HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-07-14, Page 15Graduation
Kenneth James Axtmann,
son of Jim and Ruth
Axtmann of R.R. #4 Walton
graduated from McMaster
University, Hamilton with a
Bachelor of Engineering -
Electrical on June 4, 1993.
Ken received his elementary
education at Walton and
Seaforth Public School and
Central Huron Secondary
School, Clinton.
Congratulations from Mom
and Dad, brothers and
sisters, Grandma Eleanor
County Council briefs
Councillors share contract burden
In an attempt to share the burden,
county councillors voted, led by a
motion from Hullett Reeve Tom
Cunningham to make the July 8
meeting a half-day session.
This would amount in a savings
of $1,000.
Several other recommendations
for streamlining and reduction have
been looked at including an admis-
sion charge to the warden's ban-
Councillor Cunningham said that
while there are fuzzy areas in the
legislation of the social contract,
"we have to realize as councillors
that the staff will suffer. We have
to do what we can to show that
we're willing to share a portion of
the burden."
Upon a recommendation from
Continued from page 1
vote villages, would actually get
two votes because of the summer
residents who increase the electoral
This recommendation was first
presented to council in April and
due to a fairly large degree of
opposition it went back to the exec-
utive committee. The municipali-
ties were then approached for
comments on this option as well as
five others. All 26 municipalities
responded, but of the six options
there was none with majority sup-
port, councillors were told Thurs-
The most highly favoured, how-
ever, was that each of the 27 county
councillors have just one vote.
Warden Tom Tomes told coun-
cillors that despite this the commit-
tee felt the initial option was still
the best.
Zurich Reeve Bob Fischer
expressed his opposition to the rec-
ommendation, asking the commit-
tee what had "possessed" them to
the road committee, the county
endorsed a resolution from Grey
County requesting the premier and
the Treasurer of Ontario to develop
a municipal rebate or exemption
program for the new eight percent
on sand, gravel and earth in order
to avoid increase to property taxes.
A recommendation passed that
an application for an Environmen-
tal Assessment Act exemption for
the Grey #5 candidate landfill site
not be submitted.
Councillors voted for Stage 2C of
the Waste Management Master
Plan to continue to an upset limit of
$100,000 for the Ministry of Envi-
ronment and Energy's share of the
At the Dec. 14, meeting of the
committee, it was decided that
make the unpopular choice.
Turnberry Reeve Brian McBur-
ney said he still felt that the one
municipality, one vote system was
Bill Vanstone, reeve of Colborne,
told council that the committee had
looked at all the scenarios and felt
this was the best answer. Noting
that municipalites such as Colborne
would actually gain votes, while
Exeter and Stanley would lose, he
said it was a good system for mid-
dle tier municipalities. "It is repre-
sentation by population. It's the
best we (the committee) could
come up with."
Hullett Reeve Tom Cunningham
said, "I usually like to stay with a
committee, but I can not and will
not. I hoped I wouldn't see the day
when a councillor's importance in
this chamber came down to the size
of the municipality he represents."
Councillor McBumey said that if
committee vote is weighted in the
same manner, it could really slow
the process. "We could end up
going in circles forever," he said.
Stage 2C commence even though
the county has not been guaranteed
50 percent funding from MOEE.
This decision was made with the
proviso that the decision to contin-
ue be reviewed at each monthly
committee meeting until receipt of
funding approval from MOEE. The
Ministry has now granted an inter-
im increase to cover their share of
expenditures incurred to the end of
March 1993.
* * *
A recommendation passed that
the county, Stephen Twp. , the Tri-
Municipal Economic Development
Study Committee and the South
Huron Economic Development
Committee should continue to
work together towards an effective
resolution to the Centralia College
"Just like we are right now,"
countered Blyth Reeve Dave Lee,
who was acting chairperson for the
In a recorded vote the committee
recommendation was defeated.
Grey Twp. Reeve Leona Arm-
strong was the only local represen-
tative to vote in favour of the
option. She said, "I think it's impor-
tant to get through this before the
next election. When you look at the
whole picture it seems balanced."
In making a motion that council
consider the one municipality, one
vote option, Goderich Deputy-
Reeve Bill Clifford said, "I realize
this could go back in circles, but in
light of that I'm going to make the
motion." A second recorded vote
was taken; the result was a tie.
Prior to voting on a motion by
Councillor Fischer that the matter
be sent back to the executive com-
mittee, Lionel Wilder, reeve of Hay
Twp. said, "I have six properties.
Do I vote six times at Hay or do I
vote once? That's all I have to say."
Keep a bottle of drinking
water in your fridge instead
of running the tap until the
water gets cold. Be sure to
rinse it regularly.
The Seniors and Social Services
Committee reported that the wait-
ing list for Huronlea for persons
residing in the county is 46 and
outside the county 11 for a total of
The total waiting list at Huron-
veiw is 98.
Mr. Alfred Knight's application
for Huronlea was accepted.
* * *
Museum Curator Claus Breede
told council that with talks of the
social contract it became clear that
new revenue would need to be
By Bonnie Gropp
McKillop Reeve Marie Hicknell
told members of county council
Thursday, that she had been
approached by families of the
Huronview residents who were
"surprised by the increased rate at
the new homes".
Administrator Wayne Lester said
the increase was a provincial ruling
that came about July 1. Accommo-
dations are $38.37 per day. Howev-
er, Mr. Lester explained this can be
reduced. How much, though it can't
be lower than $26.51 is determined
by the GIS a person receives.
Mr. Lester said that all families
of Huronview residents received a
letter from the province, which was
mailed along with the monthly
billing and a letter of explanation.
Appointments could be made with
the admissions co-ordinator to see
if there was a chance for a reduc-
"The new aspect to this is that
assets are no longer a considera-
tion. It is strictly income. This has
gone province-wide."
raised at the museum. Therefore, as
of July 1, the admission rate were
increased from $2 to $3 for adults,
from $1.50 to $2 for children and
from $2 to $2.50 for students.
Admission at the Gaol has been
streamlined so that it is now in line
with the museum, Mr. Breede said.
This promised an increase in rev-
enue of $6,000 if started immedi-
ately as the busy tourist times at the
museum are July and August.
"There was a certain sense of
Oct. 14 is the opening of the Mil-
itary Exhibition at the museum.
Michael Chalmers, son of
Jim and Joan Chalmers of
Blyth recently earned the
designation of Certified
General Accountant. He and
his wife Kim will travel to
Ottawa for the com-
mencement ceremony.
Congratulations on your
achievement Mike, from your
wife and family
Photo By: Moonlighting Photography
Pete and Lenie Albers of
Bluevale are pleased to
announce the graduation of
their daughter Patricia from
the School of Design and
Visual Arts - Fine Art
Program at Georgian College
in Barrie.
Patricia was an honour roll
student three years In a row
and received various awards
and scholarships.
Congratulations Patricia
from Mom and Dad, Ann-
Marie, Marlene and Dean,
Peter, Paul and Chris.
Exec. Committee to try again
The next step
Morning Playschool class at Brussels finished another year with a picnic at the park. With
teachers Tara Pipe, left and Barb Mutter are, back row, from left: Pam Cousins, Michelle
Cousins, Carter Cloakey, Evan Befurt, Nathan Prior, Christopher Yutzi, Kyle Lorimer, Stacey
Smith. Front: Christopher Corbett, Marty Gates, Adam Corbett, Alyssia Gowing and Claire
Mastnak. Missing were: Trevor McArter and Lauren Spink.