HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-10-20, Page 8 The news from elgrave Compiled by Helen Stonehouse Phone 887-9487 PAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1993. Incumbent defends effectiveness of GST Allan Dettweiler Libertarian Continued from page 7 sibility to Canada. The parole system should be changed to make violent offenders serve their full sentence and the worst criminals would remain on parole for the rest of their life. DETTWEILER — The Liber- tarians will not tolerate violence against anyone. We must look to community organizations to help because governments cannot solve the problems alone. CARDIFF — We all abhor vio- lence against women and children and we must work together. We have community based programs to help prevent violence. We have introduced anti-stalking legislation this summer. The penalty must also match the severity of the crime. *** What has the GST been used for , has it been used to pay down the deficit?What would you do about the pension plan for MPs? CARDIFF — As a replacement to the old manufacturing tax, the GST has put $15.5 to $16 billion towards the deficit. A considerable amount has been returned to those families who do not earn the limit. All MPs must put 11 percent of their income towards their pension plan. At present, MPs can receive the minimum pension after only six years. That is wrong. The prime minister has already said this will be changed so that the minimum age for receiving a pen- sion is 55. There should be an independent study done by outside agencies to get the government pensions in-line with those in the private sector. LOBB — Upon achieving a bal- anced budget, hopefully in three years, the reward for that would be the staged elimination of the GST. The Reform Party would intro- duce legislation to roll back pen- sions to the age of 60 or 65 as in the private sector and we would take a 15 percent reduction in wages. If we are going to ask others to do more for us, we have to set an example. DETTWEILER — The very fact that MPs are compelled to buy a government pension plan goes against Libertarian policy. We believe MPs should be able to pur- chase a pension plan from a private company if they choose to do so. McQUAIL — The policies which were meant to help the deficit have only hurt the economy. They have destroyed employment in Canada, high interest rates, allowed the Free Trade deal. There is a major problem with the finan- cial structure the way it is. The pension plan should be changed and brought in-line with the private sector. STECKLE — If elected, the Liberal Party would create an all- party committee to sit down with business and the provinces to develop a fair way to get revenue from taxes. The GST will be replaced by a system that generates equivalent revenues, is fairer to the consumer, reduces the paper work for businesses. There should be no pensions until 60 and there should be no double dipping. ZEKVELD — We have to get back to honesty in politics. If we say the GST is going to the deficit, do it. Pensions should be in-line with the private sector. *** What kind of jobs do you have planned for Huron-Bruce and where will the money come from? STECKLE — There is plenty of money in government if you get rid of the waste. There will be three way involve- ment in the infrastructure of this country. The Afternoon Unit of the UCW met in the church schoolroom on Oct. 13, with an attendance of 12. Edith Vincent read a psalm of thanks. She enumerated many instances on her recent trip to Alberta, when she silently had given thanks — thanks to be home safely, thanks to be free from anticipated problems, and thanks to see her friends well at home. She said "Any day is good when we sense God's love in our faith, hope and dreams." The worship service concluded with a prayer of thanks and the hymn "Come Ye Thankful People." Dorothy Coultes chose scripture from Matthew 8 and Mark 1 to relate Barclay's review of the parable on "Demons". Jewish laws forbade the lifting of any weight exceeding that of two dried figs on the Sabbath. Jesus had worked without complaint all day as He healed the sick. As there were no clocks to register time, many who needed healing came to Jesus in the Harold and Edith Vincent attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Alva and Nellie Bairin, Milk River, Alberta on Saturday, Oct. 9 and also visited with Mervin and Joan Powell in Calgary and with Lucille and Walter Bushfield of Balzar, Alberta. On Tuesday, Oct. 12 Mrs. Elizabeth Procter, Belgrave accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Procter to Downsview where they visited at the home of the former's sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Smithson. Mrs. Smithson is not very well. Dora and Gwen Scott of Barrie celebrated Thanksgiving with Clifford Coultes, Florence Coultes, Linda and Bruce Campbell and family also visited there. Mrs. Sybil Straker spent Thanksgiving weekend with her son Douglas, his wife Denise and their children, Joanna, Cara, Priscilla, Erica, Angela and Jessica and the latest arrival Tyrone of Bothwell. Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yuill spent Thanksgiving weekend with the former's son, Mike McIntosh of The province is involved in the jobsOntario program and there is 2 billion there to spend. Infrastructure construction in the municipalities will only take place where there is a need. They are waiting for the federal government to say they will assist with the pro- grams. The money is there. Something has to be done to get jobs started. It is for building infrastructure where it is needed.., I'm sure in Huron-Bruce there is a bridge that needs repair, an envi- ronmental project to be looked at or sewers to be put in. We just have to re-appropriate the money to where it is needed. The job creation program creates work not just in the one area but, with the supplier and producers of the goods needed for the work. 50 percent of the money spent on job evening. The minutes of the September meeting were read by Olive Bolt, and the treasurer's report was given by Margaret Taylor. Ada Taylor introduced the Mission Study by asking, "What does Mission mean to you?" She reviewed the work of the former mission band, and displayed two mission banks used by the band. Are we too complacent with ourselves? she asked. "What is the strength of the church?" Mission is the Spirit in Motion in our heads and hearts. Go outside of the church to mission. Mission could include: hot meals to older persons, volunteers to assist at summer camp, leading in Sunday School, teaching English language to foreign immigrants, being a witness for Jesus by support and prayer. Use your eyes, ears, head and heart in your work for God in and Sprucedale, north of Huntsville. The fall colours were beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby and Mrs. Laura Johnston spent Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gar- Leitch of London. Continued on page 9 Nut Crackers meet Oct. 14 By Margie Gordon Belgrave I Nut Crackers may not be sweet, but one thing for sure one leader says "We're nutty". The organizational meeting for the 4-H Club, "Home for the Holidays" took place at Marilyn Freiburger's on Wednesday, Oct. 13 after school. The familiar 4-H pledge once again echoed through the air as 18 enthusiastic young people met to learn some new skills. Have you heard of an organic gift box? Well it's really an environmentally friendly way of holding gift items. Leader, Isabel Campbell discussed environmentally friendly ideas of gift wrapping, such as comics, newspaper and tags, or last year's Christmas cards. creation goes back to the govern- ment through taxes. ZEKVELD — All any of us can say is that we will try to create jobs because we are part of a global down trend. The government is not prepared to put money into busi- ness but can help stimulate busi- ness. McQUAIL — We must develop a shared cost structure with all lev- els of government because these programs are something we need and want and we appreciate the partnership. We must work for a sustainable economy which does not require outside funding. LOBB — The job creation pro- gram sounds like taxation from three levels. There is no money for the 2 billion dollar project. DETTWEILER — As a govern- In the report of the all-candidates meeting held at Hullett Central School in Londesboro on Oct. 7, it was stated that Libertarian Party candidate Allan Dettweiler favoured a Senate elected by repre- sentation by population. Mr. Det- The Oct. 15 Kinsmen euchre tournament was held in the Belgrave Community Centre with 18 tables. Winners were first, Dorothy Cayler and Helen Russell, -Goderich; second, Cathy and Neil Edgar, Wingham; third, Lorna and Clayton Elliott, Clinton and low, Glen Sellers, Bluevale and Len Archambault, Blyth. Euchre for the winter months in the Belgrave WI Hall started Wednesday, Oct. 13. Winners were: high lady, Mrs. ment, we have no money to create jobs. We must reduce taxation and leave the money with the taxpayer to spend and create jobs. We cannot tolerate the govern- ment always dipping into our pock- ets anymore. CARDIFF — There is only one taxpayer and the government does- n't have any money. If we give the private sector room to manoeuvre, they will cre- ate those jobs. I know of several small businesses looking to locate in Huron-Bruce and these are the companies which will create long- term job stability. Job creation only finds short- term work, for three or four months and then it is back to the unemploy- ment rolls. People are looking for and expect job security. tweiler says he favours abolition of the Senate, but if there must be a Senate it should be based on the popular vote obtained by the parties in the election. If Libertarians get 40 per cent of the vote they should get 40 per cent of the seats, he says. Gordon Bosman; second high lady, Mrs. Agnes Bieman; most lone hands, Carolyn Cunningham; lucky draw lady, Mrs. Ruth Johnston; lucky draw lady, Mrs. Ross Brighton; high man, Ross Brighton; second high man, Stuart Chamney; most lone' hands, man, Raymond Cunningham; lucky draw, man, Richard Moore; lucky draw, man, Mrs. Kay Rich (playing as a man). The next euchre will beheld in the WI hall Wednesday, Oct. 20. Vincents travel to Alberta Candidate clarifies stand UCW donates to "Our Daily Bread" booklet outside the church. booklet was made and passed. A motion to send a monetary The meeting concluded with a donation to "Our Daily Bread" benediction. Dorothy Cayler wins euchre tournament WJ RUSSELS AI-Z.114:TV Open 7 days a week for your convenience I SMART Ketchup 1 litre 1.79 CHOICE --' 'Table Syrup 750 ml 1.99 Relish 750 ml 1.89 Peanut Butter 1 kg 2.99 Pasta Sauce 750 ml 1.49 Three Fruit Marmalade 750 ml 1.99 Strawberry and Raspberry Jam 750 ml 1.99.} SPECIALS while supplies last Village Whipped 950 ml SALAD DRESSING 811 •7n Admiral 6 1/2 oz. CHUNK TUNA. LIGHT .89 Pronto 2 roll pkg. PAPER TOWELS .49 Allan's licorice 350 g RED TWIRLS .99 HALLOWEEN er, Make up, accessories, candi - "4` --____ chips now available