HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-01-12, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12,1994. CARD OF THANKS COMING EVENTS -RATES- 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT NEW TWO BEDROOM APART- ment, ground level with full basement and all major appliances included as well as central vac and air conditioning. 887-9830. 02-1 FOR RENT IN DOWNTOWN Brussels, attractive two bedroom apartment. Phone 887-9007. 49-tfn AVAILABLE FEB. 15/94, attractive 2 plus bedroom home in Teeswater, new kitchen and bath, $450 plus utilities. Phone 887- 9007. 51-tfn APARTMENT FOR RENT - three bedroom, two blocks from uptown, close to school. 523-9673. 43-tfh VERY WELL KEPT DOWN- stairs two bedroom apartment in quiet building in Belgrave, fridge and stove, tenant pays utilities, no pets, ideal for mature person or mature couple. Available January 1. Rent $331/month. Phone 357-2433 after 6 p.m. 48-tfn SMALL HOUSE IN COUNTRY close to Blyth, 3 bedroom. References. $400/month. Phone 523-4701. 48-tfn A ARTICLES FOR SALE RED HOT LOGS (FIREWOOD). Pick up - $35/cord (4' x 8' x 14") or $50 delivered in area. Ask for John, 887-9921. 51-14 AIRTIGHT WOOD STOVE complete with pipes and slab, only two years old. Phone 887-6203. 02-1 WHEELER. Lori and Scott of Strathroy wish to announce the birth of their son on January 6, 1994, weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. Another grandson for Iona and Cecil Moore of Gorrie and Dolores and Bill Wheeler of Brussels. 02-1 CARD OF THANKS BLACK. I wish to thank my family, relatives and friends for visits, flowers, and cards while a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Thank you to Wingham emergency, Dr. Long and ambu­ lance service, Dr. T. A. Jory and the nurses on fourth floor of St. Joseph's Hospital, London for their excellent care. It has all been much appreciated. - Leona Black. 02-1 c CARD OF THANKS ENGEL. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to relatives and friends for the lovely cards, gifts and flowers I received at Christmas. Special thanks to the St. John's Church and the Majestic W.I. I was overwhelmed. Many thanks to everyone. - Jessie Engel. 02-1 FISCHER. I would like to thank the Brussels Santa (yes Wayne, we all know your real identity) for all the joy he brings to young and old each Christmas season. I remember as a child the thrill I got seeing him in the annual parade and getting my bag of candy from him afterwards. Now my own children get the pleasure to enjoy seeing him at the parade and to sit on his knee afterwards. Also, each year that we get to spend Christmas at Grandma's house in Brussels, my three children are thrilled to have a visit from Santa on Christmas eve before going to bed. It's great to know such a caring and generous person. Mrs. Santa and the elf deserve a special pat on the back as well. Keep up the good work and I hope you will continue to bring joy to everyone for many more Christmases. This type of community spirit is hard to fmd in larger towns. - Cathy Fischer, Milton, Ontario. 02-1 HART. My sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the cards, gifts, visits and phone calls while I was a patient in Wingham Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Steven Guy, Ross Goll, Robert Vanderveen, Chris Boettcher, Henry Reesor, Don and Jason Armstrong, Stuart Stevenson, Norman and Harold Newns and my brother John for all their help. Also to the Drs. and nurses on the second floor. - Robert Hart. 02- lp HART. My sincere thanks to Rene Hulzebos, Francis Vanderveen, Elizabeth Boettcher, Dianne Eskritt and Barbara Brown for the rides to Wingham when Bob was in the hospital also to Eleanor Stevenson for her help. To all my family for all their help, all I can say is you are the greatest. - Muriel Hart. 02-lp McCALL. The family of the late Jim McCall of Blyth wishes to express sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy extended to us in the loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather. Special thanks to our friends, relatives and neighbours for the visits to the funeral home, phone calls, flowers, memorial donations, sympathy cards, and food provided in our time of sorrow. To Rev. Tolmay for his comforting words and the Beattie Funeral Home for their professional services. To everyone who helped in any way your support and thoughtfulness will always be remembered. - Effie, David, Bert, Susan and family.02-1 For a free catalogue, call: UNICEF Canada 1-800-567-4483 unicef ( United Nations Children’s Fund HELP WANTED PHILP. I would like to say a special thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone who showed their kindness with cards, flowers, baking and words of comfort, in the sudden death of my daughter, Margaret Joan Deevey. It is greatly appreciated. - Ruby Philp. 02-lp c COMING EVENTS EUCHRE PARTY - JAN. 17, 1994, 8 p.m., sponsored by Morning Star Rebekah Lodge at I.O.O.F. Lodge Rooms, Brussels. Prizes and lunch. 