HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-01-26, Page 7Well done Awards were recently presented at an Achievement program to these members of the Ethel 4-H club. From left are Ann Uhler, 18 projects, Barbara Alexander, 24 projects, Wanda Martin, 18 projects and Amy Terpstra, 18 projects. J. Wilson hosts district meeting THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26,1994. PAGE 7. Grey Council has $105,000 surplus By Margaret McMahon Public Relations Officer Jean Wilson hosted 14 Huron East District directors Women's Institute members at her home in Listowel for the winter meeting. Margaret Mclnroy of the Huron- Perth Education Committee urged the ladies to attend a "Surprise Night". The committee has planned for members and friends as well. Registration is $5 and the event is to be held at three locations, Lon- desboro Hall, March 28; Elma Community Centre, Atwood, March 29 and St. Paul's Optimist Hall, March 30. The time will be from 7:30 to 9:45 p.m. each of the nights. Huron East was thanked for its donation of an organ to the Huron- lea nursing home in Brussels. "We can make a difference." Every member should have received a copy of this letter and questionairre to be filled in and returned. Each district director was asked to be sure that they are sent in by their membership. The ACWW church service on April 24 will be held in Duff's United Church, Walton. The gifts for the sales tables at Truro, Nova Socia for the FWIC convention 1994 are to be given to the board director before her Spring board meeting. Members are reminded to pro­ mote the centennial mugs that are 4-H club hold Achievement Day The Ethel 4-H club has just completed two projects, the Drama Club and Home for the Holidays. Some of the highlights from the Drama Club were making plastic masks and a trip to the Stratford Festival Theatre to see the musical Gypsy. In the Home for the Holidays project members made various Christmas tree ornaments and decorations. They went to College Comers and made an angel out of a pop bottle and paper twist. One meeting was spent baking Former Windsor-Walkerville MP speaks at Huron NDP meeting Howard McCurdy, former MP from Windsor-Walkerville was the guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Huron New Democratic Party. The meeting was held at the Clinton Public School on Dec. 13. Elections for the riding executive were held and Ross Hemingway of Grey Twp. was elected president. Vice-president is Robin Dunbar also from Grey Twp. The secretary is Terri Roit from Huron Park. Fran McQuail from West Wawanosh was elected treasurer. Howard McCurdy spoke of the available from Huron East District. The district banner competition was discussed and is open to either the branch or individual member. It is to be done on a half sheet of bris- tol board and must include any dis­ banded branches. The judges will be from the other districts in atten­ dance on district annual day. The Women's Institute scholar­ ships are not getting picked up and the members are being asked to encourage and promote them to those contemplating post secondary education. Everyone is being asked to keep better track of their volunteer hours and is this an important question to justify grants and show that the Women's Institute is a community organization. Included in these hours should be preparation time as well as travel time. There are eight headings under which a member may place her vol­ unteer hours — 4-H, agricultural projects, health nursing homes, his- tory/museum, leadership courses, local fairs, education/schools and other. A Slice of Huron is coming up in April and further information should be coming in to the branch­ es. The nominations committee needed to fill three offices for 1994/95 and were able to get two done. The office of assistant secre- atry treasurer is still open. and making Christmas treats. The best part was tasting all the goodies. The Achievement Day was held one stormy afternoon for both projects at the Ethel Hall during the Christmas holidays. The girls wrote and performed a Christmas play for the mothers, friends and Brussels Women's Institute members. They then had a lunch, with each girl bringing their favourite