HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-12-08, Page 11The news from
[Compiled by Mildred Lawlor Phone 526-7589
Locals attend 35th
wedding anniversary
Don't forget
to write
The news from
Compiled by Helen Stonehouse Phone 887-9487j
Kinsmen sell 1,000 calendars
To all our customers who made our 1st Annual Belgrave,
Auburn, Teeswater, Mildmay Appreciation Night
a raging success.
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Knechtel Knows
Congregation hosts soloist
Euchre was played Tuesday
evening, Nov. 30 at the Auburn
Community Hall with four tables in
Winners were: high man, Dennis
Penfound; low woman, Harold
McClinchey; Evelyn Christenson;
low lady, Lillian Appleby and
special, Ruth Jardin.
The monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held on
Thursday, Dec. 16 at the
Community Hall at 12 o'clock for a
pot luck luncheon. Husband or
friends are invited.
The Belgrave Kinsmen calendars
have been on sale now for several
weeks and they have reached the
half way point.
Kinsmen Niel Edgar says, "A
thousand calendars have been sold
and we hope to sell all of them to
pay down the $26,000 debt remain-
ing on the Belgrave Community
If all 2,000 calendars are sold, at
The WMS held its meeting
Monday, Nov. 29 at the home of
Mrs. Ivy Cloakey. Mrs. Alice
Nicholson read the call to worship
and the service in the Glad Tidings
was used with members taking part.
The secretary and treasurer's
reports were given. Roll call was
answered by each lady reading a
Thirteen tables were in play at
the weekly euchre which was held
in the WI Hall, Belgrave,
Wednesday, Dec. 1.
Winners were: high lady, Mrs.
George Michie; second high lady,
Mrs. Helen Martin; low lady, Mrs.
Freda Scott; lone hands, Mrs._
George Johnston; high man, Stuart
Chamney; second high man,
Gordon Bosman; low man, Lloyd
Appleby and lone hands, Jim
There will be euchre again
Euchre is played every Tuesday
evening at 8 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Haggitt
accompanied by Stephen and
David, as well as Rita Brown of
Goderich attended the 35th
wedding anniversary of George and
Mary Haggitt in Zurich on Sunday,
Nov. 28.
There will be a $2 gift exchange
for those who wish to exchange.
The executive is in charge of the
program. Roll call is money or gift
to the Children's Aid.
a price of $20, the debt would be
almost paid off after handing out
the prize money.
There are daily draws for $40,
two draws on Jan. 1 for $500 each,
a monthly draw for $220 and five
year end draws for $500.
The calendars are available
through any Belgrave Kinsmen
member and The Citizen office in
Christmas story or poem. Mrs.
Margaret Siertsema has the New
Year's calendars. The ladies were
told the allocation has been
reached. This is the last meeting of
the year.
Mrs. Nicholson closed with
prayer and lunch was served by the
Wednesday, Dec. 8 starting at
8 p.m.
You can lose a lot
more than your licence
drinking and dnving.
On Sunday, Dec. 5 Elizabeth
Bowman was soloist at Auburn
Missionary Church, singing "I Will
Serve Him."
Pastor Came continued his series
of sermons from the book of Acts
with scripture from Acts 5: 12-16,
"The privilege of power." It is
dangerous to talk about privileges
of power as many have misused it,
he said. In this scripture, the
apostles prayed for boldness in
speaking of the things of God and
the fear of man disappeared. They
also prayed for the healing of the
Rev. Paul Ross led the service at
Knox United Church and Nancy
Park was organist. There was hymn
Rev. Ross gave the words of
welcome and prayers. The senior
choir sang a selection of Christmas
songs and the opening chorus was
sung. Darlene Empey read a
reading to the children and prayer
was repeated in unison. The advent
candle of peace was lit by Erica
The children's chorus was sung
by the congregation. "On Jordan's
Bank" was sung. Rev. Ross read
the scripture. "Jesus Came, the
Pastor Came said, this privilege
of power is not a personal
privilege. We must not think of the
chufch as our private reserve, for
the church is really just a
missionary headquarters where we
receive our directions to go and do
the Lord's work.
The gospel, he said, is powerful
given out by ordinary people. The
Lord will supply everything to
minister outside the church.
This privilege that the apostles
had was a popular privilege as they
found favour with all people.
Ephesians 3: 20 states that God
will do exceedingly abundantly
Heaven's Adoring" was sung.
Rev. Ross's sermon was "Turn
Around". He gave the prayers to
god and the Lord's Prayer was
repeated in unison. He gave a
Minute for Missions.
The offering was received by
Bob Worsell and Larry Plaetzer
and dedicated in song. Hymn
"Hark, a Herald Voice is Sounding"
was sung.
above all that we ask or think
according to the power that
worketh in us. The healing of the
body is great but the healing of the
soul is miraculous.
The Sunday School and young
people have been preparing for
their concert to be held Sunday,
Dec. 12 at 7:45 p.m.
Word has been received that
Dave and Deb Rodges and family
are preparing to move into the
village of Pukapuki, Papua New
Guinea, to learn the language of the
people and to bring them the gospel
of Jesus Christ.
Rev. Ross pronounced the
benediction and "Amens" ended the
Call 887-9114 or
523-4792 for de-
tails on our Chris-
tmas essay contest
or check page 1 of
L. the Nov. 17 issue
WI donates to CAS
Mrs. Ivy Cloakey hosts WMS
52 meet for euchre at WI Hall
D. Emprey reads to children
Knechtel Knows Service.
Years ago people didn't make an
issue of service. It was simply a
part of doing business. Small things
like taking your groceries to the
car, remembering your name and
wishing you a Merry Christmas
was not only common, but
expected. At Knechtel, we haven't
forgotten that the reason we're in
bu§iness is to serve you. In fact,
we have an associate store policy
on service. If you need assistance
locating anything or taking your
groceries to the car, just ask.
We'll help. Of course there's no
policy on saying Happy Holidays,
but we do that too. Making a cus-
tomer feel welcome and important
is some-thing we'll never lose
sight of. So get to know Knechtel.
Because Knechtel Knows Service.