HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-06-23, Page 24AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES CARD OF THANKS A A A C \%.:V.IM=A1.8?-:•MCMMVXZW.•===laMr=i"ilWOM.tiiee .. A CLEARING AUCTION SALE of household effects and property for MRS. MARY PEDDLE 570 Hamilton St. Lucknow, Ont. on FRIDAY EVENING 5:30 P.M. JUNE 25, 1993 Property consists of: 1 1/2 storey frame house/carport, kitchen, 2 bedrooms upstairs and 1 downstairs, living room, full bath. All new windows, town sewers, town water. Terms 10% down day of sale, balance In 30 days. Preview day of sale after 12 p.m. For information contact Stan Horsburgh 357-2751 New Kirby vacuum gleaner, chesterbed and chair, maple dining room table /8 chairs, fridge, bed and mattress, chest of drawers, 2 full sets of dishes and odd dishes, lamps, patio table/2 chairs, colored t.vJramote control, end tables, washer & dryer, stove, twin beds & mattress, bookcase, some antique dishes, lawn furniture, garden tools, step stool and other articles too numerous to mention, 2 saddles (1 pony saddle) like new. TERMS: Cash day of sale or cheque with proper I.D. Auctioneer or owner not responsible for accidents or loss of purchase day of sale. Any announcements day of sale take precedence over written advertising. G.S.T. & P.S.T. will be in effect where applicable. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: STAN HORSBURGH 357-2751 AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL 357-2349 AUCTION SALE to be held for ROBERT (BOB) JEWELL go 2 miles west of BenmIller on paved county road. WEDNESDAY JUNE 30 AT 6 P.M. MF 1085 diesel run 2800 hrs (super clean), Case 430 gas power steering and hyd bucket loader, 1500 hrs, Ski Doo, upright H.D. wood splitter, Triple OK 4 furrow plow, Overun 3 furrow plow, IH 45 14 ft. cultivator, Kewannee 11 ft. disc, JF 11 ft. cultivator, NH 28 H. elevator, NI 201 manure spreader (good one), 2 - 16 ft. flat racks on wagons, Ni hay conditioner, 180 bu. gravity box on 6 ton wagon, 5 ft. rotary cutter, IH 46 baler, IH 15 run drill on steel, 3 pt hitch sprayer, post hole digger, 3 pt hitch fertilizer spreader, Ni trail mower, 3 drum roller, 7 ft. blade, 6 section Allied diamond harrows and pole, walking plow, 30 steel posts, used barb wire, cedar rails, 32 - 12 x 30 cement silo slabs, 4 inch clay tile, Stihl chain saw, 5" x 16 auger, 4 x 16 ft. auger, 75 ft. drive belt, 1 hp electric motor, 44 ft. extension ladder, a few household effects. Terms: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Owner Robert Jewell 524-6376 WEDNESDAY JUNE 23 6:00 P.M. Household auction for Jean & Gerald Reid at Richard Lobb Auction Building in Clinton. ESTATE AUCTION SALE Tools, toys, furniture, etc. to be held at 197 Hamilton Street, Blyth (Irvin Bowes Residence) FOR THE ESTATE OF RUSSELL WILSON TUESDAY JUNE 29 AT 5:30 P.M. Household: Parlour table, library table, antique desk organizer, bridge lamp, 2 miniature fridges, 14 inch colour TV, apartment size freezer, B & W 10" TV, 4 TV stands, electric heater, 2 pair of new drapes, 3 pocket watches, card table and 2 chairs, electric razor, 2 lawn chairs, wood chest tool box, wooden bed, 2 antique blanket boxes, wood barrel bottom, hand turn wringer, 2 oil lamps, crokinole board, dresser with mirror, old wooden stool, 2 picnic coolers, lawn chairs, step stool, 2 wagon lamps, chesterfield, upholstered chair, croquet set, kerosene heater, small picnic table, mirror, clock, 2 canes, match holder, New Huron and Perth County Atlases, New Wilderness to Wawanosh history book, horse book, 6 lanterns, whole oil lantern, aluminum step ladder. Toys: 4 John Deere tractor, 6 furrow JD plow, Case tractor, steam engine, threshing machine, Case water wagon, 2 wagons and trailer, 2 trucks. Tools: Electric chain saw, B & D 1/2" electric drill, Skil 3/8 cordless drill, B & D 3/8 cordless reversible drill, 2 jig saws, vibrating sander, 