HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-05-18, Page 11THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18,1994. PAGE 11.
AuburnThe news from
Compiled by Mildred Lawlor Phone 526-7589
Hort. Soc. discusses trip
Members of the Auburn 4-H Club held their achievement day at the Community Hall on
Saturday. Back row, from left are: Mandy Dunbar, one year plaque; Dana Marshall, six club
trillium pin; Christine Lapp, six club pin and Meagan Jarrett, one-year plaque. Front row: Pam
Morrison, one year plaque; Suzanne Schultz, 18 club; Sarah Thomson, 12 club pen set and
Cheryl Lapp, 12 club pen set.
UCW presents skit at Knox
The Horticultural Society
meeting was held at the
Community Hall on Monday
evening, May 9. President Shari
Cartwright welcomed all and O
Canada was sung with Marjorie
McDougall as pianist.
The minutes were read by Ann
Vincent and the treasurer's report
was given by Ell Lapp.
Benches, Manchesters' garden
and a trip to Cullen Gardens were
discussed. Shari spoke on the
District Annual.
There was a presentation by
Joyce Bean and Ann Vincent, who
had been to the Pumpkin Fest at
Port Elgin. A man had grown an
800 lb. pumpkin. Joyce had
directions on how to plant the
seeds, which she had available and
sold later at the sale.
There will be a contest in the fall
for the smallest, largest and average
pumpkins. Members were also to
have new pumpkin recipes and
bring the finished product to the
Don Haines spoke on the clean
up the Lions Club was doing on the
baseline, it is to be the new
Manchester Riverside Park.
A huge plant sale then took place
with Lois Haines as auctioneer with
helpers Frances Clark, Don Haines,
Ell Lapp and Brenda Empey. The
sale amount was $153 and a good
jovial time was had at the bidding
of these products.
Lunch was served by the
hostesses and a social time enjoyed.
Members of the UCW presented
a skit from one of their earlier
meetings at this week's Knox
United Church Service. Bernice
Gross was organist.
Darlene Empey told of this topic
Weys greet
at Duff’s
Edith and Campbell Wey were
greeters at Duffs United Church on
May 15. With Rev. Banks away at
conference Graeme Craig was in
charge of leading the service.
Next Sunday is Pentecost so
worshippers are asked to wear
something red, the liturgical colour
for Pentecost. Luke and Curtis
McCallum will be baptized on that
The congregation was treated to
the sound of 12 male voices (Neil
McGavin named the group 'The
Wonders') blending as they sang,
The Wonder of it All and Because
He Lives.
Neil and Brian McGavin, Don
McDonald, Graeme Craig, Barry
Hoegy, Fred McClure, Emerson
Mitchell, Keith Wilbee, Doug
Fraser, Jim McDonald, Murray
Dennis, leader Howard Hackwell
made up the choir.
One of many comments over
heard following the service was
that they should sing more often.
Graeme then introduced guest
speaker Bob Heywood from
Exeter. He spent time with the
children playing his accordion and
singing some of his childhood
favourites. He said he was from a
family of 10 and his mother made
sure that they all attended church
throughout their childhood.
Neil McGavin read scripture and
then Bob gave his message.
and read several scriptures between
the acts.
The junior choir sang a number
under the direction of Shelley
Worsell. The offering was received
by Peter Verbeek and Greg Park
and dedicated by Marylin Verbeek.
Amens concluded the service.
Peter Verbeek thanked the UCW
for the presentation.
Rev. Paul Ross was attending a
conference at London.w=Tine news from
Compiled by Patty Banks Phone 887-6860
McGavins return from
plowing match banquet
Birthday greetings go to Dorothy
Crystal Gulutzen on May 18.
Neil and Marie McGavin have
returned from Chilliwack, B.C.
where Neil was invited to be guest
speaker at the Canadian Plowing
Match awards banquet. While
visiting the province they were able
to meet with relatives and with Neil
McDonald, who is from Walton
(son of Ken and Leona).
