HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-10-20, Page 25ni.M.VMM:17,exwM C CARD OF THANKS C COMING EVENTS ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT A GORDON-PEACHEY. Donna and Richard are happy to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Cassidy Marie, born October 4 weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. Proud grandparents are Tony and Lillie Peachey of RR 3, Monkton. Proud great-grandparents are Ron and Dorothy Gordon of RR 2, Blyth. 42-lp 41111r P3R170P3171017 ltieVAY-itemr4_61,erld:vez, RYAN. A big thank you to all the people who attended our 25th anniversary party and helped make it such a happy occasion for us. To everyone who sent us best wishes, cards, gifts and flowers - thank you. To all our families, friends for coming and sharing our evening - it was wonderful to see you. And last but not least, to our family for their work and anyone else who helped to organize the party - the night was perfect. Neil McGavin - your tape will help preserve our memories for years, thank you so much. - Jack and Marianna Ryan. 42-1 You can lose a lot more than your licence drinking and driving. Ministry of the Attorney onion. General LARGE AUCTION SALE Road grader, Tandem and single axle dump trucks, pick up trucks, snow plow and sanding equipment to be held 1/2 mile north of Auburn on Huron County Rd. 22 at Huron County Yard SAT. OCT. 23 AT 10:30 A.M. See last week's paper for full listing. Additions to list 1978 Ford L900 V8 gas single axle dump truck with Frink snow plow equipment - no wing or one way plow sold with this truck selling subject to reserve, 1977 Int. 201A V8 gas single axle dump truck with 13 speed road ranger Frink snow plow equipment with wing and plow, selling subject to reserve. Terms and Conditions Cash or known cheque and that all items over $1000. will be held until noon of the next business day unless paid for by cash or certified cheque. Phone County Yard 519-526-7231 ask for Joe Stetfler AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBS 519-482-7898 SAT. OCT. 30 AT 10 A.M. Antiques, furniture and appliances at Lobb Auction In Clinton. AP, REMINDER NOTICE Consignment Auction Sale of over 100 tractors - farm equipment - misc. Items - etc. AT BRINDLE? SALES YARD DUNGANNON, ONTARIO ON SATURDAY OCTOBER 23, 1993 AT 9:30 A.M. SHARP See last week's paper for full listing LATE ADDITIONS White 262 (4 Wheel Drive) and loader, MF 265 and cab, (2) new MF 231's, MF 30 and loader, MF 265 and cab, Ford 7700 and cab, Oliver 550 c/w forklift, David Brown 990 & loader, Case 580E 4WD tractor - loader - backhoe. Consignments Welcome FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: (519) 529-7625 (BUSINESS) 529-7970 (RESIDENCE) SPECIAL LIGHT & HEAVY COLT & TACK SALE Approx. 50 TO BE HELD AT LUCKNOW COMMUNITY SALES Lucknow, Ontario ON FRIDAY EVENING OCT. 29/93 at 7:00 p.m. 80% heavy colts Approximately 30% Filly Coats also ponies and riding horses For further information call 519 529-7625 (Bus.) or 519 529-7970 (Res.) THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1993. PAGE 25. 4.02saMMIMIEgMOMMOMS.MMITAM.r • t.s: • ..gstinwfmana.4.1. ,,,,vammazavawzw.mazusemom. -RATES- 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 50c will be deducted If ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday In Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth GROUND FLOOR APARTMENTS for rent, 700 Turnberry St., Brussels. Apartments include heat, hot water, fridge, stove, washer and dryer. For more information call 887-9744 or 291-4227. 42-2 FOUR BEDROOM FARM HOUSE close to Belgrave, $450/month plus utilities. Reference required. Phone 887-6778. 42-1 TI-IREE BEDROOM COUNTRY home, efficient oil heat, close to Blyth and Brussels, available November 1. References required. Phone 887-9386 between 6 and 9 p.m. 40-3 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, downtown Blyth. Large, carpeted, washer/dryer hookup, fridge & stove. 357-4049 or 291-2145.37-tfn A ARTICLES FOR SALE OLDER MODEL PIANO IN GOOD condition. Phone 887-6778. 42-1 TWO-YEAR-OLD OLD TYMER airtight wood stove, excellent condition. Phone 357-1537. 42-1 DAY BED $50; SUPER SINGLE waterbed, $50; tub/shower doors, $25; 1985 Chrysler Laser, $800. Call 887-6863 or 887-6090. Prefer evening calls. 42-1 ARE YOU PREGNANT? NEED some great maternity clothes. Have I a great selection for you. Sizes 13 thru 16 - in excellent condition. Mostly winter wear. Give me a call 887-9648. Great for the "working" Mom-to-be! 42-1 QUEEN-SIZED WATER BED and kitchen table. Phone 523-9404 after 5:00. 42-1 AUSTRALIAN OUT BACK. Come see our new fall coats in four colours. Full length oil skin coats priced at $179.99. Belgrave Co-op, 357-2711. 42-2 1 EVENFLO, 7 YEAR OLD CAR seat $30; 1 8" boy's bike, $15; boy's skates, size 9, $20; 1 AM/FM cassette, eight track, turntable stereo and stand, $70. Phone 887- 6956. 42-1p OLYMPIA ELECTRIC 65 TYPEWRITER Sealed bids to be received at the Grey Township Office (887-6268) by 4:00 p.m. November 1, 1993. A ARTICLES FOR SALE FARM FRESH APPLES, SWEET cider, apple butter, honey. Maitside Orchards, County Rd. 16, west of Brussels. 887-6883. Open daily. 