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The Citizen, 1994-05-04, Page 2
PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1994. Tasty fare Marie McTaggart had the sweet task of setting up the bake table at the annual Morning Star Rebekah Lodge Spring Variety Fair held in the Lodge rooms on Friday afternoon. Darters ends season By Sandra Josling Since early fall, the Brussels Legion has sponsored a group of 20-25 youth darters. Every Sunday morning the group has met for practices at the Legion. This year the group has finished quite well in both the Zone Youth darts and the Ontario Youth Dart Federation. This year the group had the guidance of Eric Ross, Deb Cann and Jayne Ross. Another big help was all the parents who took time to score or drive the darters to each tournament. On Sunday, April 24 the parents and youth darters got together to finish the year with a blind draw mixed dart tournament. They were split into a Junior and Senior division with 36 participating in all. In the 12 and under category the team of Eric Ross and Willie Adams finished first and Marg Adams and Matt Kroll teamed up for second. In the 13 and over Friendship Club plays euchre President Sarah Stephenson opened the Friendship Club's April meeting held at Maple Villa on Wednesday, April 24 with the singing of "O Canada". Members were accompanied by Eluned McNair at the piano. Mrs. Stephenson read an article entitled Grandmother's Rocking Chair. An invitation was received from the Blyth Swinging Seniors to attend a potluck luncheon and social on Wednesday, April 27 at 12 noon. Anyone interested in attending is asked to meet at Maple Villa at 11:15 a.m. A request from Health Nurse Marguerite Thomas to attend the next meeting on May 18 was received. She will be speaking on "Sleep Enhancement". Euchre followed. Winners were: high man, Martha Logan; high lady, Thelma Keffer; low man, Sarah Stephenson; and low lady, Ruby Steiss. division, Chris Burkholder and Katie Harrison were first and Dave Adams and Anita Little, second. First place winners each received a plaque and medium pizza while second place received a plaque and small pizza. Pizzas were donated by J.R.'s. The darters will be taking the summer off. Results of the euchre held on Wednesday, April 27 are as follows: high scores, Isabel Alcock and Jim McLean; low scores, Carol Thornton and Deb Cann; most lone hands, Erma Brighton and Ross Brighton; most zeros, Martha Logan and Bill Nethery; 50/50 winner, Lynda Shaw. The next euchre will be held on May 11. The initiation of new members and the installation of new executive members will be held on Friday, May 27 at 8 p.m. The ceremonies are open to the public. Mothers Are The Greatest! Treat them Extra Special this Mother's Day We have the FTD "Basket of Love Bouquet" along with other containers to suit your budget v v V V V Cut flowers Dish gardens Flowering plants 20% off Lena Liu limited edition prints Chocolates from "The House of Brussels" Many more unique gift ideas l/Vie are Brussels' Full Service Florist^) COUNTRY GARDEN FLOWERS 887-6900 or 887-6351 © "Yes we deliver and offer FTP J Wheels Brussels Village Councillors agreed Monday night to provide support for Wheels Away transit but decided not to sign an agree ment pledging future support. Rev. Cam McMillan and Bev Brown attended the meeting on behalf of Wheels Away, officially called North Huron Special Transit Corporation. They said the bus, which gives rides to the frail and elderly to allow them to fully par ticipate in community life, has become increasingly popular. Last year the number of trips by Brus sels residents increased by 37 per cent to 133. Overall, the ridership increased by 20 per cent in the 13 municipalities the bus serves. Brus sels is now fifth in terms of use. The Brussels share of the costs of operating the service rose to $769.66 from $575.50. Last year Brussels People Sixty people enjoyed the casserole supper and card party hosted by the Majestic Women's Institute on April 25. Prizes went to: George Laverty, travelling lone prize; high man, Brenda Perrie; high lady, Fred D'Arcy; low man, Jim Bridge; low lady, Feme Howatt; most lone hands, Doug Hemingway; for eating grapefruit on Monday, Bill Craig; Murray Keffer, score of 62; Jean Ireland, wearing the most yellow; score of 70, Edna McLellan; score of 55, Thelma Cardiff; lucky table, Harvey Craig, Adah Smith, Mel Jacklin and Annie Wight. Proceeds from this event went to the Cancer Society. The regular meeting of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge No. 315 took place on Tuesday, April 26 with Noble Grand Lois McCutcheon presiding. There was a good attendance of members. Plans for the Variety Fair on Friday, April 29 were finalized. Members will be attending a meeting at Ruth Lodge, Stratford on May 17 and Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter on May 18. The next regular meeting will be held on May 10; Sunday, May 8 Mother’s Day Brunch 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. $8.95 Sunday Evening Buffet 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. $9.95 Reservations Recommended council paid the full amount but local donations helped offset some of the cost. Ms Brown, who raised part of that money through seeking donations, said if council still want ed donations to cover the cost she hoped some group would come for ward to raise the money. Rev. McMillan told councillors that if they signed a contract to pick up the village's share of the deficit ‘next year the village could have a member on the board of directors. But Reeve Gordon Workman, not ing the jump from $575 last year to $769 this year, wondered what amount the council might be com mitting itself to next year. Ms Brown said the costs wouldn't continue to rise forever. If ridership increases Wheels Away will reach a level where it is eligible for 75 per cent funding from the Ministry of Transportation instead of the 50 per cent it gets now, she said. She also assured council that govern ment cutbacks would not hurt the service. Ministries such as Health and Community and Social Ser vices also supported transit services for the frail and elderly because it was necessary if the programs designed to keep people in their homes and out of hospitals were to be effective, she said. Councillor Bruce Hahn had no objection to that but had reserva tions about the other uses of the system. "I'm all for getting people GIFT IDEAS FOR MOM V Cut Flowers & Arrangements V Dish Gardens V Plants V Ashton Drake Dolls V Mother’s Day Plates Treasured Memories & Precious Moments for Mom & Grandma (jifts & ‘jTowe.rs YOU OsT BRUSSELS WE DELIVER 887-9731 MAKE THIS MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL Entertainment May 6 & 7 Repeat Band to the doctors and hospital but I'm not sure I want to pay for them to go somewhere else to shop. Why would a business in Brussels want to pay for people to shop out of town?" Ms Brown said that few people made use of the service for shop ping. "It's too inconvenient. This van is not in the business of carry ing big bags of groceries." After the presentation, Councillor Hahn voted to pay the Brussels share of 1993 costs "But I won't vote to sign any agreement. Thai's up to the next council." The motion was approved. OFFICE HOURS FOR THE CITIZEN’S BRUSSELS OFFICE Monday -10 to 2 Tuesday - Closed Wednesday -10 to 2 Thursday -10 to 2 Friday -10 to 2 Saturday - Closed Sunday - Closed For your convenience there is a slot in the door to put your news, adver tisements, payments, etc. through. Saturday Special A Fresh Trout Fillets J ~ Daily Specials ~ BRUSSELS COUNTRY INN Turnberry St., Brussels 887-9035