HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-03-02, Page 12PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1994.
Locals help create quilt
New look
Scouting leader Lavern Clark, left designed the first logo
for Blyth Scouting. Mr. Clark received an award for his
effort, which was presented at the annual banquet,
Thursday night by Venturer Greg McClinchey.
On Monday, Feb. 21 some
Londesboro United Church
quilters, Helen Lee, Margaret
Anderson, Margaret Wright,
Florence Snell, Hazel Watkins and
Beth Knox spent the day at
Bayfield United Church helping
quilt for the Clinton Hospital
Proceeds from this project go to
Clinton Hospital.
Hazel Watkins visited one day
last week at her daughters', Shirley
and John Mallet, and Barb and Bill
Holgworth near Palmerston.
The World Day of Prayer service
will be held Friday, March 4 in the
church basement at 1:30 p.m.
All the women of the community
are invited to attend.
The Card Cavalcade was held at
Londesboro Hall on Thursday
afternoon, Feb. 24 at 1:30 p.m.
There were 16 tables of euchre.
Winners were: ladies' high, Robert
Plumsteel; ladies' lone hands, Hazel
Reid; ladies' low, Elma Jewitt;
men's high, Marg Carter; men's
lone hands, Eric Anderson; men's
low, George Hoggart; draw
winners, Glen Carter and Margaret
Taylor. Reta Kelland thanked all
who supported the card cavalcade.
Four hundred dollars was raised for
the hospital auxiliary.
The regular WI euchre was held
at Londesboro Hall on Friday
evening, Feb. 25. There were eight
tables of euchre.
Winners were: ladies' high, Mrs.
Walter Pepper; ladies' lone hands,
Vietta Hoggart; ladies' low, Winnie
Knox; men's high, Roy Krauter;
men's lone hands, Walter Pepper
and men's low, Hazel Reid.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Snell on the occasion of their
50th wedding anniversary. An
open house will be held at
Londesboro United Church March
5 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Londesboro|THe news from
[Compiled by June Fothergitl Phone 523-4100 ]
Sisters perform
Greeters at Londesboro United
Church on Sunday, Feb. 27 were
Garnett Wright and Thelma
Dougherty. Ushers were Jack Lee,
Bert Lyon, Bob Trick and Garnett
Second scripture, Mark 8: 31-38,
was read by Bert Lyon. The sermon
topic was "A Difficult Decision for
Nathan ben Elias."
Special music was provided by
Dr. Maarten Bokhout and his four
daughters Rachel, Jessica,
Stephanie and Sara Louise, playing
Fair Queens attend convention
Sharon Godkin, Queen of the
Brussels Fall Fair and Sharon Kelly
representing Seaforth Fall Fair
attended the Ontario Agricultural
Societies convention in Toronto at
the Royal York, Feb. 15, 16, 17.
There, the girls introduced
themselves to all the different
delegates at the convention and
also attended several workshops.
They enjoyed their three day stay
and the different programs. They
particularly liked the concert night
and the dance that was held.
Don McDonald, chair of the
Personnel Committee of Huron
County Board of Education,
attended the OS BA conference in
Toronto this weekend. The
conference was on Annual Labour
Don and Marilyn visited their
daughter Cathy and husband Paul
Flaxbard in Georgetown.
I was looking through Randy's
library looking for books of humor
when I came upon this one called
'More funny things on the way to
Church'. You’ve heard of hockey
bloopers and other sport bloopers
now you'll read about Church
bloopers. Next week I will phone
around and see if some of our local
ministers have had any such
Messy Minister - it happened
when my father-in-law was a pastor
in Woodward, Ill. While out
visiting members, he stopped near
noon at a farm. The farmer's wife,
of course, invited him to stay for
lunch. Seated at the table, my
father-in-law noticed he was the
only one with a napkin. Half in jest
he asked the farmer's wife, "How
come I have a napkin but your
husband doesn't?" "Oh", she replied
quite seriously, "he doesn't
slobber." The Rev. Eugene Smith
It was the young minister's first
wedding, and he was desperately
determined to conduct the marriage
without a hitch. Everyone could see
he was nervous, but somehow he
managed pretty well, for a while.
Then came the words that,
thankfully, have been removed
from later service books -
something like "Into this holy
estate this man and woman come
now to be united." Fine. But the
follow-up came out, "If anyone,
therefore, can show just cause why
they may not be joyfully loined
(instead of joined) together..."
Hearing no protests, the young
minister forged ahead to the ring
ceremony, with growing confi
dence. But we in the pews pretty
much lost ours when he said, "Now
place the fing on her ringer." Rev.
David Issacson (N.Y.)
|"THe news from
Lintons greet at Duff’s /
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Brenda Linton and son, Paul
greeted at Duffs United Church
Feb. 27. The announcements were:
next Sunday's collection for the
Pueblito Project will be 10 cents for
every cushion and pillow in the
house, Gospel of John Bible Study
will continue Wednesday, March 9,
the next baptism service will be
Easter Sunday and March 6 is the
deadline for intended contributions
for the Patchwork of Talents
Auction to be held April 4.
Heidi McClure and her son
Darrell, led the congregation in the
Lenten Liturgy with Darrell
extinguishing the second candle.
Rev. Banks told the story of
Sarah and Abraham and how their
son was bom to them in their old
age. He was called Isaac which
means ’Laughter'.
JoAnn McDonald read the
scripture this Sunday. Rev. Banks's
sermon was titled "Straight talk on
| Compiled by Patty
Area people celebrating in March
are: Margaret Allan, March 1;
Melissa Beuerman, Kevin Hood
March 3; Andy Pethick, Briar
Wilbee, March 7; Maryanna Ryan
Ruth Axtmann, Fred McClure
March 9; Nick Elligsen, March 10:
Carali McCall, March 11; Amy
McClure, Vera McDonald, March
12; Cassandra Banks, March 15:
Ben Bachert, Keith Wilbee, March
20; Brandi Williamson, Elliot
Hackwell, March 22; Eddie
Sebben, Julie Hill, March 23;
Michael Bachert, March 25; Bob
Axtmann, March 27; Jordon Smith.
March 28; Judy Shortreed, March
29; Ryan Brubacher, March 30;
Bob Ryan, Linda Axtmann and
Brandy Banks, March 31.
Anniversary celebrants are
Gerald and Berva Watson, March
20 and Don and Marilyn
McDonald, March 28.
Make someone's day and call
them on their birthday.
panncipacTion 0 Londesboro, Ontario
We will be RECYCLING in the Municipality beginning
APRIL 1,1994.
Program information will be included with the mailing of
our March Tax Bills. Please look through your material
Tenants of properties are asked to contact the Municipal
Office for Information.
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