p DIVORCES/PARDONS/NAME changes - no court appearance, reasonable cost, legal aid welcome. Luigi E. Circelli, Peggy Wilson (Paralegal). Call collect 1-434 1691. 18-tfn CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE. Are you pregnant? Need Help? Call our 24 Hour Hotline collect 323- 3751 or drop in at 189 Main St. N., Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, counselling and support, childbirth, coaches, clothing. e4w ACTIVE SR. WOMAN WISHES to share farm house with one sr. person or partially handicapped person welcome but must be able to climb stairs. Make my home your home. Reasonable. Every reply will be answered. Thank you. Send replies to Drawer 100, c/o The Citizen, PO Box 152, Brussels. 20-1 REAL ESTATE CULLIGAN REAL ESTATE LTD. For all your real estate needs, farms, small acreages, homes Call Gary Walden Your Blyth & area Real Estate Sales Representative. 462-7675 (Home) Anytime! 482-3400 (Office) Ask for Gary For more details see Culligan ad In Real Estate Section "SUDDENL Y ITS SOLD" \ BAILEY N Real Estate Ltd. Mason Bailey 482-9371 BROKER (24 Hour Service) COUNTRY HOME: On 5 acres - 5 miles from Blyth on paved road. House features 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, whirlpool, 3 bd. & deck with 36 x 56 shed. 460 DINSLEY ST., BLYTH: 1 floor, 2 bd., well kept with single car garage. $65,000. Try an offer. NEW LISTING - BRUSSELS: 5 acres with 1 1/2 storey frame home and steel workshop, zoned highway commercial. INVESTMENT PROPERTY: 4 piex Blyth, on large lot, priced for quick sale. 10 LOTS: McConnell Street, Blyth. For development. To be sold as a package. PRICED TO SELL: 1 1/2 floor brick, central location, Blyth, 2 units, 1 commercial office and 1 apartment. DINSLEY ST., BLYTH: 1 1/2 floor, 4 bd. home, in immaculate condition. BLYTH: New 3 bd bungalow, full basement, large sun dec and above-ground pool, garden shed on large lot. BLYTH: Serviced building lots on Hamilton and King St. BLYTH: Drummond St., 1 1/2 floor, 4 bd. home, detached garage, on nioe lot. Hx/r Message Comes Across /n the Classifieds SEW SEW SEW FROM HEMM- S SERVICES ___ ing to zippers, alterations to complete outfits. Call Danica 527- 2177 after 5.00. 18 & 20 JIM CAMPBELL SANITATION - septic tank cleaning and pumping. Phone 527-0085. 20-12p GARDENS TILLED IN BRUSSELS area, with tractor mounted tiller. Johnnie Miners, 887-9286. 20-2 ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM welding, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, pigs/cattle penning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Call Peter de Jong, 523-4816. tfn 12-YEAR-OLD LOOKING FOR work. Willing to do jobs around hoq.se or run errands. Will cut your lawn, call now 5 - 8 p.m. 523-4748 ask for Chauncey. 10-tfn CRONYN CONSTRUCTION backhoeing, sand and gravel, Blyth, Ontario. 523-9440. 18-4 IN-DEPTH CLEANING, OLD- fashioned quality at reasonable rates, all work guaranteed. 887- 6695. 18-tfn PRIVATE SUMMER TUTORING, modified programmes by a qualified teacher in your home. Call Kerry Pletch 357-1596. 19-2 .HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londes- boro. Complete services for small engines. Dealer for Canadiana, Noma, Bolens, Weed Eater, Polan Pro, Jonsered Chainsaws and Bad­ ger Farm Equipment, 523-9202. tfn DAVE’S CAR OILING BLYTH Now open for the spring and summer Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. Other times by chance. Weather permitting. Or call 523-4343. 17-5 ■■■custom BALING ! of ,! ; HAY, HAYLAGE and STRAW ; Large Square Bales : (32" x 34" up to 98") ALEX VEENS : 522-0667 ATTENTION FARMERS 1. Custom loading and hauling of manure. Three spreaders available if needed. 2. Planting of oats, barley, soybeans. No till or conventional. 3. New for 1994-no till and conventional planting of corn. 4. Any other custom work needs - plowing, cultivating, etc. Competitive Rates NO MEMBERSHIP FEE DURWAY CUSTOM SERVICES R.R. 3 BLYTH 523-9837 is CUSTOM MANURE SPREADING Competitive Rates "Give us a call" Bert Beyens Walton 887-9389 Q VACATION PROPERTIES LAKEFRONT TRAILER PARK / Large 50' x 70' lots / Located 2 miles south of Goderich on Hwy. 21 SEASONAL SITES AVAILABLE *750. CALL 524-5905 PRINCESS HURON LAKEFRONT RESORT VEHICLES FOR SALE CHEAP TRANSPORTATION - 1984 Dodge Charger, as is, no reasonable offer refused. Phone 523-9636 after 5:30 p.m. 20-lp 1986 DODGE ARIES WAGON, A-l condition. Call: 887-6411. 20-1 WANTED FAMILY OF FIVE SEEKS FARM house for June 1, experienced in farm work and renovation. Call 519-893-0782. 20-2 WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers. 1/4 miles south of Brussels. Call 887-9499. tfn E. Wawanosh issues four permits Continued from page 7 partners (federal, provincial and municipal) would be $74,100. Preliminary plans were accepted by council from Burns Ross and Associates Ltd. The firm was authorized to proceed with a final design. The road accounts in the amount of $22,655.97 were approved for payment. Permission was granted to Terry Funk to erect a sign advertising his new business, County Cement Crafts, at the discretion of the road superintendent. Building permits were issued to Bert and Brenda Sjaarda, Pt. Lot 33, Cone. 3, addition to the house; Richard and Elissa Sherred, Pt. Lot 38/39, Cone. 2, extension to the kitchen and Victor Buchanan, Lot 22, Plan 500, residence. Jim Dickson was issued a demo­ lition permit for Pt. Lot 29, Cone. 3. The general account were approved for payment in the amount of $16,143.70.