HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-12-08, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1993.
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A closer look
Rick Konarski, wearing a B&W hat, shows these young people some of the ins and outs of
snowmobiles during this driver's education class sponsored recently by the B &W
Trailblazers. Forty children registered for two six-hour courses taught by Mark Gropp and Mr.
Konarski in Brussels.
The news from
Complied by Patty Banks Phone 887-6860
Craigs greet at Duff's
Margaret and Harvey Craig were
greeters at Duff's United Church
Dec. 5. Rev. Banks thanked the
UCW for the Christmas gift given
to him and his family.
He reminded people of the
carolling and hay ride on Dec. 20 at
7:00. White Gift -will be Dec. 12.
There will be a collection of toys,
games, clothing or money for the
Children's Aid Bureau.
Bible Study is Dec. 8.
Sara McDonald and her Dad, Jun
lit the second Advent Candle and
read the liturgy.
The choir taught the congre-
gation "Walking to Bethlehem"
which the congregation will sing
next week as part of the play.
Rev. Banks's sermon title was
"Santa and the Christ Child".
UCW dinner a special evening
For those who attended the UCW
Christmas dinner and meeting, it
was a very special evening. The
Christmas tree was trimmed with
gold ornaments and garlands while
beside each place setting on the
tables were prayer rocks covered
with Christmas material.
After the meal Rev. Banks and
family were presented with a
Christmas box full of all kinds of
The meeting opened by calling
long-time Walton resident and
faithful UCW member, Janie
McEwing up to the front. She was
presented with a UCW pin. Very
touched, Janie told everyone that
she came here 32 years ago and has
some very fond memories of
Walton. She now resides in Marie led members through a
Seaforth. Other guests that night brief meeting and at the end she
were Janie's daughter Beth Reed, announced it was time to pass the
Ruth Axtmann, Kathleen Cuthill presidency over to Phyllis Mitchell.
and Elsie Carter. Marie was then presented with a
UCW Life Membership pin, which
Marie McGavin then introduced represented her valued ministry as
Pat Dalton and Carol Reinink who president for the past two years.
do china painting. They displayed Marie was thanked for sharing the
some of their plates, most of them, many gifts and talents to keep the
done free hand. While Pat told how UCW active and working together
it was done. Carol began to work for the good of the church and the
on a plate, painting roses. She made community.
it look so easy but Pat said it is Marie and Dorothy Sholdice led
quite difficult to do but very members in a short advent candle
rewarding. Both women have lighting service and the singing of
learned- to notice shadows on Christmas carols accompanied on
objects, whether it's flower or river the piano by Marjory Humphries.
beds, also how the light touches Mrs. Mitchell will begin the
things. duties of president Jan. 5 at 1:30.
Zehrs Plaza, Wingham
For ail your Christmas
Shopping Needs
We have: * Little Tikes
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"Enjoy shopping close to home"
Residents attend Acton wedding Wingham 357-4700
Blaine Hackwell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Mert Hackwell and Mere
McNabb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim McNabb were married Dec. 4
in Acton at the Knox Presbyterian
Church. Many Walton friends and
family attended the wedding.
The children at Walton Public
School have been very busy
practising for their Christmas
concert on Dec. 9.
On Dec. 8, Grade threes will be
making and decorating gingerbread
Patty Banks and Dianne
McCallum sang with the Seaforth
Hullett P.S.
By Amy Wilts and Shannon Scott
Mrs. Bosman's Grade 1/2 class
has been entering the world of
"Once Upon A Time" as they
complete activities centred around
fairy tales. They have been
painting, writing stories, learning
words and making books, as well
as listening to familiar and
unfamiliar fairy talcs. They are also
getting a little excited as Christmas
approaches, and are looking
forward to their trip to the Goderich
Museum to take part in the
Christmas program, Thursday,
Dec. 2.
The Grade 7 and 8 classes visited
the Goderich Museum on
Wednesday, Nov. 17. During their
time the students participated in the
Continued on page 21
Harmony Hi-Lites at their very
successful Christmas show
Saturday, Dec. 4. It was a pleasure
to hear the Stratford Boys Choir
and the Harmony Kings perform.
Randy and Patty Banks and
Bruce and Donna Cook went to
hear Frank Mills or Uncle Frank as
he calls himself, perform Sunday,
Dec. 5. It was an excellent show he
gave, with the help of his band and
the Blyth United Church Choir.
His goal, he said, was to have
everyone in the Christmas spirit
and I'm sure it worked.
The WI is planning a turkey
luncheon for Wednesday, Dec. 15
in the Walton Hall, 11:30 a.m. to
1 p.m.
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