51-3 SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS bingo, every Monday night 7:30 p.m., Seaforth and District Community Centres. Over $2,000 in prizes plus Share The Wealth, $750 Jackpot must go! Doors open 6:30 p.m. eow MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF Directors of the Clinton Public Hospital are open to he public, and are held on the fourth Monday of each month (except July and August). Meetings are held in the hospital's boardroom, and begin at 7 p.m. Individuals or groups who wish to address the Board or make a presentation must submit a written request at least seven days in advance of the meeting. 02-1 BRUSSELS AGRICULTURAL Society Annual Meeting and Dinner, Presbyterian Church, January 19. Dinner at 7:00. Tickets $10/person, call 887-6432. 02-2 ST. HELEN'S SNOWMOBILE Poker Rally, Sunday, January 23. Registration 12 noon - 2 p.m. W.I. Hall. $4.00/hand, 3 for $10. Postpone date January 30. 02-1 ANNUAL MEETING OF CRAN- brook Community Centre Hall Board, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1994 at 8:00 p.m. 01-2p LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Lucky Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Air Conditioned. Wheel Chair Accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000, $1,000 jackpot must go very week. tfn DABBER BINGO - $1,000 JACK- pot must go! Wingham Knights of Columbus, every Tuesday. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Birds 7:15 p.m. tfn AUBURN AND DISTRICT LIONS Club pancakes, eggs, toast, sausage breakfast, Auburn Memorial Hall, Sunday, January 16, 9 a.m. - 12 noon. $4.00/person. Maple syrup supplied by Robinson Maple Products. "We Serve". 02-1 COMMUNITY SHO.WER FOR Nancy Exel, Saturday, January 15, 2 p.m., Brussels Library. 02-lp BRIDAL SHOWER FOR TRACY McArter (nee McWhirter) Thurs­ day, January 20, 1994, 8:00 p.m. Brussels Library. Everyone welcome. 02-2p BUS TRIP TO LAKE PLACID, N.Y. on April 7-8-9-10, to Old Timer Hockey Tournament with the Radford Overloads. Some seats still available. Phone 523-9645 or any Hockey member for more information. 02-4 BRUSSELS PIPE BAND ANNUAL Robbie Bums' Dance - Saturday, January 22, Brussels Legion. Music by Temptation. Lunch provided. $7.00 per person. Age of majority. 02-2 BRUSSELS AND DISTRICT Horticultural Society January meeting - Note change of Dale, Monday, January 24, 1994, 8 p.m. at Library. Everyone welcome. 02-2 FITNESS IS FUN! EXERCISE classes with Maxine starting January 18 at 8:00 p.m. in Brussels Library. Everyone welcome. For more information call Barb 887- 6192. 02-1 HELP WANTED LIVE-IN WOMAN TO LOOK after elderly woman in wheel chair. Must be able to lift in and out of bed. Phone 887-6118 or 357-2531. NURSING SUPERVISOR (CASUAL/PART-TIME) Applicants are Invited for the position of Nursing Supervisor (cajsual/part-time) for an active community hospital in Southwestern Ontario. The Individual Is responsible for the effective functioning of the hospital and the total care of the patient while on duty. Shift work Is involved. The successful candidate will be registered with the College of Nurses of Ontario, possess BCLS and ACLS Certification and have recent experience in Emerg, OBS, ICU and as a shift supervisor. Preferably the successful candidate will be certified to Initiate IVs and to defibrillate. In addition, ATLS observation, formal management training and experience in managing employees effectively are definite assets. PLEASE APPLY IN WRITING BY FEBRUARY 1,1994 TO William Woodley, Reg.N., C.H.E. Director of Patient Care Wingham and Hospital 270 Carling Terrace Wingham, Ontario. NOG 2W0 Sparling’s Propane is a growing, value-added propane marketer providing service to customers in Southwestern Ontario. RECEPTIONIST - TYPIST Immediate opening at our Blyth office for a detail- oriented individual with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Candidates must be computer literate including WordPerfect 5.1, Lotus 1-2-3 and be familiar with general accounting procedures. Post­ secondary education and experience expected. Bilingual (English/French) an asset. Applications will be accepted until January 31, 1994. Apply in person to: Sparling’s Propane Co. Ltd. Highway 4 South BLYTH, ON NOM 1H0 Telephone 519-523-4256 FULL-TIME POSITION FOR herdsperson assistant on farrow-to- finish farm. Acre T Farms, 887- 6181 or fax 887-6330. 01-2 Blyth Hydro Electric Commission requires a METER READER - with good math skills - available for approximately 2 to 4 days during the last 6 working days of each month. Resumes accepted until 4:00 p.m., January 14,1994 at Blyth P.U.C. Office, 103 Queen Street South P.O. Box 303 Blyth, Ontario. N0M 1 HO For further information: 523-4545 Blyth Hydro ______Electric Commission Keep a bottle of drinking water in your fridge instead of running the tap until the water gets cold. Be sure to rinse it regularly. Reliable Energy Since 1951