HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-10-13, Page 3I 11 E in u rt 1.• towalirlkuta
Cold cut
There was a nip in the air when Blythe Brooke Orchards officially opened its new cold storage
and retail store at the north end of the village on Saturday morning. From left: Councillor
Eugene Coburn, Bonnie Riley, Ann and Piet Reinsma, former owners of the building, present
owner Mason Bailey, Reeve Dave Lee, Hazel Bailey, Mavis Morrison and Rachel Morrison.
Seniors nominate officers
There were seven tales of euchre
at Blyth Memorial Hall on Oct. 4.
Winners were: high lady, Effie
McCall; high man, Ross Brighton;
low lady, Ruth Shiels; low man, Al
Coddington; ladies' lone hands,
Bernice McClinchey; men's lone
hands, Lloyd Appleby.
Cards are every Monday.
Hi, I'm Back
Irene would like to invite you to
take advantage of her Autumn Sale.
50% off all clothing
5/%‘0 0/ off all Christmas /0 Stock
/%0/0 off everything ‘0 / else
Stock up for Christmas Today!
BLYTH `r/alt
Queen Street South, Blyth 523-4910
Don't Forget the
Christmas season will soon
be here and it is time to make your
reservations for the
Blyth Lions Club
Saturday December 11, 1993
Roast Beef Dinner at 7:30 p.m.
Dance from 9 to 1 (Sunrise)
Book Early and Save
$30.00 per couple if paid
before Dec. 1
$35.00 per couple after
For tickets call
Gord Jenkins
• •
• •
The Blyth Swinging Seniors met
in the town hall at 12 noon on Sept.
27 for a delicious pot luck dinner.
After dinner, President Isabelle
Craig opened the meeting with 0
Canada and Phyllis Boak at the
piano. A lively sing-a-long follow-
ed led by Vera Badley.
Happy Birthday was sung to
those celebrating September birth-
Improving Memorial Hall seating
arrangements to allow better access
for wheelchairs was given consid-
eration by the board after a meeting
with DIAMONDS on Aug. 13.
The DIAMONDS organization (a
support group for the physically
challenged) had requested a meet-
ing with the board regarding the
removal of some seats from the hall
to allow better wheelchair location.
The board was represented by
Festival General Manager Ray
Salverda at the meeting.
The Memorial Hall board was
given a copy of the report by board
member Don McCaffrey.
The report detailed the advan-
tages and disadvantages of the pro-
posed removal of seats B9, B10
and B19.
The festival could lose $4,000 to
$6,000 per year from those seats,
name plates from donors would
have to be relocated, accessibility
to row B could be impeded and
seats C9 and C19 would have to be
listed as poor sight line, the report
The advantages of the plan would
allow for better access to row A
and the front cross aisle and there
may be the possibility of installing
a special removable seat when
wheelchairs were not using the
days: Betty Nethery, Edgar Howatt,
Ruby Pattison, and Al Coddington.
The anniversaries were Bill and
Isabelle Craig, Gene and Alvin
Snell, Jim and Effie McCall and
Edgar and Ferne Howatt.
The usual reports were presented.
A letter from Huronlea was read
requesting the seniors to host a
birthday party for the residents on
Dec. 7.
The board decided at the Sept. 27
meeting to recommend to Blyth
council the removal of the three
additional seats to create
wheelchair spaces.
Several maintenance issues were
also raised.
Memorial Hall recently had the
sprinkler system repaired and
improved. There was $1,880 paid
towards the repairs which were not
reimbursed by the insurance com-
At the time of the accident, the
insurance company said it would
pay the $500 to return the piping to
its original state and the village
would pay the extra cost of drop-
ping the pipe below the ceiling in
the amount of $380.
The additional $1,000 was the
The insurance cheque received
did not include the $500 and a let-
ter was sent to the company regard-
ing this matter.
It was suggested by board mem-
bers that there were several repair
projects that needed to be done
around the hall.
A list will be compiled and local
service groups approached about
contributing to the project.
It was moved by Mr. Salverda
that the hall board look into pur-
Continued on page 19
The Fall Rally will be held in
Londesboro Hall on Oct. 20.
Registration is at 11:30 and the fee
is $3. Lunch will be at 12:30.
John Hesselwood read a humor-
ous poem giving members their
laugh for the day.
Isabelle thanked everyone for
their co-operation during the past
two years and called on the
nominating committee to bring in
their new slate of officers.
Vera Hesselwood read the
following: president, John Hessel-
wood; vice president, Isabelle
Craig; secretary, Ferne McDowell;
assistant sec., Erma Cook; trea-
surer, Graeme McDowell; assistant
treasurer, Vera Hesselwood;
pianists, Phyllis Boak, Graeme
McDowell, Ella Richmond; sing
song leaders, Harvey McDowell,
Millar Richmond; card convenor,
Lenora Davidson; program
convenor, Jean Nethery; lunch
convenor, Feme Howatt and hall
board representative, Alvin Snell.
At this time the meeting was
turned over to John Hesselwood,
the new president. Edgar Howatt
thanked Isabelle Craig, the out-
going president.
It was moved by Lenora
Davidson and seconded by Isabelle
Craig that the Christmas dinner be
in November if it can be arranged
with the Legion ladies.
The program committee took
over and euchre and lost heir were
The results were: high lady, Vera
Hesselwood; low lady, Ruby
Pattison; high man, Bernice
McClinchey; low man, Harvey
McDowell. Lost heir: high lady,
Phyllis Boak; low lady, Effie
McCall; high man, Millar
Richmond and low man, Alvin
In last week's issue of The Citi-
zen some of the Blyth Tyke team
members were left out of the cut-
line. We apologize for the mistake.
The 1993 Blyth Tykes are: helper
Debbie Cook, Meagan Campbell,
Heather Elliott, Jenna Taylor, Ray-
mond deBoer, Melissa Black,
Darcey Cook, Bradley Schmidt,
Ryan McClinchey, Jenny Ritchie,
coach Steve Cook, Andrew Toll,
Mark Caldwell, Tonya Mason,
Michelle Cook, Sean Laftin, David
Kelly, Taylor Hesselwood, Char-
lene Bromley and . coach Doug
Hall Bd. hears from DIAMONDS
All polling stations, with few exceptions,
provide level access. If the following
symbol does not appear on your card
from Elections Canada, contact the
Elections Canada office in your riding if
you need level access.
The non-partisan agency responsible
for the conduct of federal elections