HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2019-07-25, Page 25THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2019. PAGE 25. Continued from page 23 his resurrection, taking up his place with God, being the go-between for us and God. It is the peculiar Christian foolishness that allows us to see the death of our Saviour as ultimately a victory. His death has paved the way for us, giving us security and peace. Victory! This leads to the second “foolish” thing that we believe. The question most often leveled at Christians is, “Where’s the proof? If God exists, where’s the sign?” The answer is in Paul’s letter, “For Jews demand signs, and Greeks desire wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” We believe that Christ is our sign. Consider the people who are benefitting from the thousands of Christian and Christian-supported charities and services around the world. They feel the power of the cross. It saves their lives. It puts food on their tables, builds schools in their community and immunizes their children. The power the cross holds over us compels us to give generously, recognizing that the people benefitting are also loved by God. The cross has power. If people can’t believe in God without a sign, the cross is that sign. The sign of ultimate love and sacrifice, of redemption and forgiveness. Great things, signs, happen in the name of the cross. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things. The cross, a symbol of punishment and agony, became a symbol of hope. There is the proof. The cross, held in our hearts, allowing us to be better, do better, love more. The cross, which through its power, unites us with all of our brothers and sisters in Christ, all around the world. And, even beyond this – if you want proof, I think the cross and the lack of logic behind it are some of the most compelling evidences for Christ’s divinity. If the disciples were going to lie, if the early Christians were going to lie, wouldn’t they come up with something better? Something more dignified than the cross? That Jesus went down like Samson did, killing thousands of his enemies? That Jesus heroically sacrificed himself by shielding a follower from a thrown spear, dying a dramatic, cinematic death. If the disciples were going to lie, wouldn’t they have made up something more glorious than the cross? The cross was a symbol of shame and criminality. There was nothing to be proud of when you died on a cross. So if the disciples were going to lie, wouldn’t they take that part out? Engage in some revisionist history and make Jesus more Godlike and less shameful? So there is the power of the cross – in its very foolishness we see that it is true. And what the world sees as the third bit of foolishness: we believe that we all can be saved. This is so simple that sometimes it’s hard to believe. If you believe in God and Jesus’ sacrifice, you can be saved. We’re used to a society where nothing is free. You have to work hard to get ahead. The richest, smartest, most talented, most popular people get the best things. It’s the way of the world. But Paul says, “Consider your own call, brothers and sisters: not many of you are wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.” It doesn’t matter if you have an IQ of 50 or 150. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the top one per cent or the lowest one per cent of any metric. God can save you. We don’t have to earn it. And so we come to the height of foolishness. Is God Himself foolish? Let’s pretend that I have the power to give eternal life to you, right now, just by saying your name. How much would you pay me for that? What would you be willing to do for eternal life and happiness? Now, who would I give it to? My family and friends certainly. But what about that guy who cut me off in traffic the other day? Or the people in prison right now? What about people who preach hatred, bigotry and ignorance? Would I be willing to give eternal life to them? Fortunately, I don’t have that power. But God does. And God, being the loving fool that He is, loves us all, no matter how messed up we are. He gives us the chance of a lifetime: to know Him and be saved. To some people, God looks foolish. They can’t understand how He can extend His love equally to saints and criminals. I struggle with it myself. The best way I’ve come to understand it so far is to remember that we are all children of God, even if we’re terrible people. How much more do we rejoice when we’ve found the lost coin or the lost sheep? He makes the offer, it’s up to us to take it. So thanks be to God, even in His foolishness, for giving away the most precious gift. For giving it to everyone, no matter who they are. For having mercy. Most people cannot love like that, truly unconditionally. But God can. He is wiser than human wisdom. And thank God for that. God’s love is unconditional for us says Ireland Business Directory Free delivery in Wingham & surrounding area PAUL COOK ELECTRIC Home, Farm & Commercial Wiring BELGRAVE 519-357-1537 BROWN’S PHARMASAVE SHELVING & RACKING 519-524-1740 Lakeside Large instock selection of pallet racking, store shelving, display cases and more for Industrial, Residential, Farm & Retail www.lakesideshelving.com lakesidemarket@gmail.com 33842 Market Rd., North of Goderich, off Hwy. 21 D. C. 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