2 B & D skill saws, 2 hay knives, 3 electric motors, 10 hand saws, 22 C clamps 4" to 10 ", 3 wooden planes, 3 new pails, 11 pipe wrenches, extension cords, 6 wrecking bars, 3 bolt cutters, buck saw, 2 draw knives, hack saws, 3 vises, chains, 2 chain tighteners, cant hook, 2 sledge hammers, 3 levels, tin snips, horse shoes, axes and hatchets, threaded rod, sliding pipe clamps, 2 wheel trailers, steel wheel wagon, neck yokes and whiffle trees, steel wheel wagon, 2 diamond harrows, Note: In case of heavy rain auction will be moved to Blyth arena. Terms: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Lunch Booth Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton couNiriTi t„---AUCTIO- SEITVICES UNRESERVED TOOL & EQUIPMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, JUNE 26th, 10:00 A.M. Preview 8:00 A.M. Sale Day At Bill's Auto Sales Main Corner, Downtown Walton (Intersection of Huron County Roads 12 & 25) TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: including $2,000 paint booth exhaust fan with duct work, "Snap-On" A.V.R. analyzer, jack-stands, cherry-picker, transmis- sion jack, pressure washer, "Webster" 5 H P. compressor, wheel-balancer, "Aircomatic" mig welder, work bench- es, bench grinder, sand-blaster, "Coates" RC5A tire changer, "Kingston" air axle jack, 2 torch sets, floor jacks, "Acu-Lift" 5 ton electric car hoist, "Drum Dokter" brake recondition- er, "Kwik Way" rotor turner, various paint guns, air hose, socket sets, 16 speed drill press, cross-slide vice, 4 ton porta-power, "Mitchell" auto manu- als, "floppy" headlight aimer, plus hand and power tools too numerous to mention19.2mint. certified Monte Carlo, 1987 Firebird, 1988 Buick LcSabre, 1986 Topaz, 18 H.P. International Diesel riding lawn mower with blower and dump trailer, Lawnboy push mower, 1983 Kawasaki 1100 LTD, 1979 17' Grew 140 H P 1/0 boat and trailer, 6' P.T.O. snowblower, lubricants, fluids, plus hundreds of other unlisted useful handyman articles. TERMS: Cash or cheque (Visa and Mastercard with 3% premium), Announcements or corrections made verbally day of safe. Auctioneers - Reg Bradley - 345-2564 - Art Larivee - 345-2426 PAGE 24. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1993. CLINTON ONE AND TWO BED- room apartments available immediately includes fridge, stove, heat, hydro, cable T.V., parking and laundry facilities. Nice large apartments. Reasonable rent. For more information call 482-9371. 25-tfn ROOM FOR RENT, USE OF house, $175 a month plus utilities. Phone 887-9503. 25-lp VERY WELL KEPT TWO BED- room apartment in quiet apartment building in Belgrave. Fridge and stove included. No pets. Tenant pays utilities. Ideal for mature person or couple. Available July 1. Rent $346. Phone 357-2433 after 6:00 p.m. 24-tfn CLINTON — ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, available immediately, includes fridge, stove, heat, hydro, cable tv, parking and laundry facilities. Nice large apart- ments, reasonable rent. For more information call 482-9371. 23-tfn FOR RENT — THREE BEDROOM house on paved road near Brussels. Phone 887-6425. 23-3p HOUSE FOR RENT: LARGE three bedroom in Blyth, $525/month. Available July 1. Phone 887-9007 and leave message. 21-tfn ARTICLES FOR SALE 14 FT. FIBREGLASS CANOE, $290. Phone 482-7675. 24-3 MIXED GRAIN FOR SALE. Call 887-6605. 25-1 4 ROW CORN SCUFFLER — $800. Phone 523-9277 or 523-9139. 24-2p 25,000 B.T.0 , 220 VOLT AIR conditioner, will cool an entire house, $175.00, 523-9696. 25-1p ROASTING CHICKENS AVAIL- able June 29. Delivered free Blyth-Brussels area. $1.35/lb. 887-6098. 24-2p HEAVY DUTY RIDING CASE 220 lawn tractor, 10 h.p., completely reconditioned. Snow - blower available. Phone 887-6943. 24-2 RAINBOW TROUT — POND stockers, $1.50 each; freshly cleaned, 6 for $10; or fish your own at 30 cents an inch. 3 concessions north, 3 side roads west of Blyth. David Hedley, 357-2329. tin PERENNIALS, GERANIUMS AND Box plants. Leo and Corry Sanders, one road south of Belgrave, then east two miles on County Rd. 16. Phone 887-6306. 