HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1994-01-12, Page 7WaltonThe news from
Compiled by Patty Banks Phone 887-6860
Craigs greet at Duff’s
Leonhardt family moves in
Graeme, Helen, Shannon and
Michael Craig were greeters at
Duffs United Church Jan. 9. Rev.
Banks welcomed all those who
braved the snow storm to get to
In the announcements he
reminded everyone of the annual
meeting Jan. 23, and to note the
change in the service time to 11:30.
There will be a pot luck lunch
following the service. The next
Bible Study will be Jan. 12 and it is
titled - The Discourses.
Rev. Banks made known the
deaths of Jean Taylor, mother of
Danny and Manny Taylor and also
Mervin Godkin, brother of Olene
Dennis and Laverne Godkin,
Mervin, formerly of McKillop area
died in Wiarton Hospital. Our
heartfelt sympathies and prayers go
out to the families.
LondesboroThe news from
ICompiled by June Fothergill Phone 523-4360
The choir, not being able to sing
their Christmas anthem for the past
few Sundays due to cancellation of
church and then not enough
members out decided that today
was the day. Although a few
members short they did a good job
of singing "Cover Him Joseph".
Children's time was spent with
Rev. Banks talking about the
various ways that baptism is
performed. He also had with him
the Baptismal record book of which
he read out some names of some of
the children that were gathered
around him.
Instead of a sermon Rev. Banks
read the congregation the story of
the Fourth Magi written by Thomas
After church many stayed for
muffins and coffee that was served
Due to stormy weather (seems to
happen a lot these days) the UCW
postponed its meeting to Jan. 12 at
1:30. There will be a video shown
called, "Still Killing us Softly".
This writer encourages all women
to come out and view it.
Happy Birthday to Annie
MacNaughton, Jan. 4; Nathan
Dewitt, Jan. 19; Kendra
Bennewies, Jan. 26 and Tina
Smith, Jan. 31.
Walton has now increased its
population by six as we welcome
the Dave Leonhardt family into
K. MacNaughton fills position
With the beginning of the new
year, Hullett council approved
bylaws at the Dec. 21 meeting,
which set the rate of remuneration
for council and for personnel sitting
on various committees. All rates
remained the same as in the previ
ous year.
The new chief building official
and bylaw enforcement officer was
chosen and began his duties in
December. Karl MacNaughton of
Walton will fill the position.
A bylaw was approved to provide
for temporary borrowing against
the municipality's credit for the I
Drain of the Farquar Municipal
Drain. The estimated amount is
The proposal put forth by Carter
Waste Disposal for the recycling
town. We hope they will enjoy the
Jan. 6 Patricia Smith came to the
Walton Public School to talk about
the Inuit life. Mrs. Scott will be
teaching a knitting club. They
started Jan. 7. She will be showing
the kids the German style of
The Walton Area Sport Club will
be holding its annual Poker Rally
Feb. 6. Anyone interested in buying
tickets for the snowmobile draw
that day can contact JoAnn
McDonald. Proceeds from the rally
go the upkeep of the baseball park.
program was accepted by council.
Council will send a letter of
thanks to Radford Farm Equipment
and the Londesboro Lions for their
support in purchasing sweaters for
the ball teams.
The road accounts and general
accounts for of November and
December were approved and paid
in the amounts of $28,004.29 and
$365,444.25 respectively.
Council instructed the road
superintendent, at the Jan. 4 meet
ing, that he is to notify any person
pushing or blowing snow onto the
travelled portion of the road that
costs incurred by the township to
clean the road will be charged to
the individual responsible for the
Joe Gibson was appointed by
Some of you are getting tired of
all the snow and may even be
thinking of spring, so here is a little
story for you. A gardener took
great pride in caring for his lawn.
But one year it grew full of
dandelions. He tried every method
and product to get rid of them, but
nothing worked. Exasperated, he
wrote to the Department of
Agriculture explaining all he had
"What shall I try next?"
"Try getting used to them," came
the reply.
council as the joint representative
for the Township of Hullett and
McKillop and the town of Seaforth
on the Ausable-Bayfield Conserva
tion Authority for 1994.
A public meeting will be held at
8 p.m. on Feb. 1 to consider the
rezoning application for Cone. 1,
Part Lot 12.
Payment was approved for the
general account, $37,9010.38 and
the road account, $24,936.20.
Drive off with
A Bargain in the
Classified Section.
UCW meeting set for 17th
Friends of Alice Buchanan will
be glad to hear she has returned
home from University Hospital,
London. The best wishes of the
community are extended to her for
better health.
The January meeting of the
Londesboro United Church Women
Shillinglaws act as ushers
Ushers at Londesboro United
Church were Bruce and Kevin
Shillinglaw. The sermon topic was
"How to make right Decisions."
Thursday afternoon Bible Study
is Jan. 13 at the manse for a pot
CPH has $113,862 surplus
Prior to the regular board meet
ing of Clinton Public Hospital on
Jan. 3 Emergency Department
Head Nurse Joyce Doig made a
Ms Doig informed the board of
services, staffing and equipment
resources in the emergency depart
ment. She provided statistics on the
number of visits annually as well as
the manner in which 24 hour nurs
ing and medical care is provided.
Ms Doig also told the board of her
work on the District Health Council
Steering Committee and on the
Southwestern Ontario Regional
Planning Steering Committee.
Marg Makins reviewed minutes
of the property committee meeting
with the boarcl The committee had
spent considerable lime reviewing
the scope of work for renovations
to the hospital's visitor's entrance.
After considerable discussion it
was agreed that a recommendation
be made to the finance committee
that an upgrade to the entrance be
carried out at a maximum cost of
The committee had also received
reports on upgrading the hospital's
computerized building systems as
well as regular reports from the
director of engineering services.
Harry Lear of the Finance Com
mittee said that reports had been
received on the required disclosure
of financial information under the
will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Jan. 17
in the Sunday School rooms. Mrs.
Verna Burglin of Kirkton will be
the guest speaker.
The WI is hosting a euchre at
Londesboro Hall at 8 p.m. on
Friday, Jan. 14. Ladies are to bring
luck dinner at Rev. Ross' at 7 p.m.
Members are to bring programme
ideas and plans for future activities.
Choir practice will be held at
10:15 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 16.
Social Contract Act as well as
information on the total cost of
salaries and benefits for a number
of full and part-time positions in
the hospital.
The committee had also reviewed
a preliminary draft of a 1994 oper
ating budget which assumes only a
.05 percent reduction in Ministry
funding for next year. In the mean
time Administration is working on
other budgeting scenarios that
would see larger decreases in Min
istry funding.
The committee had reviewed the
recommendation for renovations to
the hospital visitors entrance. It was
Dan Meidinger reviewed the
financial statements to Nov. 30.
The hospital generated a surplus of
$3,183 and now has a year-to-date
surplus of $113,862.
It was noted that the revenues are
in an under-budget position which
will have an impact on the year-to-
date surplus by the end of March.
A number of fundraising events
are well in hand, including the
Caribbean Cruise raffle and the
Christmas Letter campaign.
The Joint Conference Committee
reviewed recommendations from
the Medical Advisory Committee,
dealing with physician withdrawal
from the on-call roster. A motion
was made that staff have the option
Continued on page 17
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