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The Citizen, 1994-05-18, Page 10
FAGe 1U. I He GIliZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1994. LondesboroThe news from [Compiled by June Fothergill Phone 523-4360 UCW plans dinner Burns UCW met at the Londesboro United Church on Wednesday afternoon with nine members present. Joan Hoggarth opened the meeting with a reading, which was followed by hymn 444. The scripture, Psalm 49 verses 1 -9, was read by Joan Hoggarth. Readings were given by Gloria McEwing, Hazel Reid and Josephine Mac Gregor. Hymn 445 was sung. Josephine gave a reading My Day Off. Joan Hoggarth led in prayer. Joan thanked all who took part. Josephine MacGregor conducted the business. Roll call was answered with a Bible verse. The treasurer’s report was given by Margaret Taylor. A thank you card was received from Beryl Reid. The total amount of the copper contest will not be known until later, as several members were absent. A pot luck dinner will be held June 1 at 1 p.m. at the church. Members will give $10 each towards the UCW. Members arc to bring cups and silverware. Joan Hoggarth led in prayer. WI donates to museum The May meeting of Londesboro WI was held at the hall at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, May 11. Members opened the meeting with O Canada, Mary Stewart Collect and Opening Ode. President Lois Elliott read the poem, Daffodils. A minute's silence was observed in memory of two members, Hattie Wood and Helen Lawson. Roll call was answered by, What do you put in your compost. The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved. Reta gave the Financial Report. The July meeting will beheld on Thursday, July 7 at 2 p.m. when members will be going to Blyth Theatre to see Glengarry School Days. A donation is being given to Erlin Lee Museum Home, in memory of Nettie Clark, Helen Lawson and Hattie Wood. District annual is May 30 at Belgrave. Dinner will be $6. Guest speaker Robert Hunking spoke on horticulture and pruning. Correspondence was read from Ella Flood. There were thank yous from Harry Tebbutt, Reta Kelland, Doris Batkin and Lois Andrews, daughter of the late Hattie Wood. Beryl Reid thanked members for cards and visits. A $50 donation is to be given to Pennies for Friendship. Collection and pennies were taken up. Lunch was served by Beryl Reid. Reta Kelland and Marjorie Anderson. It does a heart good Hullett Public School students spent two hours Friday afternoon jumping rope and raising money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation through the Jump Rope for Heart campaign. Trying double dutch are, from left, Suzie Salverda, Melinda Beacom and Tania Losereit. Bake sale date set The Seniors Dance is at the Hall at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18. A bake sale is set for Saturday, May 21. Baking is to be at the ball park by 8:30 a.m. The sale starts at 9 a.m. Bd. to hear McKillop appeals McKillop Council agreed to a $291 grant to Seaforth Community Hospital which represents $3 for each patient admitted during the 1993-94 fiscal year. The hospital had requested a $5 per patient grant but, discussions by councillors at the May 3 meet ing lowered the amount. Council approved a $100 grant to the Huron Plowmen's Association. Angela Smith of RR1 Dublin was hired to weigh road maintenance gravel. Council will request additional subsidy money to support estimat ed expenditures of $180,000 for the purchase of a new grader. The road voucher was authorized for payment in the amount of $11,253.07. Two appeals will be heard by the Assessment Review Board at Seaforth municipal office on May 27. Ryan Construction was hired to, clean the Pethick municipal drain and the McKillop/Hullett boundary drain. Council approved the 1994 bud get with a projected deficit of $54,600 for Walton landfill. The general account voucher was authorized for payment in the amount of $113,973.55. HPCRCSSB adjusts policies After working for months to solve the problem of catholic sec ondary education in the region, the Huron-Perth County Roman Cath olic Separate School Board has lift ed the conditions which were restricting the options. Director of Education Dr. James Brown says, "The conditions had limited the choices for the board and by removing them, more cre ativity can be used and the best solution found." The original motion by the board which stipulated the need for min istry funding up front and an agree ment with the Huron County Board of Education, was rescinded at the April 25 meeting. Dr. Brown says, "There will be a catholic school in the area and the removal of the restrictions will allow all options to be looked at, whether it be a stand-alone school, a sharing of Central Huron Sec ondary School or some other arrangement with the HCBE." Other business discussed at the meeting included several personnel issues. Lori Biers was granted a leave-of-absence, without pay, for the period Aug. 30 to Dec. 16. Chris McClure's permanent con tract will be decreased, by mutual consent, effective Sept. 1. The board granted permanent contracts to teachers Joanne Smith, Elizabeth Visser, Danielle Ther rien, Janet Pettus, Elizabeth Quin lan, Randy Schumacher, Michael Ennett and Jane Whaling and accepted the resignation of Secre tary Marion Sullivan. Leipers greet Greeters at Londesboro United Church on Sunday, May 15 were Gladys and Ida Leiper. Ushers were Don and Catherine Allen and Jeff and Roetcisoender. Shannon Scott sang a solo, One Day at a Time. Betty Hulley read scritpure I Kings 19: 1-18 and John 15:9-12, 16-17. Prayers of the People was read by Cheryl Trewartha. Minute for Missions was read by Audrey Thompson. Brenda Radford, UCW President was in charge of the service. Kittie McGregor led in prayer. Reta Kelland and Joan Whyte acted out an interview with Elijah for the children's story. A special meeting of the Board of Stewards will be held Wednes day, May 19 at 8 p.m. in the Sunday School room. Huronview Fellowship Time is Thursday, May 19 at 7 p.m. Choir practice will be held Sunday, May 22 and 29 at 10:15 a.m. ©SHARP DEALS ON QUALITY- CLEAN READY-TO-GO USED CARS Great Savings on These Used Cars & Trucks. 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