19-7p pVl -brio-424g-6oat B BIRTHS HUNTER/CAMERON. John and Christa of Toronto proudly announce the birth of their son, Cameron Alexander born June 14, 1993 at 5:23 p.m. weighing 6 lbs. 11 oz. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray Cameron of Willowdale and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hunter of Don Mills and great- grandchild for Verne and Charlie Dakin and godson of Don and Lenore Scrimgeour of Blyth. 25-1 PFEIFER. Ken and Alice Pfeifer of RR 2, Monkton are pleased to announce the quick and safe arrival of their daughter, Jennifer Dianne Frances. She was born at Listowel Memorial Hospital on June 8, 1993 at 1:24 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. Little sister to Jeff, Steven, Jamie and Nicole. Granddaughter to Iva Barlow of RR 2, Monkton and Fenna Blok of Auburn. Great- granddaughter to Lena Speiran of Brussels and Mary Pfeifer of Mitchell Nursing Home. 25-1 B BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INTERESTED IN TAKING PART in a Farmers' Market in Blyth? A pilot project may be held in August if there is enough interest. Contact Peter Smith 523-4345 or Keith Roulston 523-4792 (days), 523-9636 evenings. 22-4 DUNBAR. Thank you to all who organized, attended and contributed to my community shower. I was overwhelmed by the generosity and warm friendliness of the ladies of my home area. Thanks again — Becky Dunbar. 25- 1p ELSTON. I would like to thank my family, neighbours and friends for all the work done at home, the visits, cards and prayers while I was a patient in hospital. Thanks also goes to Dr. McGregor, the nurses, student nurses and staff of second floor and the physio department of Wingham Hospital for making my stay there comfortable. I am also grateful to Drs. Barr and Sanjpaul and nurses of 8th floor east, Victoria Hospital for their care. Special thanks goes to the grandmas, grandpas, Marg and Keith for the love and care given Emily and Leanne. All the kindness and love given to me and my family during my hospital- zation has been a great help and very much appreciated now that I'm home and will be remembered always. — Keith Elston. 25-1 ENGEL. I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the beautiful cards, visits, gifts and flowers I received re my 97th birthday. I thank you all very much. — Jessie Engel. 25-1 FISCHER. I'd like to thank family, friends, and neighbours for their gifts, cards, best wishes and great fun in celebrating my surprise birthday party. Special thanks to Murray and children and to all who helped in any way to get it all together and the clean up after. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. — Marlene Fischer. 25-1 HANNA. The family of Raymond Hanna wishes to thank all the relatives, neighbours and friends for their expression of sympathy. A special thank you to Drs. Hay, Flowers and staff of the Clinton Hospital for the compassionate care that Ray received during his illnesses. We also thank Rev. Orilla and Rev. Garth Bogart and the Donnybrook U.C.W. for their kindness and support. — The Hanna Family. 25- 1p JOHNSTON/HOY. We would like to thank everyone who came to our buck and doe. We would also like to thank the wedding party and everyone else who helped to organize our party. — Jacqueline and Terry. 25-1 McCALL. A very sincere thank you to all our friends, neighbours and family who helped make our 50th wedding anniversary such a happy occasion. Thanks to each and all for your "best wishes" expressed in cards, letters, gifts, and your presence at our party. A special thank you to our family and friends for all their help. It all made our party such a memorable occasion. — Bruce and Doris. 25-1 Don't over water lawns. Water only every three to five days when needed.