HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-10-20, Page 724 x 355 ml 750 ml bottle Unit Price + deposit 5.4/100 ml Unit Price 6.5/100 ml F THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1993. PAGE 7. Daycare gets mixed response from candidates Nescafe Regular, Decaffeinated, or Columbian 200 g/150 g INSTANT COFFEE 3.59 Paul Steckle Liberal Continued from page 6 the Bill and if able to do so we would repeal the law. This would allow the generic companies to contribute to Canadian health care. STECKLE — The Liberals are committed to the health care sys- tem and equal care for everyone across the country. We stand strongly against user fees. The sys- tem has served us well but we must take out the frills and waste. Most of us on this platform believe in competition (with regards to Bill C91). This is a situa- tion where the giant companies and their lobbyists go to the govern- ment and against the arguments of the opposition, get the bill passed. It will cost the taxpayers consider- able money. We are trying to pro- tect the system and we'd better have a look at who is running this country. ZEKVELD — The CHP is dedi- cated to the national health care plan which is viable and economi- cal. *** What is your party's stand on a national daycare program? ZEKVELD — The CHP would look at income tax legislation to make it easier for mothers to stay home. We do not believe in a national daycare plan. It should be left to the private sector. Children should be raised by one of the par- ents because a country is only as strong as the family. STECKLE — We believe there will be a three percent economic growth in the county in the next three years. If that is the case, we will advocate the creation of 50,000 new daycare spaces, for a total of 150,000. It will be a case of gov- ernment managing and prioritizing the monetary needs. In this community, we are hear- ing that there are farm wives who are assisting their husbands and they need some kind of assistance. This has not been looked at before but it is a Liberal commitment. McQUAIL — We support a national child care initiative which would double the number of spaces over the next five years. This would create 40,000 new jobs and improve the working conditions for approximately 35,000 others. This is not a totally free service but relates to the ability to pay. It would provide a safe and secure place for children, whether it be for the mother who works out- side the home or on a farm where it would be better not to have young children around machinery. It is a real necessity in the com- munity. LOBB — The Reform Party of Canada does not believe in state run daycare. We would work to allow couples and singles to retain more spend- able income so they could utilize private daycare. DETTWEILER — By doubling the number of daycare spaces it would still not make it accessible to everyone. Everything we do as a government should be equal for everyone and that plan does not do that. The high level of taxation has forced both parents into the work force, whether by choice or not. We, believe that by decreasing taxation, this would allow more families to have only one income earner, thereby freeing up more jobs for those families which presently have no one working. CARDIFF — We support the development of the private daycare sector. The government should look at tax incentives or some type of tax break to recognize the parent who stays home with the children. We would encourage the parent to stay home if he or she wished. *** What are your thoughts on user fees and the maintainance of the health care system in its present state? LOBB — We are the only party putting numbers on the table and showing where the money will come from to support the system at today's level. We will protect medicare and make adjustments in other areas to cover the costs. We will support it by money not just words. CARDIFF — There will be no user fees but we will maintain uni- versal care. One method to keep track of the costs of health service is by issuing a receipt of sorts, for each transac- tion so it is known what service was performed. Tony McQuail NDP McQUAIL — The implementa- tion of user fees would be counter- productive. Treatment will be more costly if delayed and the preventa- tive medicine is not used. It will deter people from seeking medical care when it is the most needed. We must look at other methods to trim the cost of health care such as procedures which are done too often and are not necessary. We are fundamentally supportive of universal health care. STECKLE — We must look at what is planned ahead for us. We have a very good system here though it is not perfect. The rich will always find access and we must not let the system be only for them. The Liberals stand by the universality of the program. DETTWEILER — We believe in supporting those who need our help but those who can afford it should pay their own insurance pre- miums. *0* There is a proposed change to a taxation law which would disallow a tax deduction from federal taxes on a portion which had already been taxed through the province. We are being taxed to death and what would you do about it? CARDIFF — I do not know of any decision which is coming down with regards to capital payroll taxes. We are already taxed to the limit. That is the strongest message we hear. We know that we have a deficit and a debt and we must spend wisely. We must have economic growth. If we have very good growth in the next few years the deficit will be wiped out. We have to work on the debt. DETTWEILER— The Liber- tarians are proposing a much sim- pler tax system which would include a flat rate and a lower limit for income before taxes are paid. We will not get involved in a sys- tem which includes several deduc- tions, everyone must pay their fair share. LOBB — The government is presently taking more from the tax- payer instead of cutting the need for the tax by reducing costs and expenditures. We can take no more taxes. McQUAIL — The NDP will not support the cancellation of a deduc- tion. We want to work to create har- inony between the three levels of government so that they are not always hitting the same taxpayer. We must look at our system which has become progressively less fair. The average Canadian pays $3,600 more in taxes than they did eight years ago but the deductions and breaks have gone to those with the most money. We must work towards a fairer tax system. STECKLE— There is only one taxpayer and we have to look at who is not paying their taxes. We cannot let the rich hide their money in tax shelters. We can't allow 15 percent of our economy to go underground to avoid taxes. We have to have a fair system. ZEKVELD — We need to make major cuts so we won't have the high taxes. Henry Zekveld CHP What is your stand on violence against women and what recom- mendations would be implemented from the study completed this past summer? ZEKVELD — I am not aware of the report but, believe much of the problem is caused by pornography, violence in porn and on television. We need to censor the media and put a ban on porn. STECKLE — This issue has my Part Back Attached Fresh CHICKEN LEGS deepest sympathy and neither I nor my party will tolerate any type of violence in this society. The letter of the law must be addressed to those who act violent- ly towards others. The Young Offender's Act must be looked at. There should be a severe price to pay for those who violate people in this society. McQUAIL — The NDP has adopted a zero tolerance policy for violence against women. There should be increased funding for women's shelters and support groups for victims as well as a pub- lic education campaign. We must recognize that no law will stop this problem by itself. We must deal with the perpetrator of violence and sexual abuse. Our approach must be not just punitive but curative. We must sen- sitize the community to help avoid the problem before it develops. We must enforce the law rigor- ously and the men in the society must take responsibility to deal with this issue in their personal lives and in society. LOBB — Next to the economic issues, the criminal justice system is one of the most important issues. The system needs a complete overhaul and giving priority to the victims rights as opposed to the criminal's. The Young Offender's Act should be changed to show that the young offender does have a respon- Continued on page 8 Highliner FISH & CHIPS Frozen 700 g Box 1.99 Maple Leaf HAM STEAKS 175 g Assorted Varieties 1.59 Imperial SOFT MARGARINE 1.74 kg .79 lb. 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