HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-06-16, Page 11Graduation AM NOLAN On June 4, 1993 Pam Nolan graduated from the University of Guelph. Pam received an Honours Bachelor of Applied Science Degree In Child Studies. Pam Is the daughter of Don and Pat Nolan of Walton. Congratulations Pam from Dad, Mom & Boys. PRO - Model 175 32 cc straight shaft trimmer Reg. $259. ON SALE Model 112 21 cc curved Shaft trimmer Reg '149. ON SALE s129r Help the Belgrave Kinsmen Pay the debt on the Arena oaoce Ntevo°°:00, 0,,ert2P - tOts "Prize Bee rats s arciens "This little piggy went to market" • Pig weigh in contest 12:00 - 7:00 p.m. • Pork Bingo 2:00 p.m. • Pig calling contest - all ages • Greasy pig contest - ages 6 - 16 • Dance to Crippled Duck - Silver collection Saturday July 19, 1993 SPEND A FUN DAY IN BELGRAVE WINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL CORPORATION Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Wingham and District Hospital Corporation will be held in the Nursing Assistants' Training Centre, Catherine St., Wingham, Ontario on Thursday, June 17, 1993 at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. for the revision of bylaws: for the election of Governors; for the appointment of Auditors; and for the transaction of such other things as may properly come before the meeting. Copies of the Annual Report and Hospital Financial Statements may be obtained at the front desk of the Wingham and District Hospital prior to three o'clock p.m., Thursday, June 17, 1993. Said documents will also be available at the Annual Meeting. Memberships granting voting privileges may be purchased at the front desk of the hospital for five dollars ($5.00) prior to five o'clock p.m., Wednesday, June 2, 1993. No membership sold, after that time, on that date, will entitle the purchaser to a vote. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this sixth day of May, 1993. By order of the Board of Governors. L. Koch, Secretary THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1993. PAGE 11. WltThe news. from a on Duff's Church celebrates spring Compiled by Pat1yBanks Phone 887-6860 Grey council to get new lights for 3 hamlets Grey Township council held its regular meeting on June 7 and accepted the tender of R. Farrish Const. Ltd. for the road reconstruction of Conc. 5-6, Lots 15-20, 23-25. The Farrish tender amounting to $33,512.40 was the lowest of seven tenders received. Construction is expected to commence in July and residents in the area are urged to exercise caution during construction. Council passed a by-law to stop up, close and sell part of Sideroad 30-31, Conc. 9 to the abutting landowners, Ben and Hennie Terpstra. Council also passed a by-law to enter into an agreement with Ontario Hydro to replace the streetlights in the hamlets of Cranbrook, Walton and Molesworth. The existing lights will be replaced with energy efficient high pressure sodium lights and Ontario Hydro will contribute 25 per cent towards the capital costs. Council reviewed a letter from It was a valiant effort when the Brussels Bantam Girls hosted Lis- towel June 7, but despite some solid pitching by Shannon Conley A T1 fl inning, the visitors came away with a the Ministry of Transportation which informed council that a $50,000 supplementary allocation had been made to Grey for the purchase of a new tandem dump truck. McKillop township has received a similar allocation and council authorized the road superintendent to call tenders for a new truck with McKillop Township. Council authorized a grant of $100 to the Huron Plowmen's Association for 1993. Council also endorsed the position of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority with respect to its opposition to funding cuts and the elimination of the conservation lands tax rebate by the province. In other business council approved for payment general accounts totalling $304,367.39, drain accounts totalling $2,372.30 and road accounts totalling $90,087.95. The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for June 21 at 7 p.m. 12-7 victory. Listowel scored consistently in all off the six innings, but one while Brussels were shut out on five. The next home game is July 12 at 7 p.m. Come out to cheer the home team on. Leona and Kim McDonald greeted at Duff s United Church on this 'Celebration of Spring' Sunday, June 13. It is also known as 'Bird and Flower Sunday'. The church was decorated with all kinds of flowers and plants, ceramic animals and several cages of birds that joined in the singing. The Sunday School children delighted the congregation with their two songs, "If I were a Butterfly" and "God Made Flowers". Gloria Wilbee shared her gift of music by singing "I Believe". Rev. Banks told the children the parable of the sower. They learned that they are to be like the seeds that fell onto fertile soil and also to The Ideal Father: The father of five children had won a toy at a raffle. He called his kids together to ask which one should have the present. "Who is the most obedient?" he Reunion Excitement builds as the July 3 and 4 date of the Clinton School Reunion draws near. Over 2,000 former students and teachers have already returned their registration applications. Besides the many local and Ontario residents, applications have been received from nearly every province in Canada, many from the USA, and even from Australia and Britain. All applications must be received by June 15 so the committee will have time to prepare the registra- tion packets, etc. These packets can be picked up on Friday, July 2 at Central Huron Secondary School between 6 and 9 p.m., and again on Saturday morning, July 3. The doors will open at 8:30 a.m. The committee is emphasizing that all those eligible to attend must mail in their applications with the $15 registration fee immediately if 411ey•bave tut already done so. sow the seeds of God's love into other people. The children from Walton Public School were guests led by Ms Talbot and accompanied on piano by Louise Wilson they sang "Signs of Hope," "Love Blows Everywhere" and "The Garden Story." Rev. Bank's sermon was titled "Are There Dandelions in the Bible?" The answer to that question is, dandelions are not mentioned in the Bible but as he gave a Biblical garden tour of the Bible it was discovered that over 10 plant species are mentioned. It was interesting to note that 'manna' in the Exodus story means 'Heaven hit of the day and also the month- old baby elephant. Baseball for June 16, ladies slowpitch, 7:00, Walton versus Brussels; June 17, 9:00, Midgets, Walton versus Midgets; June 22, 9:00, men's slowpitch; June 23, 7 & 9, ladies' slowpitch. asked. "Who never talks back to mother? Who does everything she says?" Five small voices answered in unison, "You play with it Daddy!" Happy Father's Day. Bread' and has been identified as a kind of lichen, a substance exuded from tamarack trees, or as the excrement of certain insects that dwell in tamarack trees. The service ended with the singing of 'For the Beauty of the Earth' and then everyone was invited downstairs for lunch. Next Sunday is the Father's Day smorgasbord supper at Duff's United. Plus Free Oil Mix Bottle While Supplies Last GLEN SAWS RR 3 Clinton Bus. 4829292 Home 233-3175 Plenty of reading ahead This young man was caught checking out the goods at the Blyth book Sale. The sale was held by the Blyth centre for the Arts. Many patrons were seen leaving with boxes of books to relax with on a warm summer weekend. Brussels Bantams lose McQuillins hold reunion Some 40 people from Marie the Lions Safari near Cambridge. McGavin's mother's side of the As always the monkeys were the family, the McQuillins, had a family get-together at the McGavin home June 12. People came from Oshawa, Toronto, Kitchener, Windsor and surrounding area. On Friday, June 11, Walton Public School kids, teachers, and parent volunteers spent the day at Thought for Father's Day •