41-2p A AUCTION SALES TREES - WINDBREAK SPECIALS - Norway Spruce 4' - $10, White Cedar 4' - $10. Volume discounts. Maitland Manor Nursery, 335- 3240. 40-5 PLETCH. The family of the late Sam Pletch wish to express their sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy extended to us in the loss of a dear husband, father, grand- father and great-grandfather. Special thanks to friends, relatives, and neighbours for visits to the funeral home, flowers, memorial donations and food provided in our time of sorrow. To the ladies of the church for providing the lunch after the service. To the Wingham Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London; to all the doctors and nurses who cared for him. Thank you for your tender care and to Rev. Paul Boughton for your conforting words. Thanks to the McBurney Funeral Home for their professional care and thoughtful- ness. To all who helped in any way, your care and concern will always be remembered. - Thelma and family. 42-1 STUGGINS. Sincere thanks for the kind expressions of sympathy on the recent passing of my Dad. Special thanks to Rev. Jeff Hawkins for making it possible for Stephen to be with us, to Gladys Ellsmore for rescuing our Thanks- giving dinner and to Stephen for his unfailing support. - Lynn Stuggins. 42-1 WALTON TURKEY SUPPER, Wednesday, November 3, 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. Adults $8.00, 12 and under $4.00, (Pre-school Free). Take-outs available. 42-2 BELGRAVE & DISTRICT KINS- men Halloween Dance, Saturday, October 23/93, BMG Community Centre, Brussels. D.J. Bruce Vincent - Dance: 9-1. Tickets: $5.00 per person. Prizes for costumes. Lunch provided. Tickets available from any Belgrave Kinsmen. 42-1 BAZAAR AND TEA AT BLUE- vale United Church on October 29 at 3:00 p.m. 42-2p BUS TRIP - ROYAL WINTER Fair, Saturday, November 13 - Horse Show. Monday, November 15 - Queen's Guineas. Call Isabel Campbell, 357-1938. 42-3p WINGHAM & AREA CHAMBER of Commerce will be holding its annual meeting, Wednesday, Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. Guest speaker is Ron Clayson, president of the Clayson Group. His talk is on "Challenging the 90s and Owning Customer Satisfaction." Tickets $5 members, $10 non-members, 357-1522. 42-1 LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Lucky Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Air Conditioned. Wheel Chair Accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000, $1,000 jackpot must go very week. tfn DABBER BINGO - $1,000 JACK- pot must go! Wingham Knights of Columbus, every Tuesday. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Birds 7:15 p.m. tin BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Anniversary Turkey Supper, Friday, October 29, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. in Blyth and' District Community Centre. Adults $8.50, Children (5-11) $4.00. Preschool - Free. Advance tickets available at Webster's, Wilson's and Christmas and Country stores in Blyth, or from any member of the Board of Stewards of Blyth U.C. Everyone Welcome! 41-3b BRUSSELS REBEKAH LODGE holding Fall Variety Fair on Friday, Oct. 22 in lodge rooms. Homemade bake table, lunch room, new and used clothing, commencing at 12 o'clock. 40-3 FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS - 3 DAYS - Nov. 20, 21 and 22 featuring Charlie Pride, Boots Randolph, Tommy Hunter, and Janie Fricke. For further information call Robin Hood Tours Inc. 1-800-268-2838 or 335-3752. Agent #2551773. 2 day trip also available. 36-2 40-3 LOST HEIR WILL COMMENCE in the Memorial Hall, Blyth on October 27 at 8 p.m. Admission $1.50. Everyone welcome. 42-lp FIFTH ANNUAL CRAFT SHOW and Sale in the Brussels Legion, Saturday, November 6, 10 to 5, Sunday, November 7, 1 to 5. Bake table and door prizes. To rent a table call 887-9069. 42-3 ALL YOU CAN EAT BEEF SUPPER, Thursday, October 21, 5 - 7 p.m., Blyth Memorial Hall. Adults $8.50, Children $4.00, Preschoolers free. Sponsored by Trinity Anglican Church. 41-2 HARVEST BONANZA AT BLYTH United Church. Used clothing sale: Nov. 4, 9 - 9 p.m., Nov. 5, 9 - 5 p.m. Silent Auction: all 3 days. Bazaar: Sat., Nov. 6, 2 p.m. Princess House of Canada at Blyth United Church, Nov. 6, 10 - 4 p.m.: crystal, jewellery, cookware and Christmas products will be on display. Anyone wishing to donate used clothing can contact Brenda Burk- holder 523-9541 or leave at back door of church by Nov. 1. 42-1 COMMUNITY BRIDAL SHOWER for Kellie Stephenson, daughter of Bill and Joan Stephenson, at the Brussels United Church, November 2, at 7:30. 42-2p BLYTH SWINGING SENIORS' Pot Luck, Memorial Hall, Oct. 27 at noon. Speaker - Brian Elmslie on estate and tax saving tips. 42-lp FALL ART CLASSES - BLYTH Festival Art Gallery, for adults: Drawing with Jo Manning, from Oct. 28. Raku Pottery with Robert Tetu, Oct, 23 and 30. Black and white photography with Michael Diamond, Nov. 6 and 13. China painting with Lesley Zolob, Nov. 19-21. Puppetry with Marian Doucette, Dec. 4. For Kids: Dinosaur Crafts with Ann Seymour, Oct. 30 and Nov. 6. Puppet making with Marian Doucette, Nov. 27. For information and registration call Robert Tetu 345-2184. 42-1