It's good to have them back home
again and I'm sure Neil has brought
back a few more jokes to add to his
Baseball is underway in Walton
with Barb and Mike Durrell and
Rita Bowers coaching the t-ball
team, Jim and Linda McDonald and
Jim Brubacher coaching the Pre
Mites and JoAnn McDonald and
Dave Linton coaching the Mites.
The ball club also has a team
made up of PeeWee kids that are
not competing but are learning the
rules and the basics of the game.
The coaches for this team are Steve
Gibbons, Mike Durrell and Jeff
Hunt. They will be practising this
Thursday at the ball park at 7 p.m.
The men and women at Duff's
United worked hard to serve 325
people at their country supper
smorgasbord May 15. Thanks to
everyone who came out and made
it a success.
June 4 will be the date for the
Walton Village yard sale. For more
information call B.J. de Jong.
On May 19, session 5 of 'How to
talk so kids will listen' will be held.
There will be a small craft to do
Social outings are still being
enjoyed from Walton Church's
talent auction. As a result of Bill
and Marie Coutt's donation of a
dinner for six, sitting down to a
table centred with an original,
freshly arranged spring bouquet,
sparkling crysal and china were
Neil and Marie McGavin, Gerry
and Anne Ryan and Audrey and
Howard Hackwell. They were
wined and dined on a turkey dinner
with all the trimmings.
Locals travel to Newmarket
Mr. Stewart Toll of London
visited last Wednesday with his
sister, Marjorie McDougall.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin attend
ed the retirement party for their
son, Donald in Kitchener. He has
completed 35 years in the
education field - the last 22 with
developmentally challenged child
ren at Rosemount School.
Mrs. Bernice Anderson, Nancy
and Greg Park spent a weekend
with William Anderson at New
market recently.
The Knox United UCW will,
meet on Tuesday evening, May 24.
Box 298
Brussels, Ontario
Telephone: (519)887-9922
Fax: (519)887-6685
36 enjoy euchre
at Ethel Hall
Doris Jacklin and Bill Dobson
hosted nine tables of euchre at the
Ethel Hall on Monday evening.
Winners were: 50/50, Harold
Metcalfe; high lady, Isabelle
Bremner; low lady, Ruby Steiss;
high man, Walter Harrifield; low
man, Mel Jacklin; most lone hands,
Frieda D'Arcy, Jim McGuillawee,
Jim Smith; birthdays, Jim Cooper,
Hazel McKenzie; tally card draws,
Lome Lambkin, Dorothy Hamilton,
Gertie Lambkin, Margaret Crowe,
Velma Sleightholme, Doug
Hemingway, John Subject.
The next euchre will be May 23
at 8: 30 p.m.
Come To The
Gun Control Legislation Forum
Sponsored by Huron Fish & Game Conservation Association
Thursday, May 26
8 p.m.
Belmore Community
Featuring Panelists...
Paul Steckle - M.P. Huron Bruce
Paul Klopp ~ M.P.P. Huron
Murray Elston - M PR Bruce
Reps from M.N.R. & O P P
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the
Wingham and District Hospital Corporation will be held
in the Nursing Assistants’ Training Centre, Catherine St.,
Wingham, Ontario on Thursday, June 16, 1994 at the
hour of eight o’clock p.m. for the revision of bylaws: for
the election of Governors; for the appointment of
Auditors; and for the transaction of such other things as
may properly come before the meeting.
Copies of the Annuals Report and Hospital Financial
Statements may be obtained at the front desk of the
Wingham and District Hospital effective June 13, 1994
and at the Annual Meeting.
Memberships granting voting privileges may be
purchased at the front desk of the hospital for five
dollars ($5.00) prior to five o’clock p.m., Monday,
June 13, 1994. No membership sold, after that date, will
entitle the purchaser to a vote.
Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this sixth day of May, 1994.
By order of the Board of Governors.
L. Koch,