HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-10-13, Page 17^K 4z,',a1AMetta .,%.• ,axwo A ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARDS CONTACT THIS COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS DEADLINE - OCTOBER 31, 1993 ARTICLES FOR SALE THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1993. PAGE 17. -RATES- 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 500 will be deducted If ad Is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE IN Blyth. References required. Reply to P.O. Box 346, Blyth. 41-lp THREE BEDROOM COUNTRY home, efficient oil heat, close to Blyth and Brussels, available November 1. References required. Phone 887-9386 between 6 and 9 p.m. 40-3 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE IN Blyth, oil heat, $450/month. Phone 887-9007. 40-tin TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in Blyth, available immediately, includes fridge, stove, heat, hydro, parking and laundry facilities. Nice large apartment, reasonable rent. For more information call 482- 9371. 23-tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, downtown Blyth. Large, carpeted, washer/dryer hookup, fridge & stove. 357-4049 or 291-2145.37-tfn THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT, close to school, two blocks from uptown available Sept. 1. Phone 523-9673. 30-tfn 40 LARGE BEECH AND MAPLE tree tops for sale, $10 each. Phone 887-6597. 41-1p BROWNIE UNIFORM - EXCEL- lent condition, only 2 years old, size 10-12. Call evenings 887- 6661. 41-1 NINTENDO GAMES FOR SALE with original box and instructions. Double Dragon H, Guerilla Wars, Solstice, Bayou Billy, Battle Toads, Crystalis, Thundercade, Ninja Gaiden H, Iron Tank, Monster Party, Mario Brothers II and III, Magic of Scheherezade, and a game genie $10 to $30. Phone 887- 9104 after 6 p.m. 42-1p FARM FRESH APPLES, SWEET cider, apple butter, honey. Maitside Orchards, County Rd. 16, west of Brussels. 887-6883. Open daily. 41-2p QUALITY MCINTOSH, COURT- land, Spartan and Empire apples from our cold storage. Contact Boyd Taylor, 523-9279. 40-2 TREES - WINDBREAK SPECIALS - Norway Spruce 4' - $10, White Cedar 4' - $10. Volume discounts. Maitland Manor Nursery, 335- 3240. 40-5 FIELD TOMATOES BY THE bushel or basket. To order phone 523-9338 or 523-4383. 37-tin SMITH. Dave and Colleen Smith are delighted to announce the birth of their son. Tyler James was born on August 18 at 10:30 p.m. weigh- ing 8 lb. 5 oz. Spoiling privileges go to grandparents Adam and Kae Smith and Gary and Patti-Sue Kuepfcr, great-grandparents Laura Smith, Aaron and Ruth Kuepfer. 41-1 LYON. I would like to express my sincere thanks to family, neighbours and friends who remembered me with flowers, cards, visits and phone calls while I was in Clinton Public Hospital and since I have been home. Thanks to Rev. Paul Ross for his visit. — Laura. 41-lp MASON. We would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for their acts of love and kindness expressed in so many ways in thoughts, cards, food and flowers after the passing on of a dear mother, Violet Bean. — Irma and Jim Mason. 41-1p CARD OF THANKS ROBERTS. I wish to express my sincere thanks to my family, friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness shown to me when I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. The prayers, telephone calls, beautiful cards, visits and treats were all greatly appreciated- My sincere thanks also to Bob Grasby and John Campbell for their help at home and to our neighbours and friends for the baking sent to the house. I also appreciated the prayers and visits from the Revs. Paul Boughton, Rae Grant, Jeff Hawkins and Vicars Hodge. Also, I wish to say a special "thank you" to Dr. Michele Flowers, Dr. McGregor, Dr. Hanlon, the I.C.U. staff, emergency staff and ambulance crew for their excellent care. —John Roberts. 41-lp TYERMAN. I would like to thank all the nurses on first floor at Listowel Hospital for their great care. A special thanks to Dr. Warren. I would also like to thank everyone for their visits, cards, flowers and other gifts I received. It will always be remembered. A special thanks to all. — Ken Tyerman. 41-lp WINGHAM AND AREA PALLIA- tive Care fourth annual meeting Tuesday, Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. Location: Nursing Assistants' Training Centre, Wingham. P.C. dramatization to follow business portion of meeting. Refreshments available. Come out and join us. 40-2 ARTISTS AT WORK - STUDIO Tour of Huron Artists. Clay, glass, iron, bronze, watercolors, acrylics, prints. October 16 and 17, 10 5 p.m. Information 345-2184. 40-2 C COMING EVENTS SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS bingo, every Monday night 7:30 p.m., Seaforth and District Community Centres. Over $2,000 in prizes plus Share The Wealth, $750 Jackpot must go! Doors open 6:30 p.m. eow MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF Directors of the Clinton Public Hospital are open to the public, and are held on the fourth Monday of each month (except July and August). Meetings are held in the hospital's boardroom, and begin at 7 p.m. Individuals or groups who wish to address the Board or make a presentation must submit a written request at least seven days in advance of the meeting. 41-1 BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Anniversary Turkey Supper, Friday, October 29, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. in Blyth and District Community Centre. Adults $8.50, Children (5-11) $4.00. Preschool - Free. Advance tickets available at Webster's, Wilson's and Christmas and Country stores in Blyth, or from any member of the Board of Stewards of Blyth U.C. Everyone Welcome! 