The Citizen, 2019-08-22, Page 17THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2019. PAGE 17. HAZEL HILDEBRAND Hazel Eileen Hildebrand passed away peacefully, at Seaforth Long Term Care Home, on Friday, Aug.16, 2019. She was 90. As owner of Hildebrand Paint & Paper on Seaforth’s Main Street, Hazel helped style people’s homes with beautiful patterns and colours. More importantly, Hazel beautified the lives of her family and friends with the colours of love and kindness. As a dedicated community member, Hazel coloured the political atmosphere of Seaforth during her terms serving as councillor, deputy- reeve and her two terms as mayor. The colours of blue and white were always reflected through Hazel’s life in her unwavering support of the Toronto Blue Jays. Hazel will be lovingly remembered by her children Doug and Lori Hildebrand, Joan and Rick Wood and Steve and Ruth Hildebrand. Memories of a much loved grandma remain with grand- children Jill and Nick tenHag, Scott and Amanda Wood, Dean and Carrie Wood, Angie and Rob Dekaban, Jeremy Hildebrand and Shelby Harbach-Kruschel, Jennie Hildebrand and Santiago Badell and Emily Hildebrand. Great-grandchildren Benjamin, Jonathan, Spencer, Charlie, Payton, Phoebe, Abbie, Emma, Lily and Aiden will remember Grandma’s stash of cookies and treats. Left to reminisce days gone by are sister Dorothy Talbot, sister-in- law Audrey Coleman and Hazel’s nieces and nephews. In faith, we trust that Hazel’s spirit is reunited in eternal life with her husband George (1992), grandson Tyler Hildebrand (1991), parents Russel and Ethel (née Smith) Coleman, brother Emerson Coleman and brother-in-law Ernie Talbot. Family and friends were invited to visitation at McGlynn Family Funeral Home, Seaforth on Sunday, Aug. 18. A private family funeral service was held with burial at Maitlandbank Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy, donations to Seaforth Community Hospital Foundation or Maitlandbank Cemetery are appreciated by the family. Online condolences can be made by visiting Hazel’s memorial at www.mcglynnfamilyfuneral home.com 401 Albert Street, Box 340, Brussels, ON N0G 1H0 Phone: 519-887-6336 ~ Fax: 519-887-6438 email: riversidefuneralhome@hotmail.com www.riversidefuneralhome.ca Nominate someone you know who doesn’t have a subscription to The Citizen but should! Promoting our Community CitizenTh e $1.25 GST included Serving the communities of Blyth and Brussels and northern Huron County Thursday, December 13, 2018 Volume 34 No. 49 RESPONSE - Pg. 3 Morris-Turnberry Mayor calls for autonomy CONCERT - Pg. 6 Brussels Ministerial comes together for show FUNDING- Pg. 2 Education Minister in Blyth to hand out grants Publications Mail Agreement No. 40050141 Return Undeliverable Items to North Huron Publishing Company Inc., P.O. Box 152, BRUSSELS, ON N0G 1H0 INSIDE THIS WEEK: Seaforth’s Fisher elected Huron East Deputy-Mayor 4-H Clubs awarded Seaforth Councillor Bob Fisher isHuron East’s new deputy-mayor, besting two others who put their names forward at the inauguralmeeting of Huron East Council onDec. 4. Fisher, Tuckersmith Councillor Ray Chartrand and Grey CouncillorAlvin McLellan all let their names stand for the municipality’s second- in-command position. This came after Huron East eliminated the at- large deputy-mayor position,reducing the size of council from 12members to 11 just ahead of October’s election. It was Fisher who nominatedChartrand for the position.Chartrand then paid the favour back by nominating Fisher. Former Deputy-Mayor Joe Stefflernominated McLellan for theposition. Fisher told his fellow councillors that he has lived in the community for over 40 years. In addition, he has been a councillor for 12 years andspent nearly 40 years in business, allexperience he felt would aid in being the deputy-mayor. Fisher also listed a number ofprojects he’d like to see undertakenor continued both in Huron East and in Huron County. In Huron East, Fisher said hewanted to see the municipality’scommunity centres better utilized and to promote a harmonious relationship between residents of all of Huron East’s five wards. At the county level, Fisher said hewanted to see a greater focus ontourism, saying that Huron County could easily be the Prince Edward County of southwestern Ontario. Healso said that while the county’saccessibility advisory committee has done a lot of great work, there is still more to be done.Fisher also said that, as someonewho is legally blind, he also hoped that being named deputy-mayor would inspire others with disabilities saying that if they “get [their] ass off the couch and do something” like he has they can accomplish anything.McLellan said that his decades of experience as a councillor and on numerous boards and committeeswould make him an ideal choice forthe deputy-mayor position. He said that being self-employed would ensure that he wouldn’t missany meetings, adding that he hates tomiss any council meetings. He said he had been asked if he The Huron County 4-H Leaders’Association Awards Program wasrecently held at the Seaforth Agriplex, recognizing 4-H members for their efforts throughout the year.COUNTY AWARDS Loretta Higgins won the Murray Cardiff Award for Top All-RoundMember.The Don Pullen Award for highest overall score in the county went to Evy Verschaeve. She also won theDedication Award for dedication tothe club. The Warden’s Novice Award for first year competitive member with the highest score wentto Emily Datema. The Ben Lobb Award for the junior member with the top essay went to Kayla Drennan.Emily Franken won the OntarioPlowmen’s Association Award for outstanding agricultural 4-H member as well as the LongstandingGraduating Member Award. Shealso received her graduation seal. The Citizen-Rural Voice Awards for press reporter book competitionawards went to