Christmas treat. Barbara Alexander has com­ pleted 24 projects. vast globalization of the economy. The Free Trade Agreement was designed to weaken government and give more power to large corporations. Governments such as Ontario which are trying to deliver -services to the public like health care, old age pensions and social assistance are under great pressure. It is lack of tax revenue which is causing the debt problem not the cost of social programs. The danger is that old answers are chasing a new world. Now, Continued on page 18 Don Keillor will be the guest speaker for the District Annual May 10, in Gorrie. The theme, "Today's families are tomorrow's future" is in keeping with the Inter­ nation Year of the Families 1994. It was decided to have the regis­ tration and collection the same time and will be handled by the host branch Gorrie. Rather than have a sales table each branch is asked to give $20 to aid the district coffers to offset expenses. A potluck lunch followed the business. BLYTH 523-4551 Grey Township Council received favourable financial statements from township auditor Michael Meyer at its regular meeting on Jan. 17. The 1993 statements indicate an accumulated surplus of $105,000 due in part to lower costs for calcium chloride and the new truck not being fitted with snowplow equipment until January, 1994. At a meeting held earlier in January, council made the following appointments to various boards and committees; Seaforth Hospital Board - Howard Hackwell; Brussels Medical-Dental Centre Board - Dale Newman, Fred Uhler; Brussels, Morris and Grey Board of Recreation Management - Alvin McLellan, Kevin Deitner, Mervyn Bauer and Julie Mitchell; Community Oriented Policing Committee - John Saxon, Simone Holzamer, Tim Prior and Leona Armstrong; Walton Landfill Committee - Helen Cullen, Robin Dunbar; Huron County Farm and Home Safety Association - Keith Williamson; North Huron Planning Committee - Robin Dunbar; Huron County Plowmen's Association - Fred Uhler; Maitland Valley Conservation Authority - Leona Armstrong and Cranbrook Cemetery Board Liaison - Fred Uhler. In other business, council authorized for payment general Scrimgeour's Food Market Values In Bfect From Monday, Jan. 24,1994 to Saturday, Jan. 29, 1994 Savings Are Based On Regular Retails We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities To Normal Family Requirements. Product of U.S.A. No. 1 Grade Fresh Crisp HEAD LETTUCE Fresh Young Canadian Pork (Each Package Contains 3 Rib, 3 Centro & 3 Tenderloin End Chops 3.73 kg Economy Pack PORK LOIN CHOPS 3.73 kg 1.69 Sunlight LAUNDRY DETERGENT 12 Litre or 5 Litre Super Concentrate 5.99 Minute Maid TETRAS Assorted Varieties 3 x 250 ml .99 Town Club COTTAGE ROLL "Sweet Pickled" 3.95 kg 1.79. COKEC OR SI 24 X 355 ml Tins Unit Price 72/100 ml 5.99 LASSIC ’RITE 750 ml Bottle + Deposit Unit Price 7.2/100 ml .59 Stokely VEGETABLES CASE SALE! Peas, Corn, Beans Selected Varieties 6x14 oz. 3.99 Hostess POTATC CHIPS 180 g .99 With Thb Coupon SAVE .70 Off the Purchase ot 1 • Assorted Varbfbe 312 kg box EGGO FROZEN WAFFLES Speoii Price Specie Price With Coupon QQ Wilhout 2314 ■ W Coupon 1A» UELSEN 71162775 Coupon Expiree Saturday, Jen. 29 1 884 Coupon Valid Only Al Knecfilei Aeeoc Storee u-----— ---......... J With Thb Coupon SAVE 1 DO Off the Purchase of 1 - Assorted Verieibe 750 g Pkg. BLACK DIAMOND CHEESE BLOCKS Special Pnce Spedel Price Witt Coupon AL Without 2316 ^F ^F Coupon 598 KnechM Coupon Expiree Saturday, Jan. 281994 Coupon Vafcf Onty At Knechfai Aeeoc. Storee accounts totalling $23,512.51, drain accounts totalling $274.70 and road accounts totalling $32,390.05. The next regular meeting of council is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 31 at 9:30 a.m. Community extends sympathy Due to the weather, the Jan. 17 euchre was cancelled and the next one will be Jan. 31 at 8:30 p.m. Sympathy is extended to the Struthers and Bateman families on their recent loss of Jean Berago- matz from Oshawa. Sympathy also goes to Keith and Jean Koetsier on the death of Kei­ th's mother Janet Koetsier in Brampton. The news fromEthel (Compiled by Margaret McMahon Phone afi7-925o] YJjucanlosealot more than your licence drinking and driving.