41-3b EUCHRE TOURNAMENT AT Belgrave Community Centre the third Friday of each month, EXCEPT December, starting October 15 through April 15/94. Doors open 7:00 p.m. Cards at 8:00 p.m. sharp. Admission $5.00. Cash prizes. 41-1 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Cranbrook Anniversary Service, Oct. 24 at 11:00 a.m. Lunch and social time to follow after service. Everyone Welcome. 41-2 FREE: LADIES' CAR CLINIC — Radford Auto Blyth, Oct. 18/93 - 7:30 p.m. To register call 523-4581. 41-1 EVENING AUCTION SALE of Home Furnishings and Antiques WILL BE HELD FOR MRS. IRENE HOFFMAN (GORRIE), MRS. MABEL SCOTT & THE LATE ELMER SCOTT (TEESWATER) with added consignments from homes In Teeswater and Wingham, in the Teeswater Agri-Curl Building ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 6:00 P.M. AUCTIONEERS: WALLACE BALLAGH, TEESWATER 392-6170 GRANT McDONALD, RIPLEY 395-5353 LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building In Clinton for Dorothy MacLennan of Seaforth, Mrs. McCann of Clinton plus additions SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 AT 10 A.M. 12 ft. aluminum boat, Johnson 4.5 motor, satellite dish and descrambler, English saddle, wood burning air tight stove, acetylene torch set. FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, ETC.: White Westinghouse washer and dryer, White Westinghouse side by side fridge freezer, Frigidaire stove with swing out doors, small chest freezer, RCA 20 Inch colour TV, TV converter, Kenmore vacuum with power head, maple dining table, 4 matching chairs and hutch buffet, two cedar chests, antique blanket box with drawer in bottom, maple desk (good one), china cabinet, two modern corner china cabinets, two French Provincial end tables, apt. dining table - extends from 20 Inches to 6 ft., petit point foot stool, wicker fern stand, several upholstered chairs, maple dresser and double bed, 2 single box springs and mattresses, double bed, chrome type kitchen table and 4 chairs, floor and table lamps, exercise bike, 1/2 round end tables, dishes and glassware include Germany doll head plus 6 dolls, many pieces of Cornflower, Moorecraft vase, cups and saucers, silverware, oil lamps, bedding, 2 trunks, aluminum step ladder, 26 ft. aluminum extension ladder, garden tools, plus many more Items too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash or Cheque with proper I.D. AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB 482-7898 CUNTON. AUCTION CONSIGNMENT SALE Over 70 Tractors plus farm equipment to be held at BRINDLEY SALES YARD - DUNGANNON, ONT. OCT. 23, 1993 - 9:30 SHARP Tractors: (2) Ford 5000's with loaders, Ford 6000, Ford 3600, Ford 3000, Ford Major, Industrial 340 and loader, (2) Case 430's, (2) Case 400's, MF 275 and loader, MF 165, JD 1020 and loader, IH 504, David Brown 1 21 0, (2) MF 35's, Deutz 6807, Allis Chalmers 190, JD 830, Kubota 185 Cab and snowblower, IH 434, McKee 460, Case Skid Steer, Belarus 400 and loader, Belarus 500, MF 97 (4 Wheel Drive), MF 95, MF 135 (350 hrs.), IH Super H, (3) IH Cubs, Massey 2200 Forklift, Universal 445 with cab (500 hrs.), Several 8 and 9N Fords. Miscellaneous: 1983 Chev. Motor Home, Winnebago Motor Home, Travel Trailer, Office Trailer 10' x 20', Approx. 50 Cord Wood. General line of farm equipment. Consignments Welcome Please Note: Tractors will sell at 1:00 p.m. sharp. Terms: Cash or Cheque with proper I.D. - 8% Sales Tax and 7% G.S.T. where applicable. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss of purchase day of sale. Any announcements day of sale take precedence over written advertising. Lunch Booth on grounds. AUCTIONEER: GORDON H. BRINDLEY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR CONSIGNMENTS CALL: (519) 529-7625 Bus. 529-7970 Res. LARGE AUCTION SALE road grader, trucks, tractor and equipment to be held 1/2 mile north of Auburn on Huron County Rd 22 FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX AND LOCAL MUNICIPAUTIES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 AT 10:30 A.M. 1978 Champion D740 grader with front mount snow wing. TRUCKS: 1985 IH Tandem diesel dump with Frink plow end wing, 1985 IH single axle diesel dump with front plow harness and wing tower, 1985 IH single axle diesel with Frink 2 way tilt sander, front plow harness and wing tower, 1985 IH single axle diesel with damage dump body and front plow harness, 1988 IH single axle diesel with London 4way tilt sander body, 1977 Ford single axle diesel with sander and snow plow harness, 1981 IH tandem diesel 10 gal. box Frink snow plow equipment and King Seagrave K61-4 hopper sander both subject to reserve, 1982 GMC 3/4 ton with dump box, 1973 int. 5 ton sewer flusher, 1985 London L61-2 10 cu. yd. salt and sand spreader with Wisconsin engine, 1986 London L61-2 cu. yd. spreader with hyd. drive, 1980 IH single axle diesel garbage truck with Alliston automatic and Shu Pack side loading garbage packer, 1989 GMC 1/2 ton pickup, 3 1988 1/2 ton pickups, 1984 Chev 1/2 ton 4 x 4, 1978 Chev 1/2 ton cargo van, 1964 Ford 2000 tractor with loader, 2 - 1991 bush hog DM 7-01 disc mowers, 1 Kuhn GMD 55S-155 disc mower, cut off saw, weed eater, chainsaw, small selection of good used hand tools. All items sold as is, where Is. For Information phone Huron County Yard 519-526-7231. Ask for Joe Steffler. Terms and Conditions: Cash or Known Cheque and that all Items over $1,000 will be held until noon of the next business day unless paid for by Cash or Certified Cheque. AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB 519-482-7898 CUNTON Clip Ad for Reference. AUCTION SALES A AUCTION SALES