Dugald McIntosh (first) and Mercedes Prout (second). The Huron County 4-H Leaders’Association Award for clubsecretary book competition were awarded to Emily Bieman (first) and Kayla Drennan (second).The winning team for the countyGo for the Gold Competition was the South Huron Sheep Club Team which consisted of Amanda Bos,Rachel Gras, Grace Hallahan andEvy Verschaeve. The Top Gate Sign Award for the White Christmas The snow was falling on Friday night as Clinton held the final Santa Claus parade of the Huron County season, bringing residents and visitors out to the town to help celebrate the holiday season. One of the main attractions of the parade every year is the Clinton Pipe Band, seen here appealing to the ears of all in attendance. (Nick Vinnicombe photo)Continued on page 12 REALIZE YOUR DREAM IN IT TO WIN IT: brought to you by the Libro Prosperity Fund, Wingham BIA, North Huron Economic Development Committee, Huron County Economic Development and Community Futures Huron. Enter the In It to Win It contest to Win! $10,000 Prize Package. Receive invaluable (mandatory) business training to give you a good foundation in your dream to expand an existing business or establish a new business on Main Street in Wingham. Full details at www.northhuron.ca Contest opens December 12 Applications will be accepted until January 25th, 2019 at 4:30 pmForms are available online or at the Township of North Huron office at 275 Josephine Street in Wingham Email: inittowinit@northhuron.caor call the Project Co-ordinator at 519-441-7629. Continued on page 15 By Shawn Loughlin The Citizen Recipient will be announced in the last paper of the month. Riverside Funeral Home will sponsor one new subscription per month. Call, email or fax your submission to Riverside Funeral Home - include person’s name, complete mailing address and your name and number. Obituaries Entertaining the masses The Honey Sweethearts, a family band based in Clinton, took centre stage last week as Huronlea Home for the Aged held its annual summer fun fair, bringing together music, food and fun for residents of the home as well as the greater Brussels community. (Shawn Loughlin photo) McBurney finds flaws in crosswalk design, decision North Huron Councillor Ric McBurney doesn’t believe that the pending crosswalk for Blyth’s downtown core is going to solve as many problems as others do. During North Huron’s Aug. 12 council meeting, council received correspondence from Mike Hausser of Huron County Public Works Department explaining that, after a public information session last month, there was positive feedback for a mid-block crossing in front of the Blyth Pharmacy, the former CIBC. The correspondence stated there was only one remaining hurdle, according to Director of Public Works and Facilities Sean McGhee: the schedule. While it was previously stated that construction should be completed this fall, McGhee said that the timeline has been altered and the project may be bumped to 2020. McBurney, however, had concerns about the mid-block crosswalk, saying he didn’t know if the infrastructure would be used. “Most people park to the south [of the commercial core],” he said, adding people wouldn’t walk north, away from their vehicles, to cross the road. He also said that he was concerned more about vehicle traffic, saying a lot of money was being spent and it might not be solving the big problem. He said speeding vehicles, commercial trucks and farm vehicles are a source of concern and that the crosswalk isn’t “addressing the real problem” in Blyth. McGhee said the crosswalk wouldn’t solve all the traffic problems in the community, specifically pointing to speeding problems and the oft-discussed intersection of County Roads 4 and 25, but did say Huron County had researched the move last year, looking at pedestrian traffic. He said there are other changes coming which he hopes will mitigate those issues, like pushing the speed limit increase location at the north end of the village further north on London Road. McGhee explained that, with the new residential subdivision at the north end of the village and the new joint North Huron fire hall and public works department, traffic calming needed to be considered. “We see people coming down the hill towards the bridge speeding up,” he said. “We want more speed reduction signs going through the village.” By Denny Scott The Citizen Continued from page 16 just as you and I have found. We all need to recognize that belief comes at different times, in different places and for different reasons. What we need to recognize is that when we are involved in Christ’s work, we do it with love, patience and caring, not by demanding of others and doing it for personal recognition or honour. Martha was likely right, there was a houseful of guests coming and things needed to get done, but done with pure love and caring for others just as Christ would want. The floors, walls and furniture need not be scrubbed spotless, or a meal be a 15-course extravaganza. The meal of salads, sausages and hamburgers and dessert was the perfect meal to support a local family in need a few months ago, and chili today at a cabin for lunch is perfect following a great worship of God’s creations around us. When done in the name of God our creator and Christ his son, the effort in preparation becomes a love of service. Blessings to all who find these scripture passages a balancing point in your life. Amen. Learning to care for others as Christ would Creating Memories in Stone for Over 95 years Goderich/Clinton Michael Falconer Memorial Counsellor 519-524-8457 | Cell: 519-525-2281 www.stratfordmemorials.com Drop by our office in Blyth or Brussels and check out our wonderful selection of books. We have books for all ages. 541 Turnberry St., Brussels 519-887-9114 413 Queen St., Blyth 519-523-4792