HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-04-20, Page 9THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1994. PAGE 9. UCW views dramatic skit The Evening Unit of the UCW met on Tuesday evening, April 5 al the home of Ruth Johnston with 23 members answering the roll call with an Easter memory. Muriel Coultes welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a poem, "Be Glad it's Easter Day". Donna Shaw had charge of the worship service on an Easter theme "Meet the Saviour". Hymns, "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" and "Welcome happy Morning" were sung. Donna led in prayer and the scripture John 20: 1-18 was read by Wilma Higgins. Donna read the meditation on "Jesus Christ is Risen". The offering was received and dedicated and Wilma closed the worship service with prayer. Muriel Coultes conducted the business. Minutes were read and adopted. She announced a Stewardship meeting April 16 in Listowel. There will be a lunch following the church service April 17. The May meeting will be at the home of Barbara Anderson. May Council holds Colborne taxes roll call will be a remembrance of mother. A donation was given to assist Muriel Coulles to participate in the Presbyterian Women church wide gathering in Ames Iowa in July. Laura Johnston had charge of the program which consisted of a dramatic presentation giving an overview of the history of Overseas mission in the United Church of Canada. Those taking part were Barbara Anderson representing a native person, Laura Johnston the missionary and Donna Shaw was the narrator. The meeting closed by everyone repeating the Mizpah Benediction and lunch was served by Louise Bosman and Norma Moore. The Afternoon Unit of the UCW met in the Sunday School room April 11 with 13 members present. Mrs. Audrey Fenton conducted the business portion of the meeting opening with a poem about spring. Mrs. Edith Vincent conducted the worship. The theme was "Treasures of the Earth". The scripture was Psalm 104 after which was read a very interesting article by David Suzuki. The hymn "For the Beauty of the Earth" was sung to close the worship. Mrs. Dorothy Coultes was in charge of Bible Study which dealt with Matthew, the tax collector and later disciple. Mrs. Kay Roberts chose as her subject for study "The World in a Nut Shell" which dealt with some very interesting statistics concerning ecology, finance and population in our world today. The meeting closed with The Lord's Prayer in unison. AuburnThe news [Compiled by Mildred Lawlor from Phone 526-7589 BelgraveThe news from Compiled by Helen Stonehouse Phone 887-9487 Leddys win final euchre For the third consecutive year there will be no increase to Colborne township ratepayers on the municipal portion of their taxes. At a special meeting of Council held April 12, council authorized a zero per cent increase to the mill rate. The 1994 mill rate for farm and residential is 3.5215 and for commercial and business is 4.1429. Of the taxes collected by the township approximately 22 per cent is retained for township purposes, while approximately 19 per cent is forwarded to the County of Huron and 59 per cent is forwarded to the Huron County Board of Education and Huron-Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board. At the regular meeting held April 5, Council awarded the contract to supply and apply calcium chloride to the township roads to Da-Lee Dust Control for $156.81 per flake ton GST included. The tender from Da-Lee Dust Control was the lowest of two bids. The gravel contract was awarded to Wes Riley Contracting Co. Ltd. for $59,790 which was the lowest of three bids. Council adopted a policy that persons found guilty of vandalizing any township signs would be charged $100 per sign. Reeve Vanstone, Deputy Reeve MacPhee, Clerk Stewart and Road Superintendent Smith will attend Continued on page 10 Flowers adorn church Rev. Paul Ross conducted the service April 17 at Knox United Church and Nancy Park was organist. The flowers in the sanctuary were from the funeral of the late Lillian Letherland. Euchre The last euchre party of the season was held Tuesday evening, April 12 at the Auburn Community Hall with eight tables in play. Winners were: high lady, Bernice McClinchey; low lady, Hazel Watkins; high man, Harold McClinchey; low man, Lillian Appleby (playing as a man); novelty prize, Carmen Brindley. Tea, coffee and cookies were served and a social time enjoyed. People Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin attended their daughter Bonnie's wedding to Mr. Mark Garner at Vineyard Church on Saturday, April 16. After a wedding trip to Mexico, Bonnie and Mark will reside in Cambridge. Sympathy is extended to the families, relatives and friends of the late Lillian Letherland who passed away last week in her 81st year. The invitation to worship was read alternately and Rev. Ross gave the prayers, followed by the hymn "I Love to tell the Story". Rev. Ross had conversation with the children and the children's chorus was sung. Hymn "We must Meet You O Christ." Rev. Ross read the scriptures which were followed by hymn "O Jesus King Most Wonderful". The minister's sermon entitled "Standing With Jesus". The offering was received by Bob Worsell and Greg Park and for the Sunday School by Amanda Dunbar and Chris Carter and dedicated in song. The closing hymn "Jesus Shall Reign" was sung and the singing of Amens concluded the service. The Belgrave Arena Euchre Tournament was held on Friday, April 15. Winners were: first, Dennis and Aileen Leddy; second, Niel Edgar and Larry Robinson; third, Bob and Shirley Dalton; 50/50, Harvey Edgar. This is the last euchre tournament until fall. Maria Arruda of Kenswick and Michelle Arruda of Toronto visited with their grandmother, Mrs. Dorothy Logan on Sunday. Mabel's Moms met at the home of Mabel Wheeler on Wednesday, April 13. Those present were Julie Van Camp, Jeanine and Jordan, Andrea Stevenson, Mathew and Tyler, Juaneta Lcishman and Melissa, Sherry Taylor and Brandon, Lila Procter and Ben, Rev. Paul Boughton and Trever Raynard, Janet Koehler and Derek. While Mabel entertained the children in the kitchen, the moms discussed the necessity of wills and the new legislation "Power of Attorney" brought in by the NDP government. Also discussed, was the importance of organ donation after death so someone else can have life. Mrs. Clarence Yuill returned recently from a 10 day visit with her daughter Linda Lichtenberger ana family in St. Thomas area. Ten tables of euchre were in play al the WI Hall, Belgrave, Wednesday, April 13. Winners were: high lady, Hilda Vincent; second high, Marj Coulles; most twos, Ruby Hanna; low lady, Nell Johnston; high man, Tom Pfeiffer; second high, John King; most twos, Jim Smith; low man, Bill Ncthcry. There will be euchre next Wednesday, April 20. Fourteen tables of shoot were in play Friday, April 8 at 1:30 p.m. in the Belgrave Community Centre. Winners were: high lady, Ruby Hanna; second high, Agnes Gaunt; most shoots, Laura Johnston; birthday closest to April 8, Alice Nicholson; high man, Ross Turvey; second high, Jean Dcyell (playing as a man); most shoots, Stanley Black; birthday closest to April 8, Albert Cook. ARBOUR WEEK April 29 - May 8 Colorado Blue Spruce 18" - 24" Bare Root $10.00 c MAKING SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL HAPPEN Order your special tree today: Beautiful flowering crabapple trees. Super selection of weeping mulberry, Weeping pussywillow, etc., Crimson King Maple, Everybody's favourite! Our extensive inventory lets you choose your favourite tree at very attractive prices. 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