HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-08-18, Page 3Blyth
Gordon and Catherine Caldwell
and Jean Woods have returned
from an enjoyable bus trip through
Ohio to West Virginia.
On Sunday Gordon and
Catherine, Gary, Cathy and Greg
Caldwell, Jean Woods and Edna
McDonald attended a dinner at the
Clinton Community
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Regular Meetings of
Blyth Council
The Council of the Village
of Blyth deems it
necessary to reschedule
regular meetings of
August 24th and
September 8th to
Wednesday, September
1st, 1993. 7:30 p.m. Blyth
Council Chambers.
Helen R. Grubb, AMCT
The Council of the Village
of Blyth deems it
necessary to fill a vacant
seat - Blyth Public
Utilities Commission.
Electors of the Village of
Blyth are hereby invited
to submit name, In
writing, to the Clerk's
Office by 4:00 p.m.
Friday, September 24th,
1993 for consideration by
way of appointment to
this vacant seat.
Helen R. Grubb, AMCT
Effective September 1st
the weekly garbage
pickup will be Friday of
each week.
Blyth - Hullett Site
Committee in their
endeavours to improve
the efficiency of the
operation of the site have
determined the site will be
open only on Saturday of
each week for Blyth-
Hullett resident use from
9:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
The Site will not be open
on Friday for resident use.
The Council of the Village
of Blyth encourages
residents to use the
pickup service instead of
visiting the site.
Helen R. Grubb, AMCT
Tints $15.00
Shampoo & Set $5.00
Perms $25.00
Topform Foam Perms available at reg. price.
Back to school haircuts for kids $5.00
Grand Re-Opening
Old fashioned prices in a brand
new location!
*k84-40ivie N'i t.iNk.,040,„.e A *4"‘4^y
Coffee &
Donuts ifi;
This special in effect from August 18 - August 31,
so book your appointments for back to school today.
'the Mane Choice
in hairstyling
Linda UyI
131 North Street,
Blyth 523-4719
Wheelchair ...; Treats for
Accessible t the Kids 117-
Area youths return home
Blyth Brook Stream Rehabilitation
Day Planned In Blyth
48 Ontario Street
Phone: 482-3467
Oil Rig in Petrolia to celebrate Phil
and Linda Powers' 10th wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell
motored to the western prairies
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Johnson of London.
They visited with Alvin's brother,
Rev. and Mrs. Donald Snell of
Briton and other relatives. They
also saw the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Shannon,
Darryl, Corey, Nathan, and Devin
also motored to the western prairies
and visited with Rev, and Mrs.
Donald Snell and saw the
118 Main Street
Phone: 235-0640
Jason Lee, son of David and
Rosemarie Lee of Blyth, has
returned from a five week
exchange to Holland.
The exchange is sponsored by the
to complaints
Complaints from neighbours
prompted Blyth council to warn a
Drummond St. landowner that he
must clean up the property.
Property Standards Officer Paul
Josling told council at its Aug. 11
meeting that he feels the property is
in violation of the village's bylaw
regarding the maintenance of local
property. He said there were sever-
al items piled on the lot and weeds
about five feet in height.
The landowner, who was present,
told council that rocks and other
items had been left by landscapers
working on neighbouring proper-
ties after they had removed topsoil.
Reeve Dave Lee said that the vil-
lage hadn't caused the problem.
"It's your property, sir. We have no
control over who enters it, but we
have complaints and we must deal
Continued on page 6
Blyth Legion and the Lions Club.
Jason says he spent the first two
weeks in the northern part of the
Netherlands in a town of 2000 situ-
ated on a channel leading to the
North Sea.
This part of his stay was quite
relaxing, he says, as he spent a lot
of time sailing and fishing, the
main pastime and occupation in the
Jason also visited a large amuse-
ment park called Efling. "It was
very much like a Storybook Gar-
dens for adults," explains Jason.
The park featured depictions of
fairytales but there were no rides.
His next two weeks were spent
close to the German border in the
city of Roalte. With a population of
17,000, Jason says there were more
things to see and do. The family he
stayed with had excursions planned
for each day. In travelling through
the farm areas, Jason says it is very
much like Canada.
Jason says he enjoyed the final
week of his exchange the most. He
attended Green Yard Camp which
was held in an old castle. The castle
is part of a boarding school for the
children of diplomats through the
rest of the year.
The camp was for the 20 young
people involved in the Lions
exchange program. People from 12
different countries participated.
Jason says this was the most inter-
esting because he got to meet kids
from all over the world.
Jason says, "The exchange pro-
gram is a great experience and I
would recommend it to anyone. It
would be great to go again, maybe
to Spain. It would be nice to visit
the home countries of some of the
people I met at camp."
He would also like to return to
the Netherlands one day and says,"I
have at least two places I can stay."
Danielle McDougall also took
part in the exchange. She spent four
weeks in Finland.
Generous donation
Harm and Irene Thalen, right of Blyth present a cheque in the amount of $2,200 to Cheryl
deSlegle, chairperson of Child Find . The money was raised in recognition of the Thalen's son,
Rick, pictured, who was killed last winter in a car accident. Family and friends contributed at a
benefit dance in July.
The environmental rehabilitation of the Blyth Brook has been steadily
moving along at all four project sites. Almost 2 km of stream has had
habitat improvements in the form of reducing slit load, lowering summer
water temperatures, restricting livestock access, and Improving
Instream cover by adding rock for hiding cover for trout. The O.M.N.R.
from Wingham are planning a work day for the people within the Village
of Blyth to do some habitat Improvements In the Blyth Brook between
Highway #4 and the arch. The work day is scheduled for August 21
from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If you can volunteer to assist with this
project, please contact Kevin Coultes at 3574131 at work or at 523-4927
at home. This is your opportunity to do something worthwhile for
fisheries management In your "own backyards".
The Blyth Brook project Is lead by the Maitland Valley Anglers Inc. of
Goderich, and has a total of 13 partners. The others Include the Ontario
Ministry of Natural Resources, Maitland Valley Conservation Authority,
Nine Mile Steelheaders, Blyth Scout Troop, Blyth Village, Blyth Optimist
Club, Blyth Public School, Friends of the Environment, CIBA-GIEGY
Canada Ltd., Fish America Foundation, Landowners, and the
Environmental Partners Fund through Environment Canada.
All of these partners have contributed financial or volunteer support to
this very worthwhile project. The three-year project value is over